I get a new knee tomorrow.



69 Dart 408 10.08 best pass so far
FABO Gold Member
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Tomorrow morning I get my left knee replaced with a new one. Wish me luck.
Best of luck. Follow what the therapists says and you will be fine.....
Good Luck!!! I'm not going to say,"break a leg" LOL.

Hope all goes well and do the rehab just like they say. I am looking forward to two new knees in the not to distant future myself.

hope it goes well. Dont expect to be moving alot after it is done my aunt just had the same surgery and she had to be off of it for almost 3 1/2 months
Good luck with it. My Dad had one replaced in his 80's and did just fine.
Prayers for a good out come and a fast recovery Jeff
Remember! Do not forget that this is a new nea, so do as the doctors
say... and get back hear and up date us with a hottest nurse as they
come in and check on you, therapist come in some nice packages.
Lets get this dun, Are you ready ?
good luck you will feel like a teenager in the near future
Hope you're getting a full replacement instead of a partial. I had a partial and was on crutches for almost 2 years. Most folks who get a full replacement are back to normal in 3 or 4 months. Hope yours works better than mine did.
Wow, Jeff!! Wishing you a speedy recovery--
Do you have your shop set-up for crutch access?

you will be in good shape come racing season next year. Lawrence
Just saw this thread, Jeff, sorry I'm late in wishing you all the best with your new knee.
I had a total replacement done on my left knee several years ago and it was the best possible thing I could have done. Had the replacement done in early January and started a new bowling league the following April - right-handed bowler so I slide on the leg with the replaced knee. No problems at all since.
You're going to love walking without pain again.
Only limitations my surgeon gave me are no jumping and no running - there went my NBA career! LOL. He also said no kneeling on the replaced knee. Make's it kind of awkward getting up from the garage floor but I manage.
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions on anything or just want to talk about it.
And yeah, TSA is going to love you as you'll always need to be wanded at the airport from now on. I just volunteer the information when I hit the gate.
Everything went well. I won't get out of the hospital till Thursday. Thanks guys for all the well wishes. Jeff
I am sorry I missed this. Glad everything went well, hope and pray for a speedy recovery.
Hey glad it went well...look at it this way: now it will be alot easier to push in the clutch on your Mopar Monsters!!:mrgreen: here's to a speedy recovery, cheers!!!
Gd luck dude
Just had my left knee done Oct 31 and it went gr8
Had the right 1 done in march 2011 and it is perfect
You will do just gr8
Prayer said! My wife is an orthopedic nurse. She said you'll most likely survive!:joker:
