How about trading parts?



Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hamburg / Germany
My questions may seem funny or misunderstanded, but I hope someone could answer...

As you can see I'm not american, living in Germany.

I'm here in a lot of forums, especially for japanese cars and oldtimers.

Now, since I'm here, I get a little bit irritated...

I realized at when I started ordering parts in US two years ago - I often mailed a company for further informations, and what happened? Nothing - no answer... So I mailed twicr, tripple, and - nothing. So I get up from bed at 2.30 am to telephonate to US - and spend a lot money for getting some answers, that could have been mailed in a few minutes...

Same with shippings, if I bought things at ebay. In the auction stands "delivery 1 day after payment", I paid via PayPal, and after 10 days I've to call up and beg for shipping... Instead of (paid) expensive fast shipping delivery via slow USPS standart...

Is it "normal"?

Maybe I'm spoiled, but even if I buy things in Italy or Spain, contact and delivery are much more friendly and faster...

In forums we use to answer pm's as fast as possible. That means: We read, and if we can't answer directly we answer when we will know more...

In two weeks I read some threats about people, who traded with forum members and didn't got their parts - does it means I have to be very carefully?

May it be I'm from another planet?

Or is it normal - then I have to apologize...
big&bad Sorry about the problems you are having.
I am from Canada and have bought 5 items from 5 members on here
and every thing was fine. I also order stuff from Classic Industries in
the USA and that was fine, also fast shipping.
Never order stuff ebay yet.
What you read in the bad sale from a member is very very small deal.
If you order from a member, check there history and how long they have
been on this site. Some people sign up to this site just to sell something
then you never here from them again (I think that is wrong).
And Welcome to Fabo!
there are a few bad apples everywhere but I have dealt with many here and have had no issue
Big&Bad,we have a buyers rating over by the Avatar.With 27,000 members worldwide,there,s surely gonna be a few bad apples in the bunch(sad to say).Lots of members here willing to help with finding parts,selling,shipping.When starting a thread,be clear what you want,where you are located,also shipping is a must.When buying parts,check how long the member has been on FABO(date joined),you can also start a thread asking if anybody has dealt with that member and how the deal went.As I said,we have some of the best techs and helpful people here.Don,t be discouraged.:D
@monook: classic industries is just such an example - I ordered 5 weeks ago some parts, all should be in stock... I paid via paypal and waited.

After 1 week I looked at my account - everything ( 8 positions ! ) where at backorder. I wrote two emails, but no answer...

I called them, and he said that the producer of one position would be in backorder. So I pleased, to ship the other 7 positions to my forwarder. He agreed, but up to now nothing has been sent... But my money was taken, of course. So they work with my money, that's what I would like to do, too.

Every mail I've to send twice - allways I'm told it will be within the next days shipped...

37 days?
As far as dealing with businesses in the US I think the problem may be there are restrictions and limitations to selling/shipping outside of the country. There are many more hoops to jump through to get something shipped out of the country. Then there is a fear that there is no US jurisdiction outside of the US. If you buy something from a US seller and your payment turns out to be fraudulant they lose and there is nothing they can do to prosecute you. You may be a great upstanding person but if you buy something from me, I'm not shipping it to you until I know for certain I have your money. As far as answering questions from email, many of the spam emails that show up in our In Boxes originate from overseas and aren't legitamite. They are scams. When you call, you are now a real person, not a scam.
As for your end of the deal-I wish you luck. I have been screwed a few times by ripoff artists in my own backyard. I could hunt them down and break their kneecaps if I wanted, but I don't. They could really screw you over pretty good and there is little you would be able to do unless you are willing to make the trip over here.
FWIW, there is a member on another forum from Venezuala that goes through the same problem so it's not just you.
Most of the people here are mopar lovers/owners and are stand up individuals that stand behind their word. Some people just come here to sell parts. I have never sold out of the country, but have bought outside of the usa and haven't had any problems. Good luck.
I have a friend in Vienna that when he needs something I order it for him.
He sends me the money for the part and the shipping then I buy the parts and send then to him.
This way we have US recourse if the deal goes bad.
That's why I do everything to accelerate... I work with a forwarder in Texas, so it's only shipping lower 48. I went to my bank and added on my credit card the US-address. I pay only via PayPal or credit card, so the payment will be safe.

If I offer something in Germany as " in stock" and don't ship within 3 days, shipment has to be paid by seller. If to many customers will report problems, officials will close the shop...

It's not only CI - even at I allways get problems in US. Malaysia, Japan, Australia, EU, no problems. I sometimes feel screwed...

Problem: if I pay with PayPal I've 45 days for reklamation - but meanwhile some orders run for 40 days between ordering in US and delivery - without different forwarder. I lost some hundreds of dollars because of this...

But I feel better to hear that trading in the forum will be safe for normally...