Hows your weather ?

33 right now but the warming trend starts today and we should get back to normal.
The same here homecloned, We broke the all time low temp's in the last few days and we had more rain ever recorded on record this year.
We are suppose to get back up to our normal temp's tomorrow 45 F.
today's highs 37 F. and sunny :cheers:
The same here homecloned, We broke the all time low temp's in the last few days and we had more rain ever recorded on record this year.
We are suppose to get back up to our normal temp's tomorrow 45 F.
today's highs 37 F. and sunny :cheers:

37 is a little cool for me memike.8) We are projected at 63 today.:cheers:

We have had 9 straight days under 60 and set records from back in the 1800's when they first started keeping records. We should hit 73 by Thursday.
Then from the strawberry farmers running thier sprinklers at night has cause major sink holes in Plant City.
That is whats known as haze,or high clouds.The air is beautiful right now. If you look closely you can see the Channel Islands 25 miles away.

Washington....Rain,Rain,Rain,Rain,Rain.......Sounds like fun. :puke:
weapons bans, the picture is of one of the many that are illegal in Ca, Ca emissions,off the chart taxes, seems like non-stop forrest fires. Ca ever pass the ammo stamp thing they were working on? No thanks, I think I will pass. And I know what you mean by rain, the 3 times it rained over the summer were pretty brutal. It does not rain all the time on the eastern part of the state. Winter months we get some moisture, but then again, it is green up here.

Here this week:

High: 51°Low: 47°High: 49°Low: 45°High: 48°Low: 38°High: 45°Low: 42°High: 45°Low: 35°

O and when the big one hits and Cali slides in to the ocean till me how the water is:toothy10:
37 is a little cool for me memike.8) We are projected at 63 today.:cheers:

We have had 9 straight days under 60 and set records from back in the 1800's when they first started keeping records. We should hit 73 by Thursday.
Then from the strawberry farmers running thier sprinklers at night has cause major sink holes in Plant City.
I seen that on the news, I remember the bad freeze and snow they got in 75 I think, I was there and showed my friends what to do in the parking lots :toothy10:

It makes you wonder when Alberta is warmer than Arkansas and Florida. A balmy 5C or 41F here when I came to work at 0720 hrs. :) Livin' the good life. :cheers:
Well I am glad for ya Sid and all the folks around you :cheers:
Enjoy it while you have it buddy :-D
weapons bans, the picture is of one of the many that are illegal in Ca, Ca emissions,off the chart taxes, seems like non-stop forrest fires. Ca ever pass the ammo stamp thing they were working on? No thanks, I think I will pass. And I know what you mean by rain, the 3 times it rained over the summer were pretty brutal. It does not rain all the time on the eastern part of the state. Winter months we get some moisture, but then again, it is green up here.
I could use that to clear out a herd of dear and fill two freezer's =P~ Sweet 8)
Was an awesome day of surf Johnny. Next time we will have to get some in the water action shots.

Hang in there guys warmer temps and longer days on the way.
Was an awesome day of surf Johnny. Next time we will have to get some in the water action shots.

Hang in there guys warmer temps and longer days on the way.

hell, i like the winter. it is the one "change" i can stand....
yesterday was another 80 degree day, today is forcast more of the same. big news here is the giant surf. north shore had 40'+ sets yesterday, some even bigger, big enough for waves to break over the highway.

oh yeah, nice sunsets here too!

yesterday was another 80 degree day, today is forcast more of the same. big news here is the giant surf. north shore had 40'+ sets yesterday, some even bigger, big enough for waves to break over the highway.

oh yeah, nice sunsets here too!

Ok Pauly..Now thats not even fair. Hawaii is in a totally different league !:-D

Be careful out there brother...Hang Loose.....!!!!
yesterday was another 80 degree day, today is forcast more of the same. big news here is the giant surf. north shore had 40'+ sets yesterday, some even bigger, big enough for waves to break over the highway.

oh yeah, nice sunsets here too!
amazing what sunsets look like without the haze, aka smog......:toothy10::toothy10::toothy10:
