''I'm going to fix it up someday'' The resurrection of a '74 Dart Sport......

Wow!! I have not seen all this work you have got dun, memikie Likie also Tom :cheers:
Your surgery skills are showing as a well trained surgeon :colors:
Wow !! Looking great :thumleft:
AMD rear patch panel should be big enough to fix this i hope!
I had an old Goodmark panel to cut up for the inner trunk drop off, and like all Goodmark panels, some tweaking will be necessary.......
It actually was pretty good overall.
The AMD panel was thicker than the original and all of the lines etc. was spot on in the original location. :cheers:

Isnt there supposed to be a drain hole in the inner quarter panel trunk drop off?
Good job Tom. Looks great! And if Ozzy approves....well, good to go!

Thanks George.
Ozzy has pretty high standards and won't pose with just anybody's car. :D
You will probably see it on Saturday live and in person to scrutinize it yourself......
Wow!! I have not seen all this work you have got dun, memikie Likie also Tom :cheers:
Your surgery skills are showing as a well trained surgeon :colors:
Wow !! Looking great :thumleft:

Thanks for the compliment, Mike.
Lol, i'm more like a M.A.S.H Surgeon, not a highly skilled neurosurgeon. :glasses7:
This will get me by until i can afford to replace the whole quarter and tail panel, which really needs to be done to do it right.
I will be saving up to do a proper paint and body job to the car hopefully in the next 2 years or so. I should have enough saved by then to replace the driver's full quarter, the tail panel, and both rockers. The hood and the trunk lid will be changed at that time too.
In the mean time, i'll drive it as is! :burnout:
Nice work on the panel replacement, I like the stripe on it too.

Thanks Stan, the work i have done on this car body wise pales in comparison to what you have done with your car. Your build is one of the ones that inspired me to take on this project as a matter of fact.
I'm actually a welder, not much of a body man but i'm learning.......:mrgreen:
Isnt there supposed to be a drain hole in the inner quarter panel trunk drop off?

You're right.
After some contemplating, i decided not to install one because i won't be driving the car in bad weather, snow, etc.
I also plan to replace the trunk drop off in the future when i replace the full quarter in a couple of years with AMD stuff that actually fits correctly.
I also thought that i could always cut a hole and install a plug in the future if i wanted to go that way.
Good question. :thumbup:
Thanks Adam.
There's still more to come, i just have to get off my behind and get back to it!
I had a bit of a heat soak problem with the carb, so i decided to try a 1/2'' phenolic spacer to see if that would help.
I wanted to go to a 1'', but i thought the air cleaner would hit the hood. With the 1/2'' spacer, it does touch the hood, but barely........
The spacer kit was under $20.00 and excellent quality with new studs and gaskets. It literally slipped in place with no adjustments or trimming!


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I love your sport! great thread...looks awesome! enjoy your hot rod you did good :thumblef:
Tom, Just front to backed your thread. I am amazed at how much you have done. Nice intake BTW. Same one I have.
Hi Tom, Did the carb spacer solve your problem?

What are the symptoms of "heat soak"?

I'm glad to see you are still doing some tinkering with the Dart.

Love this thread!
Tom, Just front to backed your thread. I am amazed at how much you have done. Nice intake BTW. Same one I have.

Thanks, it's been a lot of work.
It has paid off though, i still can't believe it's the same car that i looked at and schemed about all of these years!
I really enjoy driving it when i get a chance.
The intake story is funny. I responded to an ad on Calgary kijiji for someone wanting to give away a bunch of parts for an old Mopar. He said his wife wanted her garage space back so i looked at the stuff and filled my pickup with all of the parts, (odds and ends, etc. mostly truck stuff) and when i was going to leave, he said ''Do you want to take the other stuff at my dad's place too?'' I said sure, let's go have a look. Well, in his dad's garage there was a good running slant 6, 2 Weiand small block intakes, a truck short tailshaft small block 727, and 4 14'' big bolt pattern rallye wheels. I asked him how much he wanted for all of it and he said ''Just take it, i have no use for it'' and i said it's worth some money, i can't just take it for free and he said ''If you don't want it, the scrap yard said they will pick it up for free, and i want it gone.'' I said okay, and we loaded up my pickup to the hilt with all of it.
This was on Superbowl Sunday 4 years ago, so i went and bought him a bottle of Whiskey for the party he was having later on in the day. i then sold the slant 6 engine minus the 2 barrel intake for $100.00 to cover my gas to go get the parts, kept the intakes and rallye wheels, and gave the rest away to friends.
Not too bad for a day's work. :D
I used one of the intakes on my Dart Sport and will use the other one on my '69 Valiant, and the wheels are on my Valiant.
Great build. Really enjoy seeing the resurrections that could have been crusher feed in the wrong hands. I like the way you did the 'temporary' body and paint (which looks great!) - not waiting for trailer queen quality job that can drag a project out forever and sometimes they never get done. Keith
Thanks, Keith.
About the paint, i agree with you that i would rather be driving it and looking so-so than it being in paint shop jail.
There's something to be said about driving a car that is just that.....a driver. I don't worry about it getting rained on, a rock chip, working on the car, etc.
I really think there's a lot of freedom gained not worrying about these things.
It's a lot more fun!
Hi Tom, Did the carb spacer solve your problem?

What are the symptoms of "heat soak"?

I'm glad to see you are still doing some tinkering with the Dart.

Love this thread!

Thanks for the compliment and the question!
There's still a lot more ''tinkering'' left to do.

Well, the phenolic spacer (which is a fancy word for plastic/fiber reinforced) did help a lot, but it didn't solve the problem completely. It did make a big difference though.
The float level is correct and the idle is low enough. The engine doesn't ''run on'' when shut off, and the temperature remains at 180 all of the time no matter how hot it is out. The car does not ''vapor lock''.

The symptoms of heat soak are as follows:
You start the car and drive it for awhile getting it up to full operating temperature.
Shut the car off and leave it for 10 minutes or so.
You go to start the car, only to discover it is flooded and you have to put your foot to the floor and crank it until it starts.
You can also smell raw gas.
If you shut the car off and take off the air cleaner lid, you can actually see gas bubbling (boiling) out of the bowl vent and going into the intake manifold, flooding the car in effect.

So what the phenolic spacer does is provide a barrier between the hot intake manifold and the carb so when the engine is shut off, the heat doesn't ''soak'' the carb and the gas doesn't boil out and flood the engine.
The thicker the spacer in theory, the better the result.

I actually wanted to install a 1'' spacer but i decided to use the 1/2'' one because of hood clearance between the air cleaner lid and the bracing.
As it is, the lid JUST touches the bracing in 2 points lightly enough to cause a scuff mark on it.
I will probably modify the bracing some time in the future, but for now, it's not a big deal to me.
I might end up trying a different brand of spacer or even a Thermoquad carb in the future and see what that does.
I am keeping the original air cleaner regardless.
Another thing to consider is the gas these days is a lot different than the old days and may cause the problem of ''heat soak'' to be worse.
Thanks again,
Tom,I just joined FABO tonite cuz I now own a very clean 71 Scamp.I was going thru the threads and noticed yours and got curious.I've read it from beginning to end and thourghly enjoyed your build.It's great to see someone bring one back to drive and enjoy.Kudos to you Tom for what you have done.Can't wait to see you get her painted{BTW luv the white stripe}and on the road.