it could have turned out real bad



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 24, 2009
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Corinth, Ky.
My wife came home from work last night and was kinda stressed. She is in management and has been off for six weeks for a shoulder surgery and started back Monday morning. Well, you know how it is going back to work after being off for a long period of time and no one does what they are supposed to do. She walks in and says, " boy I am glad this day is over". " oh, by the way, there is a vibration in the van. feels like the tires are flat". She has done this to me in the past several times and I would go and check it out and find nothing. The last time, about a month ago I looked them over and took the van out and ran it up to 70mph and nothing. no vibration, nothing. So, when she told me that, I said, run the damn thing till it breaks and then I will know what the problem is. take it to work and if it is still doing it tonight, I will look at it again. I just happened to be standing at the front door drinking a cup of coffee as she was backing out of the driveway this morning and I noticed something weird with the front tire on the driver side. I ran out the door and made her pull back in. I knew then what it was. This is what I found. tread separated . 3 bubbles..I will listen to her the next time she tells me something is wrong with the van.


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she travels the interstate 20 miles each way. I hate to think what would have happened if that tire would have blowed on the interstate at 70 MPH. I just drove the van Monday night and it didn't have any vibration in it at all. The man was definitely looking out for us this time. What is scary is what led me to have these 4 tires put on new last year is when she called me from work and told me she had a flat tire. come to find out she had just got off the interstate going to work and pulled into her parking place at work when the front tire blew out as she parked. I told her to call AAA and have it towed to the tire shop up the road and had these 4 Bridgestones put on. This is getting scary.
Does she routinely hit curbs? My wife does and then curses when she finds bubbles in the sidewalls. I am lucky that she even looks at her tires though! She has had a slow rim leak in her car for two years and then two weeks ago, she bought all new Michelins. She then noticed that the same leaky tire was again low on air. She chalked it off on the leaky rim, but I checked it out for her anyway. I found a nail in the tread! Mystery solved - hopefully.
no, she don't hit curbs. there is no place she goes that even has curbs here in the country. I took the tire to the tire shop and he told me that it was definitely a separation. They prorated the tire and put a new one on for me. was just lucky that I was standing at the front door when she backed out this morning.
no, she don't hit curbs. there is no place she goes that even has curbs here in the country. I took the tire to the tire shop and he told me that it was definitely a separation. They prorated the tire and put a new one on for me. was just lucky that I was standing at the front door when she backed out this morning.

You better keep a close eye on the rest of those tires too. If it was my wife the van would have a new left tire installed also just for piece of mind.
yeah.......... I already had the van down there and every tire was taken off and inspected closely by the tire shop. the rest seen to be in good shape. Man told me that if for some reason another one goes bad, he will replace the rest of them at no charge and send the bill back to Firestone.
Those damn Bridgestones! It's all their fault. Seriously, that separation is from air leaking through the inner liner. It had some sort of damage to the liner somehow or some way. A puncture, a run flat, a rim pinch from a pothole. Good thing you caught it when you did.
yeah, he said it had air in it. I am going to go with the pothole. I know it hasn't ran flat. so I am going to go with the pothole. after winter we have a few holes on the interstate till they fix them each spring. That and the fact I don't like Firestone anyway. you couldn't give me a set of Firestone tires when I was running my trucks. but my son worked for a Chevrolet dealership as a mechanic at the time and I got the tires at cost so I thought I would try them.
One of my old BFG's on my Demon did that. I found out the tire's were around 20 years old so I replaced all of them.
well these tires are only a little over a year old. she may have hit a big pothole. but it doesn't seem like if it was a pot hole that it would have affected the inside edge. It seems like it would have separated in the center of the tire. I cannot say. just glad it was caught. I drove it about 55 miles today after the new tire was put on and it seems fine. but I will keep both eyes on the other 3.
definately a separation..... but holy cow.... I have never seen one that bad yet....

Whoa, that is a major separation. Did they replace the tire with another Bridgestone?
I think I would have wanted at least two new different tires on the front....
There should be a date on that tire, it might have been sitting on the shelf for years. There was a article on the news a while back, new tires failing from age.
I recently found that the NJ tire shops are not legally allowed to mount tires older than five years old. (Don't tell them I found a shop to do it anyway:eek:ops:)

Glad you and your wife didn't get hurt!
i had that happen a week and a half ago but not as bad as the OP and mine actually split open and i heard the air come out on a dirt road.

i heard its bcoz some tires get weak in the cold season and when the seasons change and you really heat up the road the weaknesses show.

this was a used tire anyway so i wasn't that hurt about it ...i get all my tires used for 10 bucks a pop from my uncles towing company LOL i use them on my work car bcoz i go 35 miles a night on back roads going 20 MPH so they usually wear and don't last long but i try to squeeze every mile i can out of them


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At least, it was caught. (Both,D.T,and Rani Sox). No one hurt,all the wiser