Insulin Pump

I have a rupture disc for a 2nd time in over 20 years. The pain meds were working but I stayed groggy all the time. I am waiting to have another injection in my lower back. I am allowed 4 shots a year and fighting my way slowly out of my power chair. I take aleve for pain and use a walker or cane depending on the pain I am in.

I will never go back on methadone and gabbapentin...unfortunately, I use food to help with the pain..

I pm'ed ya..

My dad just had a pain shot in his lower back, sure made a difference for him. Glad to see you posting again Cliff.
My dad just had a pain shot in his lower back, sure made a difference for him. Glad to see you posting again Cliff.

Thanks Stan the last one lasted almost a year,so it's time for another one.
I just had my A1C done since being on my pump I can't believe the difference it has made. I went from 11.3 down to 6.5 and losing weight in the process.

I had the epidural shot in my back a little over a week ago so far so good it's working great. Next week I start pt to help build up my back muscles. Everything is falling into place with the new Doctors I have, I can say honestly I feel a lot better than I use to. I have been more active lately and having a good time.