I made a temporary chat solution come and chat!

I fixed it, all is well.

Yep, all fixed up.

And the new IRC chat gives everyone a chance to chat.

You can use the Flash version of Light IRC, for those who just want a web based approach. The only difference between the old FABO chat, and this new one, is you take 2 seconds extra to type your nickname into a box.

For those who don't want to have to type their nickname in, you can install mIRC (a program) on to your computer, and use it to access the new chatroom, it remembers your nickname, so you don't have to type it in every time.

mIRC is a good option for members who have dial up, it moves a lot faster than the flash version ever would. And members who have an Apple product can get an IRC program as well, works perfectly for them too (I know you apple owners were excluded from the old FABO chat, due to it being Flash based)
Just too much of a PITA dude. I'm out.
Just too much of a PITA dude. I'm out.

With the mIRC program? Send me a PM with the problem and I'll walk you through it.

Once its set up (you only have to enter info in 4 boxes in the options) you never have to touch it again, it functions automatically when you open the program.

For those who just want the real simple version, the Flash version linked on the first page is a good option, just type in your nickname and your good to go.