Is it just me ? Selling anything is a PITA



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2007
Reaction score
East Peoria,IL
Is it just me or is sell things any more just a royal pain in the a**!This has been going on since I sold my A12 Road Runner 10 years ago.Do I attract every frinkin clown out there???

On my A12 is was a complete car minus engine.All the A12 parts were there dana,hood,air cleaner,carbs,air cleaner,radiator,etc...It had the fender tag and a very nice buildsheet.It was a R4 car but paint black in the early 80's.Itwas very solid and not a rustbucket.I was asking $22.5K Everyone said it was only worth $10K-$15K.Sorry but I know better..One clown called me over and over, and asked me how much for the aircleaner? I said it is not for sale it goes with the car.After about the 10th call I said yes I will sell the aircleaner.All excited the Guy on the other end of the phone asked how much?? I replied $22.5K.He replied WHAT! I saib buy the aircleaner and you get the car with it!! After months of dealing with clowns I gave up trying to sell it.One day a Guy called asked about the car and asked for more pics.He called me back the next day and said would it be fine if I send you a $2.5K deposit and I pay you the $20K in cash when I pick it up? Hmmm Why would he want to pay me $22.5K fora $10K-$15K car??? I guess I knew what it was worth.

I have almost the same story with my GTS and 1970 Road Runner.Was told by many the GTS was worth $5K-$6.5K and I sold it for$13.5K Was told my 70 Road Runner was worth $15K and I sold it for $23K

I got lucky on my 71 Road Runner.Tried Ebay and Craigslist with no luck.Relisted it on Craigslist and sold it 2 days later close to my asking price.

Here in the last few months I list a Intrepid for sale and my Duster for sale or trade on Craigslist.I sold the Intrepid finally and gave up on the Duster.

I have had people..... Say they are on their way and not show up,alot of people. Two people asked if I would take payments. Almost everyone asks if "You would take less" when they have not even seen the car. One lady asked if we would take $400.00 less for a car we were asking $1200.00 for.And she never asked one question about the car or even saw the car for that matter. One lady left a 5 minute message about here son wrecking his car and he had no insurance.He pulled out in front of some one bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla 3 minutes later.Andhe has $800.00 saved up bla bla bla call me back bla bla bla bla bla bla

On the Duster I have had 3 different people "on the way with cash" and the car is still in my garage.

Man I could go on and on...Please tell me it's not just me...I am really starting to hate most people.And selling parts is just as bad...
It sucks selling anything to the general public anymore.
Not so sure about the $500 threshold-- just on this site a $15 transaction will get scrutinized--

Sign of the times I guess-- Lawrence
I hear you brother! If I have something nice to sell I get all the low ball chain jerkers in the world. The nicer it is the worse it gets! But if I have junk, BAM! It sells right away & people are making offers higher than my asking price to let them jump ahead in line!I don't get it. The worst are the people who make offers (low) before they even come to see it(usually they never come). How can you possibly negotiate on a price with me before you've actually seen it? I hate selling stuff anymore.

BTW would you take $1500 for your duster?:violent1:
No its not you...I have a few things on kijiji...same as your craigslist...asking $180 for damned near mint set of emblems. Assclown emails me and tells me "Im in for $10 plus shipping" I say cool(stringing the f'r along) shoot me your it to me..dumbass. Email him back and tell him its $200 to ship LOL...he threatens to call kijiji and have me reported as a scammer. In my opinion there should be some kind of test for people to pass to have the internet.

I will say ANY deals I have done on here have been awesome!
Yes I have had similar experience- I think that is just dealing with the public.
Yes it sucks!
Recently I posted a piece of furniture on craigslist for free & people asked me to deliver it!

On the other hand I'm shocked at some of the stuff I've sold on eBay, I've gotten good money for things that I was going to leave on the curb. Other stuff I thought might have some value gets zero interest. This makes it difficult for me to determine value sometime.
The internet and eBay have helped me determine fair value for some of the interesting items I've sold to buddies.
It is everywhere.
Last week I had my dad's 99 grand Cherokee in the paper for $2500, he only put 300 miles on it last year so it is time to go.
This jeep is clean but high miles 190K, it is loaded, heated leather, almost new tires, brakes and exhaust, no dents, no rust, original shiny paint, runs great.
This lady came over to look at it for a winter vehicle, she was driving a 50K BMW.
Had the nerve to offer $1500.
Welcome to the world the great recession created. Everybody wants to beat you to death on prices. We take our semi rare parts to a swap meet they cut you to a third right off the bat. I just tell em all the same thing go buy the other one that's out here.
Tough economy makes people watch their funds much closer. I'm personally not a PayPal fan since they charge the reciever which reduces a negotiated that much less after fees. Why can't they just do it the way western union or currency exchanges do it and charge the sender?
It's always been this way. Back in the day you had to run and ad in the local paper, so you attracted the same folks but just not near as many of them.
It's always been this way. Back in the day you had to run and ad in the local paper, so you attracted the same folks but just not near as many of them.
Totally untrue back in 06-07 people just bought the parts. No barter just cash. And they didn't want fourty pics of said piece just to never be heard from again.
Yup. Back then they actually had to call you on the phone. There were some no-shows, alright, but sometimes you had THEIR phone number. Somehow I think maybe the sound of a voice is a bit more "personal" or whatever than some anonymous text / email
I never have problems getting cash offers for stuff that I don't want to sell. Just yesterday I had four people come by that wanted to buy five of my vehicles. Three of them were pick ups and the other two were ricers. It seems like I never have problems finding buyers for ricers.
Anymore I tell people who say I will be there tomorrow at so and so time.Call me when you think you are half way and I will make sure and be there otherwise I will not be there.
It wasn't like this years ago because the gap between the haves and have nots was not as wide. Times are tough. People are hurting and desperate. Of course, that does not account for them all, but a lot of them are. Some are just out to try to lowball, but for others, trying to get the best deal is a necessity. Of course, buying an A12 Road Runner is not a necessity.
I have never once in my life showed up to look at a car without all the money being asked for it. When I get to the car, I'll usually ask all about it, then ask if it has any "quirks" like - maybe a door only closes if you do such and such... or the radio stops working if you're going over 55mph. Then from there I can start to devalue it if I have to. I look under the hood and creep under the car if I can for signs of leaks, or a gob of RTV stopping a leak. If it doesn't look like it's going to catch fire I offer to take a test drive with the owner. Usually they don't always want to go with you, so regardless I hand them the keys to my car, and then take theirs for a test drive as a sign of good faith - I.e - I don't plan on stealing your car. Only after I determine I like it and maybe it has flaws will I devalue it, but I always have the asking price on me, never less. It's just bad dealing to do it that way. It's stupid to ask if someone will take $400 or whatever less before you see the car or find out what's up. Obviously the person wants X amount of dollars for it, not x-400.

I personally only ever sold one car on craiglist. A 2002 Cr-v that was done in by my ex who crashed it into a phone pole. I said everything that was wrong with it, and offered it for sale for $1,200. Insurance gave me $2,000 to repair it but said I didn't have to. So I didn't. Someone showed up within two hours of me posting it and asked if I'd take a bunch of weed in trade. I don't smoke nor did I think that was fair, so I said no - $1,200 cash. He handed it over, and I loaded a bunch of other parts into the car that I had for it, and he left. Best craigslist experience.
You shouldda said the weed and the cash. LOL
Selling cars and parts can be a royal PITA, but sometimes you get people that are serious, know what they want, and are willing to pay a fair price for it.
Then you get the idiots, lowballers, no shows, flakes, and dreamers. And it's always been that way.
Some people have some fantastic excuses and the stories to go along with them, i think i've heard them all.
It's just part of the game.
One thing for sure is that the scrap yard will pay you by the pound, and they don't care if it's got some rust or dents, matching numbers, flaws, etc.
Sometimes it comes down to that.
It is all those dickering shows....everything I buy is gold but when I sell, it is sh*T.

I laugh at car dealers that quote cars "holding their value".

Kijiji / Craigslist attracts a certain amount of crazies and loonie tunes..

You are never going to get folks that won;t try to dicker..
It seems to be getting worse too. I have a real 72 340 4spd cuda project listed for $4000, people are posting that in a duche, that I have Barrett Jackson fever, etc... I told them to find a cheaper real cuda. Also have a 49 Merc listed and people keep offering to trade junk for it. People get down right insulting, and not just the offers, actually calling you names and personally bashing you. This is why people just send them to the scrap yard, or hire brokers like me who mark the price up just because of all the bull **** they get to deal with. People have no manners anymore. On the flip side, you also have sellers misrepresenting their cars and saying they are what their not. So I guess it's a two way street
Bought a car off Craigslist a couple months ago! Went with all the cash, paid full price and didnt dicker at all! Guy was so tired of fielding all of the bullshit wanna be's, and so thankful I didn't bash the car or try to talk him down that he threw in about $500 worth of extra parts! Only asking $1000 for a parts car with about $3k worth of parts, and another $500 on top, why talk him down??

Manners, integrity, humility, and honesty!! Lost on most people nowadays!! Sadly!! Geof