This stuff about Smokey (or anyone else) being bought out by the oil companies, or threatened, or murdered, or having their car confiscated, is pure unadulterated fantasy and bullshit. PERIOD
First of all, don't you think Ford or GM or any of the other big car companies would not have paid DEARLY to have car that would LEGALLY beat - the - snot out of the other guys for mileage??
Second, some of these "research projects" did not have one chance in hell of passing smog tests. Like it or not, they were, and are "with us" and MUST be dealt with.
Third, you can NOT change the laws of physics. There are only so many BTUs in a gallon of gas.
You can convert this BTU into any other energy measurement you find comfort in.......pounds of steam per hour, watts, horsepower, calories, whatever. The fact is, piston, internal combustion engines are only so much and only "ever" WILL BE so much efficient. Unless you can come up with "magic materials" like ceramics which will allow the engine to operate at much higher temperatures, this is never gonna change.