I am having a problem with another member

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i would agree with everything you said Joe, but the box is still worth something to someone ? maybe, idk, but i would at least want the part back with the refund, or keep it at good sized discounted price, but thats just me.

I agree also, maybe to settle it I would send the parts to repair it
ladies and gentlemen, this crime has been solved, and now back to our regular scheduled program !!!!!!!!!!!!
Gotta say, that was damaged before hand. And so quick to respond before, and so quiet now. Give him his money back. It's damaged goods and he didn't do it. Do the right thing here.
73dusterkid looks like you screwed the pouch on this one. Time to man up and do the right thing and send him a full refund. This is one of those learning from your mistakes deals.
Full refund is in order. That box is F'ed up! No way that happened from shipping, unless the UPS guy beat on it with a hammer.....
This whole situation was handled bad with this thread, communication could have easily solved this.
Look dude, everybody knows what happened now. Just refund his money. It's all good. Every single one of us makes mistakes.
Everyone had a chance to say there part. Please finish it up in PMs.

It seems lately only the drama threads get any attention. I feel like Im watching reality TV.
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