If you are 30 or older, you will think this is

When I was a teenager, pantyhose hadn't yet been invented. And, on Friday night, just about the time you managed to sneak a hand into no-man's land, between the top of the nylon stockings and the plane's cockpit, she'd check the time and exclaim: "I have to get home, Payton Place will be on TV in 20 minutes".

DRAT!!! Foiled again. :)
I remember when my parents bought our first VCR (remember Beta max) It had a remote with a 8ft long cord you plugged in to the front.
I used to make hyroplanes out of wood and pound nails thru the bottom and bend them over so they made sparks when I pulled them behind my blue Schwinn Sting Ray with cards in the spokes.

I wouldn't call it all the "Good old times". My earliest memories was the first house we lived in. We were "rich", it had electricty and running water (cold only) and a coal stove to keep it warm. Still had to go outside to the Johnny house. My grandpa put a small room on the back porch and put in an indoor toliet. Now that was really moving up in life. We did have a B&W TV hooked to an annetna several 100 yards up a mountain so we got 2 1/2 channels (one would come and go). And yes, we had to use needle nose plairs to turn the channel and that nasty Cod Liver Oil (my kids have to take their Flinstone vitamins so I guess that is the modern day version). Thanks for starting this wonderful thread.
I didn't see a colour TV until I was 7... and you could go make a snack between the time you turned it on and the time it actually warmed up enough to show a picture. When we finally got an "instant-on" TV, we had to make sure to unplug it during lightning storms as it was apparently possible for the tube to explode! I was never 100% convinced of that but my parents were sure that that was the case so we always did it.
Koolaid, now that brings back memories, but we had to make ours with 1/2 cup of sugar instead of 1 cup because sugar was just to expensive? I would not give up growing up in the country though. Riding bikes several miles a day to see your closest friend and racing home so you were not late. It was implied respect and you abided by it because you did not want a black and blue a $ $......
PF Flyers and Red Ball Jets. Who remembers those? 3 channels if the weather was good or the President wasn't on. There wasn't much money, Dad was mostly paid with script. Who remembers or what that is? With all the things that cause cancer today and is bad for you and there wasn't "politically correct" then. It amazes me that I'm alive today or anyone older than 50.
yes i'm a old man lol i remember the days of no cable,schwinn bikes party line phones man i miss them here is a pic of my krate bike that i still ride today

schwinn krate 003 (Small).jpg
on Friday night, just about the time you managed to sneak a hand into no-man's land, between the top of the nylon stockings and the plane's cockpit, she'd check the time and exclaim: "I have to get home, Payton Place will be on TV in 20 minutes".

DRAT!!! Foiled again. :)

So how long did it take you to get you pilots license Oldvart?:snakeman:
Boy, this sure brings back memories.

Do any of you remember using computer punch cards or having an occupation of keypunch operator?

I remember a computer was a massive contraption that was locked up in a large room. Now, there are laptops that run circles around those older computers.

My, how times have changed!!
when i was a kid you picked up the phone and the operator said number please and we had to learn to make change and count it back not have the till tell you how much to return we got the first tv in town when i was in high school
Our ring was two shorts and a long until the plant screwed up one too many fishing trips and dad had the phone yanked. He also bought our first color TV for the Super Bowl (the first one) but it started smoking during Bugs Bunny on Saturday morning. The appliance store worked on it all night and brought it back an hour before kickoff. The picture has shrunk some but it still works. My Stingray was candy green with a 2 speed coaster brake hub and a hand brake on the front with whitewall tires, slick on the back. Learned you could really kick *** with an Eldon slot car on Strombecker track. Strombeckers were 12V and Eldons were 6V. We found out we were poor when we saw my uncle's house on Walter Cronkite when he was doing a series about poverty in Appalachia. Probably would have been our house if mom hadn't met the film crew at the ditch line with a Model 12 Winchester. We had it rough, but I've got no complaints. We were loved and we survived.
yes i'm a old man lol i remember the days of no cable,schwinn bikes party line phones man i miss them here is a pic of my krate bike that i still ride today

Cool bike, always wanted one of those when I was a kid but we couldn't afford it. If I remember right I had a single speed made by Royce Union.
Looks like a lot of us were around when most of these old A bodies were being
Remember the old drive in movie theaters and your mom brought your
pajamas with so she could put you straight to bed when you got home.

How about the tv shows you got to watch on the old black and white:
Howdy Doody, Captain Kangaroo, Bonanza, Wonderful World of Disney,and
Twilight Zone. Oh Twilight Zone only when you had a baby sitter and you convinced them your parents let you watch it. Then you couldn't go to sleep
because it scared the crap out of you.
Ditto to most all the above. I wonder if kids nowadays know why it's called a "dial" tone. Do they even know what a dial phone looks like?? I clearly remember living in a house where the "central heating" was a woodstove in the kitchen. I went to school in a school so small the the grades (1-12) were divided up into rows and there was only one teacher for ALL grades - and it was the same teacher ALL day. I went there when I was 4 years old in grade one because they needed to keep the enrollments up or face closure. Never tasted orange juice until I was in Gr. six. Try and convince a kid nowdays to drink powdered milk even if its split 50/50. Didn't go to a dentist until I was 12years old. I found a whole dollar bill once and bought enough candy that I was sick for a week after I ate it all. On our "once a month" grocery shopping trip if we were really good, we'd get a 4 pack of the round lollipops wrapped in clear cellophane (1 per kid). I ate so much cheese whiz and mayo sandwiches for lunch that to this day I can barely tolerate the sight of either.
School - no busses - you walked - period. Clothing - "hand me downs", the only new stuff I ever got were socks, underwear and the occasional pair of shoes. I didn't know until years later that we were actually poor.
I know there are still poor kids out there today - but I seriously believe the definition of poor has changed radically in 40 years.
Koolaid, now that brings back memories, but we had to make ours with 1/2 cup of sugar instead of 1 cup because sugar was just to expensive? I would not give up growing up in the country though. Riding bikes several miles a day to see your closest friend and racing home so you were not late. It was implied respect and you abided by it because you did not want a black and blue a $ $......

remember putting baseball cards on the forks to make sounds with the spokes. like to have all them cards now.
My son is 23 but we deprived him as a child to make him tough.
I'm sending this to him to see it he "gets it".
I think at 23 he is a link to the next generation.
As I was between the WWII generation and his.
I still have a rotary phone in the main garage - nothing like the sound of a phone actually RINGING. And the voice quality can't be touched by any cell phone or cheap walmart phone.

And yes, that's a CB radio on the right, on top of the 8-track stereo :)

I still have a rotary phone in the main garage - nothing like the sound of a phone actually RINGING. And the voice quality can't be touched by any cell phone or cheap walmart phone.

And yes, that's a CB radio on the right, on top of the 8-track stereo :)
Hello again, Exceptional One here.:angel1:
I still have my RCA floor model stereo with turn table for those really big black vinyl "cd's" as my 9 year old calls them. It has an 8 track player and it all still works. I have around 50 8-track tapes and 100 vinyls :usa2: :rr:. My CB radio is in the truck. My 13 year old son calls it my hillbilly cell phone. Best thing I tell him is it never looses a signal and I have not had a "dropped call", and my circle of friends gets bigger when I turn on the booster. :wav:

My brothers and I used to ride our bikes for miles in the woods long before "mountain bikes". Ours were true mountain bikes. We grew up in West Virginia where it is still Almost Heaven. :supz::angel4:
We work back packs to school in the 70's to carry our books the 2 miles we had to walk up the mountain ridge to get home and the other kids would laugh at us and ask, "Going camping?"
Now every kid I see has one one. :dontknow:
Boy you can sure tell whos what age in this thread. Somone mentions todays youth and 99% of responces are "Back in my day".
yeah I'm an old fart too but I still sympothize with the young ones. Some of you remember the Peanuts Cartoon where Lucy is asked what she wants for Christmas. Her reply was "Relestate" LOL Most of us have achieved the "American Dream" of owning a home, financial stability, etc.. That dream got changed somehow. Today it is "Own the best piece of crap China or Japan has to offer".
On more lil thing that bothers me... Government gives a earned income credit to those with McJobs and babies (they get more back than they paid in). Soon as they get w2 forms the go for a instant refund deal and some financial institution gets 3 to 10% of their return. Should be against the law !
And they need the money sooo quick because their cellphone or cable is about to be turned off ? GOOd GRIEF !
ok I'm done... for now :)
Remember when a.m. radio was king way out here catching radio skip from the US then updating to 8 track. 2 channels on tv. Sitting in the back seat of the 63 Valiant freezing looking out the frost shields.
...when those dial phones used two letters in the prefix, i.e ADams2-1455
or when the TV stayed off until the news came on at five unless it was raining and you'd finished your school work, then we could watch Sky King and Lassie
"whats the matter girl, is Timmie in trouble?"

About that cool schwinn, i was real envious of the first kid in my neighborhood who had one. That thing looks friggin dangerous now!!
I want it !!
Well here I am!!:profilel:
As a young boy if there was a tv I enjoyed
" Voyage to the bottom of the sea, Rat patrol, laugh inn,Hee Haw"
hot water some times came from a wood stove.
And I carried water in the house, and we drank from a ladle,
Carried coal every evening or wood.
Fun was getting away from the folks, and building a fort out in the woods.
I remember my first kiss, It was in the woods hiding from other kids.:mrgreen:
I did not have to worry about getting to school, I had two younger brothers that dun that for me, Until the law found out, Then it was just a few days.
I was making biscuits and helping cook before I was 7 and helped with everything the men where doing.
Yep I will say the kids have to much time on there hands these day's.

I am a better man for The life that I was handed.

I do remember, Know that I think about it, at 15 years old driving my grand
mother to Plant city Fla.from Grandrapids Mi. And getting a jump on the first pick of living quarters.
Yep we old farts grew up quick.8)
I learned to drive in a homemade car my grandfather built in the late 50's out of a Crosley. We called it the "putt-putt" and I thought it was long gone, but a few years back my cousin mentioned he still had it and it had been sitting neglected for years. Got it at my house now, and redid most of the rotting woodwork.

First pic from Aug 1961 (month and year I was born, my birthday maybe), 2nd pic from about 3 years ago. That's my sister in the front and cousin (from whom I retrieved the car) in the back. My grandfather also built the trailer - the wheels are from a parted out WW2 aircraft.

