Intercooler Ideas


Evan Dutch

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
Reaction score
North Carolina
Hey guys,

Boost heading my way for my 1971 Plymouth Scamp. I’m looking for ideas and examples on where and how to mount an air to air intercooler. Looking to see how you guys are intercooling your abody mopars, would prefer not to cut the car up too much if I can avoid it.

Let me know what you’ve got! Pics appreciated!


Not an a-body but I’ve got a 408 with water/methanol injection activated by a boost reference switch. E-bodies don’t have a lot of room either. Eventually I want to do twin turbos so going to need and intercooler then!
Not an a-body but I’ve got a 408 with water/methanol injection activated by a boost reference switch. E-bodies don’t have a lot of room either. Eventually I want to do twin turbos so going to need and intercooler then!
Water meth is my backup plan for the time being, until I can figure out what to do about an intercooler
It's tough with Mopars except for the 71+ B-bodies. I have even though about two smaller ones, wet intercoolers, .. my 'druthers is air to air.
What engine and how much power do you need to support? There is VERY little room behind your grill. Swapping to a dart front clip would gain you 8+ inches.

I understand the desire for simplicity, but air/water may be your best bet due to packaging.
What engine and how much power do you need to support? There is VERY little room behind your grill. Swapping to a dart front clip would gain you 8+ inches.

I understand the desire for simplicity, but air/water may be your best bet due to packaging.
360 magnum engine, supercharged, 500 wheel HP
I believe you’d be looking at a minimum 3” core intercooler. I don’t see that fitting. Unless you’re willing to run without a grill.

Something like this might be your best bet:
Water to Air Intercooler
‘71 dart style front clip.
They have tons of space
My rad support was damaged so I opted to cut it out. Allowed some more room for activities.


Hey guys,

Boost heading my way for my 1971 Plymouth Scamp. I’m looking for ideas and examples on where and how to mount an air to air intercooler. Looking to see how you guys are intercooling your abody mopars, would prefer not to cut the car up too much if I can avoid it.

Let me know what you’ve got! Pics appreciated!


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I'm planning on spraying straight methanol into the volute of the supercharger? If that's not enough, I'll add a Chiller fed by my A/C along
with a heat exchanger. Both have the benefit of being very compact and very effective.

Methanol Volute Nozzle.jpg

Heat Exchanger.JPG
I just had all the hood latch stuff remove on Vixen and measured for one. I can fit this in with minimal modification.