How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?

Correct!! I am happy that it was a liberal folly because if any conservative was on board they would have owned the complete debacle!!!!
The way I see it, health insurance premiums should be based on assumed risk just like any other type of insurance. If you're old, fat, and in terrible shape, you should pay more. If you're 25 and healthy, you should pay minimal. It should be optional as well. If you don't have insurance and need a costly procedure, well you're SOL... That's the risk you assume by not having insurance.
The way I see it, health insurance premiums should be based on assumed risk just like any other type of insurance. If you're old, fat, and in terrible shape, you should pay more. If you're 25 and healthy, you should pay minimal. It should be optional as well. If you don't have insurance and need a costly procedure, well you're SOL... That's the risk you assume by not having insurance.
Yep- personal responsibility!!!! But that is not the liberal agenda!!! They have found that it is easier to legislate money from another's pocket by votes than to use a gun to rob you. And it is "legal"!!!! I would love to have my old policy back and in the process maybe a few less liberals!!!!
That's where the problem lies(one of them). When a person defaults on his half million dollar hospital bill or declares bankruptcy, the cost absorbed by the patient who has insurance and can pay their bill. The cost is passed on to you and I in the form of increased premiums whether we go to the Doctor or not. The largest group of people to default was the 26 and under crowd that thought they were invincible. They haven't the earning power, or the insurance at that point. Most opted out of the insurance in lieu of the few extra bucks in their paycheck. This was the premise for allowing parents to keep kids on their policy until the age of 26. This was also the premise behind the public mandate.
The root of the problem was overlooked. The six digit hospital bills. I personally know a few people who's bills come to more more than they'll make in their lifetime. Had it not been for the ACA eliminating the lifetime maximum, many people would be dead due to their insurance dropping them. Sure they can get symptoms treated at the emergency room, but their inability to pay will put the burden on you and I. Again, whether we use the services or not. We're in quite the quagmire here. We need to eliminate insurance, but we can't tell millions of shareholders that their stocks are now worthless. You see, our health should have never been traded on Wall Street in the first place.
That's where the problem lies(one of them). When a person defaults on his half million dollar hospital bill or declares bankruptcy, the cost absorbed by the patient who has insurance and can pay their bill. The cost is passed on to you and I in the form of increased premiums whether we go to the Doctor or not. The largest group of people to default was the 26 and under crowd that thought they were invincible. They haven't the earning power, or the insurance at that point. Most opted out of the insurance in lieu of the few extra bucks in their paycheck. This was the premise for allowing parents to keep kids on their policy until the age of 26. This was also the premise behind the public mandate.
The root of the problem was overlooked. The six digit hospital bills. I personally know a few people who's bills come to more more than they'll make in their lifetime. Had it not been for the ACA eliminating the lifetime maximum, many people would be dead due to their insurance dropping them. Sure they can get symptoms treated at the emergency room, but their inability to pay will put the burden on you and I. Again, whether we use the services or not. We're in quite the quagmire here. We need to eliminate insurance, but we can't tell millions of shareholders that their stocks are now worthless. You see, our health should have never been traded on Wall Street in the first place.
It comes down to this ,this simply:... Why should I be held accountable,for other people's mistakes...? That's government getting into people's lives (yet again, your thoughts...sigh...) ,effecting b.s.they cannot manage....
The way I see it, health insurance premiums should be based on assumed risk just like any other type of insurance. If you're old, fat, and in terrible shape, you should pay more. If you're 25 and healthy, you should pay minimal. It should be optional as well. If you don't have insurance and need a costly procedure, well you're SOL... That's the risk you assume by not having insurance.

Well, I know health oriented folks that have come up with cancer. Imagine if they didn't have coverage having to fork over 15K for a (one) chemo treatment. Many are not "old, fat, and in terrible shape" either. Statistics are likely lower for those folks for certain types of cancer I'd guess, but they are not imune. How did your bank account look at 25?

Fact is, no one knows what they are walking around with unless they are being continually screened or when the affliction becomes evident, even if you are 25.
That's where the problem lies(one of them). When a person defaults on his half million dollar hospital bill or declares bankruptcy, the cost absorbed by the patient who has insurance and can pay their bill. The cost is passed on to you and I in the form of increased premiums whether we go to the Doctor or not. The largest group of people to default was the 26 and under crowd that thought they were invincible. They haven't the earning power, or the insurance at that point. Most opted out of the insurance in lieu of the few extra bucks in their paycheck. This was the premise for allowing parents to keep kids on their policy until the age of 26. This was also the premise behind the public mandate.
The root of the problem was overlooked. The six digit hospital bills. I personally know a few people who's bills come to more more than they'll make in their lifetime. Had it not been for the ACA eliminating the lifetime maximum, many people would be dead due to their insurance dropping them. Sure they can get symptoms treated at the emergency room, but their inability to pay will put the burden on you and I. Again, whether we use the services or not. We're in quite the quagmire here. We need to eliminate insurance, but we can't tell millions of shareholders that their stocks are now worthless. You see, our health should have never been traded on Wall Street in the first place.
BULL POOP!!! The problem is as always-personal responsibility!!! City hospital of St Louis went OUT because of all your entitled not paying their bill! You and yours want socialism you feel that because you were born you are"entitled" to all that others have. You have learned nothing and as long as liberals buy votes with tax money this monster will continue to grow!
Well, I know health oriented folks that have come up with cancer. Imagine if they didn't have coverage having to fork over 15K for a (one) chemo treatment. Many are not "old, fat, and in terrible shape" either. Statistics are likely lower for those folks for certain types of cancer I'd guess, but they are not imune. How did your bank account look at 25?

Fact is, no one knows what they are walking around with unless they are being continually screened or when the affliction becomes evident, even if you are 25.

"old, fat, and terrible shape" was simply an example. No one can predict with 100% certainty who will need health services. It's all about probability and risk. Even cancer risk can be approximated. I shouldn't be paying the same for health insurance as someone who's a chain smoker, all else being equal.

How does car insurance work? I moved to a different county and my car insurance premiums changed. Why? The insurance company determined there was a lower risk for needing their services.

My bank account was minimal at 25, but ya know what? I had great health insurance.
"old, fat, and terrible shape" was simply an example. No one can predict with 100% certainty who will need health services. It's all about probability and risk. Even cancer risk can be approximated. I shouldn't be paying the same for health insurance as someone who's a chain smoker, all else being equal.

How does car insurance work? I moved to a different county and my car insurance premiums changed. Why? The insurance company determined there was a lower risk for needing their services.

My bank account was minimal at 25, but ya know what? I had great health insurance.
Yep-the key word is"had"!!! I also had great insurance before this socialistic program was shoved in!!
My policy was cancelled because I had no maternity provisions outlined by "obamacare". Now I have maternity provisions at a cost of over twice the premium! Now should I ever become pregnant I will be covered. Which should that ever happen I believe it would be a medical marvel
just went through my 2017 open enrollment forms.. looks like mine is going up $5.79 a week.. looks like deductibles are the same and so are the co-pays. we have pretty damn good medical insurance. i can live with that. the march raise will more then cover the $300 a year increase.. hell one good day of easy overtime will too..:)
It's that time again!
Another 25% increase this year. Got to pay the freight for the ******* freeloaders enjoying my retirement. It's what I worked my *** off all my life for.
The way I see it, health insurance premiums should be based on assumed risk just like any other type of insurance. If you're old, fat, and in terrible shape, you should pay more. If you're 25 and healthy, you should pay minimal.

The point of insurance, by in large, is to spread the cost around. Much of what insurance pays for is unintended.

  • My grandmother never smoked, was otherwise healthy, exercised, was not overweight - and still got cancer.
  • A friend of mine, 53 years old, former police chief, softball player, never smoked, in great shape - has cancer.
  • My brother's wife, 35, healthy, doesn't smoke, chases after 3 young boys so in good shape - has cancer.
  • Another friend of mine, 350lbs, in his 50's, smokes, drinks, eats garbage food constantly and thinks exercise is a four letter word.. Never had a hospital stay or significant illness.
By your suggestion, none of these people would be paying insurance rates to commensurate the payouts for their treatment.

It should be optional as well. If you don't have insurance and need a costly procedure, well you're SOL... That's the risk you assume by not having insurance.

Is that really the kind of country we want to have? If your not able to afford health insurance, your just screwed?

What if you have a child born with a disease and cant afford the increase in rates? Just toss the kid in the garbage?
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Our premiums at work have doubled since I was hired three years ago.

Calling it the Affordable Care Act just makes it hurt worse. Salt in a wound I cannot afford the deductible to treat.

I soooo saw this coming years ago.
Any time you make a product or service mandatory by law this is what can be expected.

Ditto. Government required without government regulation will NEVER work.
By your suggestion, none of these people would be paying insurance rates to commensurate the payouts for their treatment.
To all, I do apologize for the adjective used in my "rant" but I'm feeling continually squeezed by this insurance around here. BCBS is it as far as options. And it's not that I don't care for others but I think charity begins at home. Right now it's real issue.
Just did my open enrollment. Dectuctable went up some but still excellent coverage.
Are you retired?
Are you paying for your plan and two others in the family?
To all, I do apologize for the adjective used in my "rant" but I'm feeling continually squeezed by this insurance around here. BCBS is it as far as options. And it's not that I don't care for others but I think charity begins at home. Right now it's real issue.

Same for me - but, IMO, the alternative is worse. Getting sick and not being able to get appropriate medical care.
Here in Mexico it is a very simple, comprehensive system. Those who don't have a health care plan through government employment or private employment ALL fit into one government sponsored plan (me!). Yearly premiums are supposed to be based on a sliding scale. The premiums range from about $1,000 a year (for highest income bracket) to free (for those in lowest four brackets).

Last year, when i went to report social security income, the office worker told me not to worry about it, so my plan is still free. Everything is basically included at no charge-office visits, lab analysis, medication, hospitalization, dental. No forms to fill out, nothing to sign except the first day you report to inscribe in the program called "Seguro Popular" (no insurance companies involved and nothing to chose from).

When I go to the local clinic, I receive a number (distributed in order of those who arrive first) and wait maybe an hour or less. I have waited a lot longer than that in the USA WITH appointments. Anyway, I am pleased with the system and quality of care (I worked in a California health clinic for Placer County for four years, so I think I know what I am talking about).

I see the "system" in the USA so backward/confusing/wasteful/frustrating/expensive/inefficient, especially when "third world" countries like Cuba and Mexico have it all worked out. You poor guys are working with quite a mess!