It's official, I'm a grumpy old man


Righty Tighty

Blame it on the dog
FABO Gold Member
Aug 16, 2019
Reaction score
Sahuarita, AZ
I think I live in a decent community with good people. Mostly good people. However, one of my neighbors seems to find it acceptable to let their dog use my front yard as a toilet. I do not find that acceptable.

I'm gonna catch em. And they're not gonna like it when I do.

When I was a kid one of my jobs was cutting the grass, well there was always piles of crap from next doors dog so I would get the shovel and fling it back where it belonged, on their driveway, walkway and sometimes their cars. One day my dad asked what I was doing, I told him and he just smiled and walked away. after a couple of times doing that, the dog stopped crapping in our yard, nothing was ever said!
A few years back I tilled drug and seeded my yard and before the yard was completely green a woman and her two big dogs were twenty feet in the yard with the dogs bombing my lawn. Then trying to bury it after they were done. Needless to say I gave the woman hell for bringing the dogs on my new lawn and damaging it, all she said was I picked it up. I said more but I’m not sure what it was at this time.
You haven't met me yet!!! (Yeah, I know, you really have, LOL) I tore into some jerk here in the 'hood, with his two dogs, letting them mess all over the neighbor's lawn, I was not nice. I charged up there and tore right in. I told him, "Get your damn dogs off my neighbors lawn, they don't want your dogs shittin and pissin all over here. They have grand kids who play out in this yard. Take your dogs somewhere else, like maybe YOUR yard."

He started to give me lip and man I lit into him again, followed him down the street.

I think I live in a decent community with good people. Mostly good people. However, one of my neighbors seems to find it acceptable to let their dog use my front yard as a toilet. I do not find that acceptable.

I'm gonna catch em. And they're not gonna like it when I do.

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Our development surrounds a pond/slough/wetland , depending on how much rain we’ve received recently, and for the most part, all of the dog owners on “the loop” are pretty responsible and pick up after their pooches.

However, there are two owners who just don’t get it, and we’re trying to figure out how to deal with them. One idea was to put a poop bag post out there for them, but personally I doubt they’ll take the hint.

Given we’re the “new kids on the block” (latest to move in), I hesitate to go in for direct confrontation, but it just may come to that.
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Our development surrounds a pond/slough/wetland , depending on how much rain we’ve received recently, and for the most part, all of the dog owners on “the loop@ are pretty responsible and pick up after their pooches.

However, there are two owners who just don’t get it, and we’re trying to figure out how to deal with them. One idea was to put a poop bag post out there for them, but personally I doubt they’ll take the hint.

Given were the “ new kids on the block” (latest to move in), I hesitate to go in for direct confrontation, but it just may come to that.
If they don't get the hint get their address and find a fast juvenile delinquent to pull the burning bag of chit ding dong ditch routine.
We have 3 large breed dogs, weighing between 65 and 100 lbs. We have poop bags in each vehicle, and plenty of extras in the house. Anytime we take the dogs we bring plenty of extra bags. Normally we take them to an off-leash park to exercise them, you want to see unclaimed piles of dog crap? Go to an off-leash park! My wife and I have both had numerous heated confrontations with assholes who refuse to pick up after their pets. Disgusting bunch of idiots. My wife picks up several bags of 'overlooked' turds every time we go. We had to put up a small decorative fence to stop people from allowing their dogs to crap in our front yard, and don't even get me started on the neighborhood cats that roam freely and like to use our flowerbeds as a friggin' toilet!
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Just in case some of you don't think this is very serious

Decades ago, some then 4wd/ off roading friends had a young daughter who lost an eye. I don't remember the technical details, but they were told it likely was because of pets or animal waste, some worm? I don't remember, gets into your eye socket, and can somehow travel down the optical nerve canal to the brain. That's right. She only has one eye.
Wow, I thought it was only disgusting and irresponsible. I never knew!
I would pick up my douche bag neighbors dog **** and throw it on his front patio.
I remember when I was about 6 years old, my dad would make me go pick up the neighbors German Shepherds **** before he mowed our lawn. One day I got mad and got the shovel out and scooped up the dog **** and slung it all on the side of the neighbors house ! My dad went out to mow and saw it ! Thought I was gonna get a kick in the seat but he laughed and said maybe they'll shorten the dog chain !
I'm 74, and I've been a grumpy old man for at least ten years. My pet peeve is fireworks. I don't mind people blowing them off. They are legal here for the week before the 4th of July and the 4th itself. They not to be shot off after 10 PM during the week before and 12 PM on the fourth. The idiots around here do it until midnight (or after) the week before and 2 AM on the 4th. Sorry but that irritates me.

When I was a kid one of my jobs was cutting the grass, well there was always piles of crap from next doors dog so I would get the shovel and fling it back where it belonged, on their driveway, walkway and sometimes their cars. One day my dad asked what I was doing, I told him and he just smiled and walked away. after a couple of times doing that, the dog stopped crapping in our yard, nothing was ever said!
Sounds like a great dad. That made me smile.
When your dog ***** on the carpet you stick their nose in it.
When a strangers dog ***** on your yard you stick the owners nose in it.
I think I live in a decent community with good people. Mostly good people. However, one of my neighbors seems to find it acceptable to let their dog use my front yard as a toilet. I do not find that acceptable.

I'm gonna catch em. And they're not gonna like it when I do.

I think I live in a decent community with good people. Mostly good people. However, one of my neighbors seems to find it acceptable to let their dog use my front yard as a toilet. I do not find that acceptable.

I'm gonna catch em. And they're not gonna like it when I do.

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One of my oldest friends daughter worked at Disney World doing the Turkey Drumstick cart.
Rich is extremely Grumpy 24/7 unless you can figure his current peave.
I'd seen him in of these shirts more than once and always laughed.

I have been a grumpy old man for years now
When our first grandkid was born the discussion was what to be called as I never wanted to be poppy or pop, so I came up with Grumpy, and I have over the last 15 years collected so many grumpy T shirts it is not funny with 10 grandkids and I get at least 2 a year
I would pick up my douche bag neighbors dog **** and throw it on his front patio.
As soon as I find out who it is, that's where it's going. I might get creative and who knows, maybe it'll find its way on the underside of a doorknob? Lots of options here.

I posted on our neighborhood FB group, but the mods took it down. Sad.
As soon as I find out who it is, that's where it's going. I might get creative and who knows, maybe it'll find its way on the underside of a doorknob? Lots of options here.

I posted on our neighborhood FB group, but the mods took it down. Sad.
lots of ideas... under the door handles of the car, windshield wipers,just for starters
I thought about the mailbox, but I wouldn't want to do that to the mail carrier.

While it would be loads of fun to be able to retaliate, I really don't have time for this nonsense and would prefer that this just stops without further incident. I'm pretty sure I know who it is, and we had an encounter several weeks ago. My dogs were off leash in my carport and she was walking her dog. My boys ran out to say hi, but her dog wasn't so friendly. I apologized profusely, but she didn't say a word and gave me a dirty look.
Years ago, I was painting a friend's condo. As I was up on the roof or a ladder most of the time and I had a bird's eye view of the neighbors. Every day between 4:30 and 5:30, people would come home and walk their dogs. You'd see them drive in, go in their house, bring out the dog, and walk it down the street to crap in a neighbor's yard. A little later, the neighbor would come home, bring out the dog, walk it up the street to crap in another neighbor's yard. This would repeat until everyone was home, and every yard had been crapped in by someone else's dog.
They were exchanging dog crap!
I found it very telling of human behavior.
At least our neighbour picks it up........

I make it a point to do road cleanup on our rural street a couple of times a year (mostly beer cans). One day in the spring before the leaves got full, I noticed a **** bag just off the road in a wooded area. I decided to go in and pick it up. When I got there, there were literally hundreds of full **** bags. Apparently, she would pick up the **** and throw it, bag and all, into the wooded area. I guess it's human nature to make your problem someone elses problem. I did however clean it up.

Glad she moved! :thumbsup: