Ideas on running slower E.T without throttle stop



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
Currently running low 10's... need to slow the car down to run 10.90.

Had tried different things such as, less timing, lower shift points and lunch lower.... however the car remains in his torque curve and slows down to max 10.7's.

Any ideas i.e letting go earlier at certain marks on the track or other techniques?

Don't have the time to purchase a throttle stop and install it on time for the next race.

Ideas appreciated.
We run as much as 500Lbs of Weight bars.
Square tubing filled with lead and also a weight box
to slow our cars down. Please bolt to the Frame!

Nothing is more effective than adding weight and we
do everything (Oil / Timing / Small Carb / Restriction Plate /etc.)
to slow our stuff down.

My .02 = For Free!
We run as much as 500Lbs of Weight bars.
Square tubing filled with lead and also a weight box
to slow our cars down. Please bolt to the Frame!

Nothing is more effective than adding weight and we
do everything (Oil / Timing / Small Carb / Restriction Plate /etc.)
to slow our stuff down.

My .02 = For Free!
I have been using a modified Moroso throttle stop for years with great success ! it is basically a bolt that attaches to the rear carb bolt to restrict the opening of the throttle blades .. turn out to go slower .. in to go faster. Easy adjustment ! a minute or two and a 7/16 wrench. I have tried an EZ plate system as well as a Willys adjustable plate system but found that the kill to much MPH ( 2-3 ) for my combo ... I slow down from 10.80s to 11.50s for index racing

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I have been using a modified Moroso throttle stop for years with great success ! it is basically a bolt that attaches to the rear carb bolt to restrict the opening of the throttle blades .. turn out to go slower .. in to go faster. Easy adjustment ! a minute or two and a 7/16 wrench. I have tried an EZ plate system as well as a Willys adjustable plate system but found that the kill to much MPH ( 2-3 ) for my combo ... I slow down from 10.80s to 11.50s for index racing

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Do you know if they are still available?
Found this mechanical device in my storage... will find out if I can make it work on my 4150 carb

Do everything in your 1st post.... and disconnect the secondaries. OR....
I used a bolt throttle stop that I made, but the stops in #9 and #10 will definitely work.
(When I disconnected my secondary on a 800dp, I only lost about two tenths, but that was enough. Got me out of the nines so I didn't need a license)
Great....., but I noticed yours is modified? What was the reason? And how was it modified
I had access to a machine shop at one of my past jobs and just made the end different rather than the end that it came with. It worked fine as it was I just made it a little better... another word of caution !!! .. if you mount the stop to the rear carb bolt it can pivot and move back slightly no matter how hard you tighten the bolt / nut . I remedied the problem by drilling another hole in my Jegs linkage bracket and added another bolt to hold the stop from moving now it can't pivot or move

My exhaust temp went up too high with the
throttle stop or secondaries unhooked.

Not saying it is not effective, but keep an eye on
them first couple runs.

Oh, do not try it on a Thermoquad disconnecting the secondaries.
My exhaust temp went up too high with the
throttle stop or secondaries unhooked.

Not saying it is not effective, but keep an eye on
them first couple runs.

Oh, do not try it on a Thermoquad disconnecting the secondaries.
Good point John , the last time my motor was on the dyno we did some stop adjustments to see if it effected AFRs and were pleased to see it didn’t … on my combo anyhow … Good Luck in Az !!!
We run as much as 500Lbs of Weight bars.
Square tubing filled with lead and also a weight box
to slow our cars down. Please bolt to the Frame!

Nothing is more effective than adding weight and we
do everything (Oil / Timing / Small Carb / Restriction Plate /etc.)
to slow our stuff down.

My .02 = For Free!
X2, and very affective.
Find a vacuum secondary carb.

Drill and tap the vacuum can cover for 1/4-20 and use a bolt with a nut on it to adjust secondary opening.

That’s old school get it done.

Use a dial caliper to measure the length. Write it down.

Monitor the weather and bolt length as it relates to ET.
Jus sayin' I'd try a lot of things before adding a bunch of weight. Breakage. Breakage. Breakin' stuff.

Smaller carb, to start?
Thanks Guys... I think it will work.
I only may have to do some grinding on the bracket to clear the throttle rod, and maybe a wider adjustable bolt to keep a firm support during open throttle.

Will keep you posted.

Thanks Guys... I think it will work.
I only may have to do some grinding on the bracket to clear the throttle rod, and maybe a wider adjustable bolt to keep a firm support during open throttle.

Will keep you posted.

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Definitely get the front of that bracket well secured so it doesn't twist around and get hung up in your throttle linkage. A little bend on the end and some radio mounting strap with a carriage bolt should get it to reach the front carburetor stud. A throttle stop is a lot less enjoyable when it becomes a throttle hanger, lol!
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Definitely get the front of that bracket well secured so it doesn't twist around and get hung up in your throttle linkage. A little bend on the end and some radio mounting strap with a carriage bolt should get it to reach the front carburetor stud. A throttle stop is s lot less enjoyable when it becomes a throttle hanger, lol!
I agree ! find another place to secure it in the front as it will pivot with pressure on it .. also you might need a longer bolt on the stop the one you have might not be long enough to slow you down as much as you want
Anything that makes the car harder to push will slow it down. A little toe-out or less air in the tires should be effective.

Paint sticks or pop sickle sticks, taped together under the gas pedal. Home made throttle stop. Used by many racers at gateway for years.