I need a hand Ya'll

He ate some of the cat food!!!!!!!!!!! I'll keep tryin different stuff he didn't want nothing to do with the chicken or beef broth????

The cat food has enough moisture to keep Dodger hydrated. Don't worry........he's got lotsa friends pullin' for him here.
My vet. has told me to cook hamburger and rice when they don't want to eat, as mentioned earlier.

Cat food is better than nothing!!!! Great to hear!
he'll lick an ice cube once in a while and p nut butter he don't seem to like but its food so in it goes and hes stuck lickin it.......Thanks for the prayers for my Lil guy he needs em
Sorry to read about this Waggs. I know how much he means to ya. I hope he continues to show some more progress and that he gets back to his old self soon! Prayers sent.
Curtis....just give him some time.....Eating cat food is a good thing, he was probably curious to what it was. Just be there for him....
Prayers sent from me and Bones (my black lab and the whole litter of 6 that was found in a trash bag along the road at 6 weeks old.)
Eating is a good sign.
Hydration is a good sign, if he likes the cat food let him eat it.
Yes waggs My dog ate cat food his whole life it aint going to hert him . Its good hes eatin some thing . More sent for your little buddy .
Curt, is it this time of year for Dodger or somethin'?

Didn't you have a prayer thread for the little guy when I was in Florida last year?
Oh man, hope he gets well soon, prayers to him and you for all hes given.
BTW my three dogs say "Woof Woof", get better soon!
Good to see that he at least ate some cat food. As long as you can get some food in him, it's good.
Glad to hear the cat food is working! :cheers: You can add a teaspoon or 2 of water to it as well to get him more fluids, just don`t add to much and ruin the consistency of the cat food if its too runny he may turn his nose up to it. Have you been taking him to the vet too?
If he is dehydrated they can give him a shot of subcutaneous fluids. Basically means a shot of water under the skin his body absorbs to avoid dehydration. If he is dehydrated that should perk him up.

It`s funny when my dog was sick cat food worked and when my cats were sick they would eat dog food! :dontknow:

Don`t worry about him eating cat food it wont hurt him as long as he is eating he is getting some nourishment! Hope he is getting better!
Glad he is eating,You might try Gatorade ,I got one thru Parvo on Gatorade.
Dodger is in my prayers.
Dodger is doing much better!!!!! I never seen him eat like that, he mowed thru a can of dawg food like it was going out of style :) Thank You all for your prayers Thank You God for hearing them :)
Dodger :cheers::cheers::cheers: :blob: I have a warm fuzzy feeling this morning Thank you for the update Wagg's :thumblef: I thought about Dodger threw out my days this weekend and all I could see was little Dodger rolled up in his sleeping spot next to your bed :sad5: Well that is where Boogy sleeps/rests.
I need a dodger fix :glasses7: Picture please :hello2: