I Lose at Traffic Court



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
This goes back to circa 1983 when I am running a little late for a class at community college in Los Angeles. I was 27 years old and had ten years driving experience. I am driving the 1970 Porsche 914 I purchased three years before and stopped in the right hand lane at a red light, waiting for traffic to clear so I could safely make a right turn.

The last car coming from my left on the cross street passes me by, so I go ahead and make my right turn. No sooner had I made the right turn (I took off fairly quickly) when I smashed into a vehicle. Where did this vehicle come from, I asked myself? Did it drop out of the sky?

Well, the last vehicle that I had waited for to pass by me (the one coming down the street from my left) had turned into the driveway of a service station right there on the corner. The lady driver had not signaled her intentions to turn, so when I made my right turn I just took off, expecting her to have continued down the street. But she had slowed down almost to a stop to enter the driveway of the gas station and I banged into her.

Court day, the lady driver testified first and surprised me when she told the judge I had run a red light. When it came time for me to testify, the judge declared me guilty and gave me no opportunity to explain the circumstances of the collision.

I find that many, if not most collisions, occur when both drivers make an error of some kind at the same time. In my case, I believe if the other driver had signaled, I would have been warned of her impending turning movement. As far as her "sworn" testimony, she could have been lying, or she could have believed what she said. It's hard to serve justice properly when you only hear one side of the story. The End.

Hmm 1983 in a Porsche in LA Hmm...
Were you on cocaine or marijuana or both? LOL... You ran into her you idiot, it was your fault LOL..
LET IT GO.....
I had just been washed out of the California Highway Patrol after a few months of field training after graduating (March 3, 1983) first in my academy class of 140 cadets (Badge #10481).
I had just been washed out of the California Highway Patrol after a few months of field training after graduating (March 3, 1983) first in my academy class of 140 cadets (Badge #10481).
So I was right you were on a bender..:poke:..lol..
My dad says it best. If damage happens to the front of your car, you're automatically at fault somehow, some way.
This goes back to circa 1983 when I am running a little late for a class at community college in Los Angeles. I was 27 years old and had ten years driving experience. I am driving the 1970 Porsche 914 I purchased three years before and stopped in the right hand lane at a red light, waiting for traffic to clear so I could safely make a right turn.

The last car coming from my left on the cross street passes me by, so I go ahead and make my right turn. No sooner had I made the right turn (I took off fairly quickly) when I smashed into a vehicle. Where did this vehicle come from, I asked myself? Did it drop out of the sky?

Well, the last vehicle that I had waited for to pass by me (the one coming down the street from my left) had turned into the driveway of a service station right there on the corner. The lady driver had not signaled her intentions to turn, so when I made my right turn I just took off, expecting her to have continued down the street. But she had slowed down almost to a stop to enter the driveway of the gas station and I banged into her.

Court day, the lady driver testified first and surprised me when she told the judge I had run a red light. When it came time for me to testify, the judge declared me guilty and gave me no opportunity to explain the circumstances of the collision.

I find that many, if not most collisions, occur when both drivers make an error of some kind at the same time. In my case, I believe if the other driver had signaled, I would have been warned of her impending turning movement. As far as her "sworn" testimony, she could have been lying, or she could have believed what she said. It's hard to serve justice properly when you only hear one side of the story. The End.

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Saw one basically like that just a bit ago.
3 cars turning right on a red light and I was the last one.
First car stops at the light, looks left for traffic and edges forward a little more when the guy behind her was looking left and thought she went.

I always look to the right last before I pull out.
What if someone is in the crosswalk that wasn't there when I looked left, or some old lady didn't actually go?
Seems like people don't remember what they were taught in driver's ed. If you have a stop sign, and the other people don't, You wait. The dumb bastards down here will come to a stop sign on a side road, waiting to pull out onto a divided highway, making a left. I will be coming down the divided highway to make a left into the side road they are coming out of, and they will pull right in front of me, blocking me in mid turn with on coming traffic headed for me. So, sorry Op, it's your responsibility to make sure it was clear before you pulled out, even though she didn't signal.
And for those that don't know this one, if you come to a 4 way stop, , the person to your right has the "Right of Way". Or opposing stop signs, the person going straight has the right of way. I wish the school bus that totaled my Dodge truck knew that.
Saw one basically like that just a bit ago.
3 cars turning right on a red light and I was the last one.
First car stops at the light, looks left for traffic and edges forward a little more when the guy behind her was looking left and thought she went.

I always look to the right last before I pull out.
What if someone is in the crosswalk that wasn't there when I looked left, or some old lady didn't actually go?
As in don't look left while driving right?
AKA watch where you're going...lol...
Seems like people don't remember what they were taught in driver's ed. If you have a stop sign, and the other people don't, You wait. The dumb bastards down here will come to a stop sign on a side road, waiting to pull out onto a divided highway, making a left. I will be coming down the divided highway to make a left into the side road they are coming out of, and they will pull right in front of me, blocking me in mid turn with on coming traffic headed for me. So, sorry Op, it's your responsibility to make sure it was clear before you pulled out, even though she didn't signal.
And for those that don't know this one, if you come to a 4 way stop, , the person to your right has the "Right of Way". Or opposing stop signs, the person going straight has the right of way. I wish the school bus that totaled my Dodge truck knew that.

Where did you hear all that?:D

Same here, no one apparently remembers anything about driving laws and right of way.
The cops even screw that up here.
I had exactly the same thing happen on a left turn with a woman on the phone at the stop.
I turned my signal on to turn left and she apparently didn't remember I had to go by her first, and she went.
I went behind her between her and the stop sign post.:D
I had just been washed out of the California Highway Patrol after a few months of field training after graduating (March 3, 1983) first in my academy class of 140 cadets (Badge #10481).
hey also wasn't trying to insult your badge or anything like that LOL you do post the stuff on the jokes and funny stuff so I figure this is open territory....
Personally if I lived in LA in 1983 drove a Porsche and had a badge I'd probably would have been sitting on a pile of cocaine that I wouldn't have been able to sniff my way to the bottom of....lol..
Doubtfully the evidence lockers of the day couldn't hold what was coming in... "I had to do something with the evidence"...lol..
Actually, the main idea (joke) was to criticize the judge, but I guess that's a moot point when court corruption is a fact of life.
Actually, the main idea (joke) was to criticize the judge, but I guess that's a moot point when court corruption is a fact of life.
I think he got it right you crashed into her that was it... End of the story.. corrupt?...
I disagree, but won't push that hated button.

He did not allow me to testify, not one word, who is at fault and to what degree cannot be determined that way. Would like a cop to testify against you, and then not be able to say a word? And I did not run the red light, I stopped.
I disagree, but won't push that hated button.

He did not allow me to testify, not one word, who is at fault and to what degree cannot be determined that way. Would like a cop to testify against you, and then not be able to say a word?
So first and foremost the "joke"..
You thought it was the judge but for me it really turned out to be was me making that very very jokingly accusation of you doing drugs and your justification of not being able to do drugs was being washed out of cops School....:rolleyes: THATS FUNNY!...
Maybe you can try telling the other side of the story to your photo radar ticket that gets sent to your door...
Really? If a turn signal goes out or doesn't get put on (OR DOESN'T GET SEEN? BECAUSE SOMEONE'S ADMITTEDLY IN A HURRY?) and someone plows into the back of your car well you're turning into a gas station you're going to say you were at fault...
This is LA traffic court he doesn't have time to hear your twenty-seven-year-old ramblings..
Also to be clear not funny that you washed out just that you used to it for that reasoning...
She should have used her turn signal.
Thats why they call it a TURN SUGNAL !
To SIGNAL her intentions so that other drivers can respond accordingly.
I am not saying the OP did not have some fault in this but not all.

It is similar to changing lanes in an intersection.

A 914 was not an overly expensive car BTW.
More of a good looking Beetle...lol
She should have used her turn signal.
Thats why they call it a TURN SUGNAL !
To SIGNAL her intentions so that other drivers can respond accordingly.
I am not saying the OP did not have some fault in this but not all.

It is similar to changing lanes in an intersection.

A 914 was not an overly expensive car BTW.
More of a good looking Beetle...lol
Remember the Op says he was 27 and in a hurry..:rolleyes:
Did he see it or want to see it?
I'm sorry, totally his fault with no other word...
what happens if a car stalls and loses loses power or something like that and slows down dramatically is it their fault when you plow into them off of your red light?...
Remember the Op says he was 27 and in a hurry..:rolleyes:
Did he see it or want to see it?
I'm sorry, totally his fault with no other word...
what happens if a car stalls and loses loses power or something like that and slows down dramatically is it their fault when you plow into them off of your red light?...
Or worst yet a motorcycle...
So because he was young he must have been at fault ?
Again ... I am not saying he had no fault but the lady should have used her signal.
At least then he would have had the opportunity to pull out in front of her thinking she was turning at the intersection and get T boned. lol
So because he was young he must have been at fault ?
Again ... I am not saying he had no fault but the lady should have used her signal.
At least then he would have had the opportunity to pull out in front of her thinking she was turning at the intersection and get T boned. lol
because you may take it the wrong way I'm not hitting the disagree button but I am.,.
Okay the age if you want to try and hinge your whole testimony on that fact good luck...
You're a 60 + year old judge and in comes this young man driving his Porsche and you have an older woman who got the back of her car crashed into...
Are you really going to wait for him to tell you he didn't see the turn signal so he just went without looking... And it was her fault... LOL... Please....
Also, consider, the lady's turn was right past the intersection. If she had put on her turn signal, it might be thought she was turning at the intersection, instead of just past it. Op thinks she's turning, he pulls out, and you still get Bang!