I have a heavy heart.... My mother passed away.



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
Really sad time for me.

My mom who was an absolute gem of a person, that many on this board had met over the years, passed away on Sunday. She had lingering issues that inhibited her normal course of life for a little over 20 years. All but about 2.5 of those years, I helped and took care of her. She spent 84 years in this world and now she can tear it up again with her brother that she dearly loved. A wonderful and tough lady that was an advocate for the people she worked with. I'll sure miss that Cheshire cat grin she gave me and the sarcasm she bestowed on me.

If I have something that anybody has paid for, I'm getting back out to work on things now.

Many thanks

man, thats bitter sweet
you're gonna be able to look back on all those years you spend helping her and taking care of her and smile, sooner then you think
Sorry for your loss!

I lost my mom two years ago tomorrow.
Sorry for your loss man.
Sorry for the loss. What a run at 84 years old. You got to spend time with her in the golden years. If she bantered sarcasm, she sounds like someone I would have enjoyed..

Very sorry to hear that Rob, big hug.

My dad has been gone for years now but he lives on in my heart & memories, I think of him often.
So sorry to hear about your mom, Rob.
As long as you keep all of your wonderful memories close to your heart she will always be with you. Treasure the good times you had.
Rob, you have our condolences. I sure am sorry to read this.
So sorry to hear this. It is a tough thing to deal with. My dad died in 2010 and mom in 2014. May she RIP.