How Do You Store Zip Ties?

Finally, someone else understands what the "whiskey compartment" is actually for.

I keep my zip ties in a powdered mustard tin (see below).

Speaking of whiskey...occasionally you find fifths sold in tins. They are nearly the perfect size for zip tie storage, and they're wide enough to get your hand in, but not too wide where the ties go all diagonal.
Another solution using the container they come in. Take lid off screw it to the ceiling and put the jug back on. Usually within reach of the duct tape. 1500 is more than you should need to facilitate a roadside/pit repair.

zip ties.jpg
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Open zipper.

Insert zip ties.

Close zipper.

If any discomfort is felt, adjust accordingly.
the same way you store your duct tape.
I would recommend A small toolbox welded/bolted here or there on the trailer. Very handy for storing sometimes necessary road items.

Of course, I keep in the back of my truck every thing I may ever need on the road, including emergency medical and sanitation supplies, extra clothes, 3 days emergency food pack for 3 peoples (with fire cubes and stove stand), weapons, etc etc etc...

Since my truck is usually attached to my trailer, I just keep them in there...

It does get a bit crowded back there tho, so a small trailer box is handy...
Getting a little too serious in here. This is a comedy thread, remember?

Look back on page one, post #12. The OP is towing his car trailer with an RV.....