Jehovah's Witnesses

I guess you can imagine my hesitation about entering this conversation, as one of Jehovahs Witnesses myself. ..Have been for most of my adult life. And I gotta say, it blows me away how much mis-information and mis-conceptions there are about what we believe!

I don't really think this is the best 'platform' for having the conversation, but I'm certainly willing to talk about it with anyone wanting to know more about us, and what we believe. But in a nutshell, here are some things that we believe..

God created Adam & Eve to live forever in a perfect paradise with perfect health, right here on Earth. They sinned (disobediently ate from the tree, showing that they were not willing to live within the limits of their freedom), lost their perfection, grew old and died. As their descendants, we inherited sin. We simply cannot live up to Gods requirements.

God sent his only begotten son, Jesus, to Earth as a perfect man to offer him up as a sacrifice for our sins (which we inherited from Adam & Eve) and Jesus willingly did so. Those were the two greatest acts of love ever performed since the history of man!

As a result of the sacrifice, we all have not only the means to approach God (with Jesus as our mediator), but the forgiveness of sin.

God made man in his image, but also gave all of us free will. We can all use our lives however we choose! He allows us to use our free will to worship him or not!

The Bible is the most widely published book in the history of the world. It has been the target of enemies of God wanting to destroy it. But it has survived down to this day, simply because it is the word of God and he wants it preserved.

As Jehovahs Witnesses, we believe strongly that it is important to treat the Bible, Gods word, as the ultimate authority. And even though it was written centuries ago by scores of men living in different time periods, the Bible is always accurate, with no contradictions. And when scrutinized by scientists, who may be non-believers, the Bible is in perfect harmony with modern science (even though the Bible is not a science book).

We don't have our "own Bible". We do, though, have the publishing rights to the "New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures". It has had PLENTY of scrutiny by people from all walks of life. But the bottom line is this: it has been proven by Bible scholars and linguists to be the most accurate translation of the Holy Bible, and its written in our modern language! And we don't have a problem with anyone else using the Bible of their choice. The Truth of Gods word can still be found, even if you're more comfortable using the King James Version, for example, with its olde English "thee's and thy's", and other somewhat unfamiliar terminology.

Gods purpose for man has not changed since Adam and Eve. He intended for man to live forever on Earth with perfect health! That's still Gods purpose! Jesus is ruling in Heaven, waiting for the command from God to unleash his power against this wicked system of things and destroy all those destroying the Earth! This is what's referred to in the Bible as Armageddon. And contrary to what some may think, this is a selective war; it's not the "end of the world" or the end of mankind! God will simply wipe out anyone that does not want to be ruled by God! The "meek will inherit the Earth" and live forever on it, just as was his original purpose for mankind!

Here is a very short video (about 3 minutes) that will likely get you to thinking about things:

It's entitled "Why study the Bible?" This is from our official website,, you may be very surprised at what you hear!

Why Study the Bible? Find Answers to Life’s Big Questions | Videos

And just to alleviate any concerns, I'm not particularly offended by anything that anyone has said in the previous comments! Like I said, there has been lots of misconceptions about what we believe. So if you want to know what or how we believe, ask one of us! Feel free to PM me as well if you like.

Or visit our official website,

I was going to stay out of this, but the first thing I noticed was u talking about eating from the tree. Maybe u should go back to the Hebrew, and greek, and see what really happened in the garden of Eden . It was toned downed by the people that wrote the kj version, by order of GOD I`m guessing.
They seem like nice people, they come , I crack the glass screen door open.. I wish they would stay a little longer, but they back up with their hands in the air and leave. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the little 45lb pit that ends up with her neck between my leg and the door jamb. I never get a chance to talk to them. She just wants to say hi.


She's gamey and sounds like she's 80lbs worked up.

But, yeah, trees and fruit and if you haven't figured it out yet............
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I have many relatives that are JW's and they never judge me on my beliefs, but I question that the JW's just celebrated their 100year anniversary. So they have been only around that long? And it's one man's opinion of the Bible that created the JW, correct me if iam wrong. His name Charles Russell
I don't get too excited when they come around. They mostly know what their church teaches. That's why they had to write their own bible. One day, the JW's decided to fix the KJV so they literally handed out black felt pens and had people cross out what they didn't like. True story. That's how themJW bible came to be. I forget what they call it now.

So I always tell them for every book or article they give me to read, I will give them one of what I have. After a week or so they can come back and we can talk about what we read. Not one has ever taken me up on it.

On another note, everytime I see your Avatar it reminds me of the two broke 685 boxes I have sitting here. Both of which have been repaired and failed again.
One of my closest friends is a witness. I am not overly religious myself but I am glad it gives her peace. I talked to a minister of the religion I was brought up in and he explained that in the Bible it says it is your duty to go out and spread the word of God and the witnesses just practice it more consistently. Hearing that made me more comfortable around them. I am polite and explain that I respect what they are doing and in the grand scheme of things we are in agreement but some of the details we disagree on and politely excuse myself. .......i have another female friend who answers the door naked when ever they go to get house. They don't contact her anymore .

My ex girlfriend was one and it destroyed our relationship. My ex co-worker was one also. He would use all of his vacation time, then he would go on a "retreat" and take unpaid leave for days at a time! This guy got 4 vacations a year and I got one. After a while the boss had enough and told him he needed him to work Christmas Day and New Years day because he doesn't celebrate holidays. The guy refused and said those are paid holidays!!! See, they want it both ways.
A lot of references to Jesus' deity is left out.

One of the reasons they make the claim that Michael the Archangel was Jesus.

I grew up with two Jehovah's Witnesses as close friends.

To this day, I'm blacklisted.

The gentleman actually said to me, "Do you think we believe in Jesus?" and I told him, "You have your own version of Him!" and he just nodded.
They don't use the watchtower Bible... Get your opinions straight... Look it up.. I don't have a problem of any religion.. it's just when people that don't know religion start talking about religion... I've studied them all and my belief now is organized religion is corrupt.. I'll be judged when and if I get to another place

I agree that all religion is corrupt. I walked out of my church last year when they did their giant "cash grab" as I call it. They made the entire "sermon" (all 5 minutes of it) about giving and had fishbowls on stools at the front of the stage. Then they had envelopes waiting for us on the pews. The pastor said the band was going to play a 3 minute song and we were to decide how much we were going to donate for the year! 3 minutes. Write it on the paper, put it in the envelope and place it in the fishbowl at the end of the isle. He said we needed to dip into our savings, 401K or any other funds we have available, "over and above the standard 10% tithe offering". I sat there slack jawed and watched as he and his wife prayed over each fishbowl and realized I had been duped and could not go back there ever. I really loved that church, went every week and was involved in a life group and another bible study group. But what I saw that day showed me what they truly represent and it sickened me. The worst part is I led 3 people to that church and they were Baptized and now I feel like I quit on them. They are very cold to me now.
............. Sorry for those that "liked", but I changed my mind on participating.
Good DAy :)
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I agree that all religion is corrupt. I walked out of my church last year when they did their giant "cash grab" as I call it. They made the entire "sermon" (all 5 minutes of it) about giving and had fishbowls on stools at the front of the stage. Then they had envelopes waiting for us on the pews. The pastor said the band was going to play a 3 minute song and we were to decide how much we were going to donate for the year! 3 minutes. Write it on the paper, put it in the envelope and place it in the fishbowl at the end of the isle. He said we needed to dip into our savings, 401K or any other funds we have available, "over and above the standard 10% tithe offering". I sat there slack jawed and watched as he and his wife prayed over each fishbowl and realized I had been duped and could not go back there ever. I really loved that church, went every week and was involved in a life group and another bible study group. But what I saw that day showed me what they truly represent and it sickened me. The worst part is I led 3 people to that church and they were Baptized and now I feel like I quit on them. They are very cold to me now.
Every church I've been involved with has made it to that point, and near that blatently. Tell someone you've become somewhat financially successful and watch how quickly they bring you into the fold.
Back to post #25.
I figured we would get here.
Since it's all Greek to me, I've told JWs that I would use any Bible to study with them other than the NWT.
Even a Confraternity Edition.
Usually end it.
So, let me get this straight.
JW doctrine comes from a different Bible than "everyone" else uses.
Oh..... kay....... fine.

Comparing Bible Versions

    • American Standard Version

      Score: 100%

      The American Standard Version, once considered “the rock of Biblical honesty,” was a rather good version. It uses the consensus text of its day, the Westcott-Hort Greek Text, which today would be considered inferior by most scholars. However, it was a very good translation of that text, and can serve as an excellent basis for comparing the accuracy of modern versions, which are largely based on a similar text. One difficulty with the ASV is that, while published in 1901, it retained old Elizabethan English. While not nearly as difficult to read as the King James Version, it still uses a vocabulary quite alien to people today.

    • Analytical-Literal Translation

      Score: 100%

      The Analytical-Literal Translation is a translation of only the New Testament. It is extremely accurate to the Greek. It can be fairly difficult reading at times because it adheres so closely to the source language, but it certainly brings out concepts from the Greek that no other translation does. Reading the Analytical-Literal Translation is an experience that I highly recommend. It utilizes creative ways of expressing the Greek tenses in our language. It also has an “analytical” feature that shows, right in the text, possible variant translations. It is really the ultimate version for getting down to what the word really says (and means) without interpretive gloss of any kind.

      As its textual base it uses the Byzantine Majority Text (more recently known as the Byzantine Textform, to dispel the myth that its textual choices are based simply on counting manuscripts). The Byzantine Majority Text is the logical successor to the Textus Receptus (or Received Text) that the KJV/NKJV are based on.

    • King James Version

      Score: 100%

      The King James Version receives a 100% grade on this test. This is not to say that there are no areas in which the King James does not have the best possible translation or to claim there are no benefits in language updating. However, it is by any account an excellent Bible version and has none of the serious, deliberate doctrinal deviations that we are looking for in this test.

      I have some reservations toward people picking up the King James Version as a main Bible in this day and age, because the language differences since 1611 could easily frustrate a person in Bible study or cause them to get the wrong ideas. Many words in English have actually reversed meaning since 1611. Nevertheless, I think everyone should have one for comparison. If you know Elizabethan English, it is actually a pleasant, captivating read. I’ve read the King James New Testament a number of times, and there is a pleasing reverence in the language. The New Testament is translated mainly from the Textus Receptus (in English, the Received Text), which is a fairly good though somewhat dated representative of the Byzantine text.

    • New American Standard Bible *

      Score: 100%

      I have a great appreciation for the NASB’s accuracy and its plain, easy to understand English. Also worthy of appreciation is the fact that the Lockman Foundation produces this Bible not as a commercial venture; it is a non-profit organization. The only thing about NASB that I have to mention is that it uses the Consensus Text, so people really need to decide for themselves which underlying text is better in order to choose between NASB and NKJV. One or the other is the best translation in the world today. Personally, I prefer a more Byzantine text (such as the text underlying the NKJV) but I also prefer the English style of the NASB.

    • New King James Version *

      Score: 100%

      I recommend the New King James Version above the King James Version because the language updating is necessary. Some of the words in the King James Version have even reversed meaning since its translation in 1611. In addition, we have learned things about the Hebrew and Greek languages in the time between 1611 and the present. This additional knowledge necessarily enhances the translation. Finally, where the NKJV and KJV differ, most frequently the NKJV is proven to be the more accurate version when compared against the original languages. Both the KJV and NKJV are translated from the Textus Receptus in the New Testament.

      The NKJV is available in the form of some very good (and some not-so-good) study Bibles. For best results, I would recommend avoiding study Bibles, especially for new Christians, as this is a means of re-introducing the problem of man’s interpretations, to the detriment of even good translations.

    • New World Translation *

      Score: 10%

      Unless you are a cult researcher, you have no use for the New World Translation. I have read most if not all of the New World Translation in my former life as an unwitting unbeliever. Practically none of the essential truths of the Bible could ever be discovered from the New World Translation.

      Supposedly translated from the Westcott-Hort Greek Text, in reality none of the four “translators” actually knew Biblical Greek (this was proven in court some years ago). The NWT is actually a doctrinally modified paraphrase, probably of the American Standard Version.

      Only Acts 2:38 was translated accurately, and that is only because the Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe in baptismal regeneration. In Genesis 1:2, “Spirit” is translated “active force.” Neither word present in the text or implied by the meaning. Zechariah 12:10 substitutes “the one whom they pierced” instead of “on Me whom they pierced” to obscure the Trinity. Matthew 21:32 does not indicate a repentant change of mind, only regret. Mark 1:4 inserts an interpretation, not the word of God. Mark 1:15 presents the command to repent as a way of being, not as an action to take. Luke 24:45- 47 replaces “in His name” with “on the basis of his name,” obscuring the sense. John 1:1- 4 has a grammatically impossible rendering of “a god.” John 14:26 depersonalizes the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:48 dispenses with the concept of destiny which is present in the real text. 2 Timothy 2:25 is changed from an acknowledgment of the truth, and introduces a concept of “infavorable disposition” rather than “in opposition.” This is not to mention that the word “Jehovah” is inserted 237 times throughout the New Testament, though not one Greek NT manuscript contains the word.

      If you have a copy of the NWT, please do not take this version to a used bookstore to get rid of it. Let its damage stop with you and take a stand against false doctrine by throwing it out yourself
And since deaf people are reading impaired....
My favorite:

Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) - Version Information -

Back to post #25.
I figured we would get here.
Since it's all Greek to me, I've told JWs that I would use any Bible to study with them other than the NWT.
Even a Confraternity Edition.
Usually end it.
So, let me get this straight.
JW doctrine comes from a different Bible than "everyone" else uses.
Oh..... kay....... fine.

Comparing Bible Versions

    • American Standard Version

      Score: 100%

      The American Standard Version, once considered “the rock of Biblical honesty,” was a rather good version. It uses the consensus text of its day, the Westcott-Hort Greek Text, which today would be considered inferior by most scholars. However, it was a very good translation of that text, and can serve as an excellent basis for comparing the accuracy of modern versions, which are largely based on a similar text. One difficulty with the ASV is that, while published in 1901, it retained old Elizabethan English. While not nearly as difficult to read as the King James Version, it still uses a vocabulary quite alien to people today.

    • Analytical-Literal Translation

      Score: 100%

      The Analytical-Literal Translation is a translation of only the New Testament. It is extremely accurate to the Greek. It can be fairly difficult reading at times because it adheres so closely to the source language, but it certainly brings out concepts from the Greek that no other translation does. Reading the Analytical-Literal Translation is an experience that I highly recommend. It utilizes creative ways of expressing the Greek tenses in our language. It also has an “analytical” feature that shows, right in the text, possible variant translations. It is really the ultimate version for getting down to what the word really says (and means) without interpretive gloss of any kind.

      As its textual base it uses the Byzantine Majority Text (more recently known as the Byzantine Textform, to dispel the myth that its textual choices are based simply on counting manuscripts). The Byzantine Majority Text is the logical successor to the Textus Receptus (or Received Text) that the KJV/NKJV are based on.

    • King James Version

      Score: 100%

      The King James Version receives a 100% grade on this test. This is not to say that there are no areas in which the King James does not have the best possible translation or to claim there are no benefits in language updating. However, it is by any account an excellent Bible version and has none of the serious, deliberate doctrinal deviations that we are looking for in this test.

      I have some reservations toward people picking up the King James Version as a main Bible in this day and age, because the language differences since 1611 could easily frustrate a person in Bible study or cause them to get the wrong ideas. Many words in English have actually reversed meaning since 1611. Nevertheless, I think everyone should have one for comparison. If you know Elizabethan English, it is actually a pleasant, captivating read. I’ve read the King James New Testament a number of times, and there is a pleasing reverence in the language. The New Testament is translated mainly from the Textus Receptus (in English, the Received Text), which is a fairly good though somewhat dated representative of the Byzantine text.

    • New American Standard Bible *

      Score: 100%

      I have a great appreciation for the NASB’s accuracy and its plain, easy to understand English. Also worthy of appreciation is the fact that the Lockman Foundation produces this Bible not as a commercial venture; it is a non-profit organization. The only thing about NASB that I have to mention is that it uses the Consensus Text, so people really need to decide for themselves which underlying text is better in order to choose between NASB and NKJV. One or the other is the best translation in the world today. Personally, I prefer a more Byzantine text (such as the text underlying the NKJV) but I also prefer the English style of the NASB.

    • New King James Version *

      Score: 100%

      I recommend the New King James Version above the King James Version because the language updating is necessary. Some of the words in the King James Version have even reversed meaning since its translation in 1611. In addition, we have learned things about the Hebrew and Greek languages in the time between 1611 and the present. This additional knowledge necessarily enhances the translation. Finally, where the NKJV and KJV differ, most frequently the NKJV is proven to be the more accurate version when compared against the original languages. Both the KJV and NKJV are translated from the Textus Receptus in the New Testament.

      The NKJV is available in the form of some very good (and some not-so-good) study Bibles. For best results, I would recommend avoiding study Bibles, especially for new Christians, as this is a means of re-introducing the problem of man’s interpretations, to the detriment of even good translations.

    • New World Translation *

      Score: 10%

      Unless you are a cult researcher, you have no use for the New World Translation. I have read most if not all of the New World Translation in my former life as an unwitting unbeliever. Practically none of the essential truths of the Bible could ever be discovered from the New World Translation.

      Supposedly translated from the Westcott-Hort Greek Text, in reality none of the four “translators” actually knew Biblical Greek (this was proven in court some years ago). The NWT is actually a doctrinally modified paraphrase, probably of the American Standard Version.

      Only Acts 2:38 was translated accurately, and that is only because the Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe in baptismal regeneration. In Genesis 1:2, “Spirit” is translated “active force.” Neither word present in the text or implied by the meaning. Zechariah 12:10 substitutes “the one whom they pierced” instead of “on Me whom they pierced” to obscure the Trinity. Matthew 21:32 does not indicate a repentant change of mind, only regret. Mark 1:4 inserts an interpretation, not the word of God. Mark 1:15 presents the command to repent as a way of being, not as an action to take. Luke 24:45- 47 replaces “in His name” with “on the basis of his name,” obscuring the sense. John 1:1- 4 has a grammatically impossible rendering of “a god.” John 14:26 depersonalizes the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:48 dispenses with the concept of destiny which is present in the real text. 2 Timothy 2:25 is changed from an acknowledgment of the truth, and introduces a concept of “infavorable disposition” rather than “in opposition.” This is not to mention that the word “Jehovah” is inserted 237 times throughout the New Testament, though not one Greek NT manuscript contains the word.

      If you have a copy of the NWT, please do not take this version to a used bookstore to get rid of it. Let its damage stop with you and take a stand against false doctrine by throwing it out yourself
And since deaf people are reading impaired....
My favorite:

Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) - Version Information -

I'll say it again...go do some research on Wescott and Hort and see who they REALLY were. BTW, make sure a google a picture of Charles Taze Russell in his funeral garb! That should give you a start clue about what JW' think, believe and do.

And they have a very sly way of trying to get you to THINK they believe Christ is God, but they don't really believe that.

Also, Wescott and Hort had an issue with blood sacrafice for the remission of sin. Do some leg work on that. They didn't like it, so their Greek manuscript was rewritten to "fix" that!
I was going to stay out of this, but the first thing I noticed was u talking about eating from the tree. Maybe u should go back to the Hebrew, and greek, and see what really happened in the garden of Eden . It was toned downed by the people that wrote the kj version, by order of GOD I`m guessing.
I was going to stay out of this, but the first thing I noticed was u talking about eating from the tree. Maybe u should go back to the Hebrew, and greek, and see what really happened in the garden of Eden . It was toned downed by the people that wrote the kj version, by order of GOD I`m guessing.

I'll look into this, but first, you have to tell me what manuscript you are reading. That will cut down my study time. What manuscript?
On another note, everytime I see your Avatar it reminds me of the two broke 685 boxes I have sitting here. Both of which have been repaired and failed again.

Not to derail the thread but if you want to sell those boxes PM me. But do NOT, do not PM me without telling me with a notice in a thread. I do not get notices that I have PM's and I may never see it. I screwed a FABO member on a tunnel ram because I didn't see his PM. I was waiting to hear from someone else about a top for it. Luckily, it appears he sold it so I didn't cost him a sale.

Why I don't get those notices I have no idea.
The Unified field.. That **** will blow your mind. "All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are one Conscience experiencing itself subjectively, There is no such thing as Death. Life is a dream, and We are the imagination of our own self"
The Unified field.. That **** will blow your mind. "All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are one Conscience experiencing itself subjectively, There is no such thing as Death. Life is a dream, and We are the imagination of our own self"

Or just don't drop acid.
The Unified field.. That **** will blow your mind. "All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are one Conscience experiencing itself subjectively, There is no such thing as Death. Life is a dream, and We are the imagination of our own self"

IDK about that. I've seen death and death is for real. The question should what happens when you die. Most of the world gets is wrong. Which, BTW is the first question you should ask a Mormon. If they answer it correctly, then you know that Joseph Smith did talk to Paul or Peter.
IDK about that. I've seen death and death is for real. The question should what happens when you die. Most of the world gets is wrong. Which, BTW is the first question you should ask a Mormon. If they answer it correctly, then you know that Joseph Smith did talk to Paul or Peter.
Life implies death, and death implies life. The two go hand in hand. Imho.
IDK about that. I've seen death and death is for real. The question should what happens when you die. Most of the world gets is wrong. Which, BTW is the first question you should ask a Mormon. If they answer it correctly, then you know that Joseph Smith did talk to Paul or Peter.
I does change one's perception
Doesn't matter what belief you have. They all have one common thread. Follow them or your going to hell., eternal damnation, what ever. So I guess we are all going to hell. Or we are already there. Depends on your perspective.
Doesn't matter what belief you have. They all have one common thread. Follow them or your going to hell., eternal damnation, what ever. So I guess we are all going to hell. Or we are already there. Depends on your perspective.
Everyone's perception is thier Reality. Good point Ray.
Doesn't matter what belief you have. They all have one common thread. Follow them or your going to hell., eternal damnation, what ever. So I guess we are all going to hell. Or we are already there. Depends on your perspective.

This is true. Most are a money game.

When people ask me about church etc the first thing I tell them is STOP going to a church and listening the some fully indoctrinated fool who only knows what the seminary told him.

Read for yourself. Then you will know who is lying and who isn't.
I'll say it again...go do some research on Wescott and Hort and see who they REALLY were. BTW, make sure a google a picture of Charles Taze Russell in his funeral garb! That should give you a start clue about what JW' think, believe and do.

And they have a very sly way of trying to get you to THINK they believe Christ is God, but they don't really believe that.

Also, Wescott and Hort had an issue with blood sacrafice for the remission of sin. Do some leg work on that. They didn't like it, so their Greek manuscript was rewritten to "fix" that!

I did a little poking around.
It seems to me that unless one is a Greek scholar himself we are still dependent on what other people tell us about which text to use.
And, while the majority isn't necessarily right about everything in life, I have to wonder what "most" people who know say about the text they came up with.
I'm not so interest in Westcott or Hort's personal "interpretations" of what the thing says or their beliefs.
I would be more concerned with whether they were accurate in the text.
Scholarly in their handling of the thing.
If that makes sense?

Here's a link I found.
This person doesn't seem to like them very much.
But I'm not sure what he means by this.
Maybe you can explain it.
i.e. What is this "evangelical" teaching verses the Catholic "regeneration"?

Westcott and Hort: Fathers of modern Bible versions.
Hort's "Baptism"

Dr. Hort also believed that the Roman Catholic teaching of "baptismal regeneration" was more correct than the "evangelical" teaching.

" the same time in language stating that we maintain 'Baptismal Regeneration' as the most important of doctrines ... the pure 'Romish' view seems to me nearer, and more likely to lead to, the truth than the Evangelical."106
He also states that, "Baptism assures us that we are children of God, members of Christ and His body, and heirs of the heavenly kingdom."107

In fact, Hort's heretical view of baptism probably cost his own son his eternal soul, as we find Hort assuring his eldest son, Arthur, that his infant baptism was his salvation:

"You were not only born into the world of men. You were also born of Christian parents in a Christian land. While yet an infant you were claimed for God by being made in Baptism an unconscious member of His Church, the great Divine Society which has lived on unceasingly from the Apostles' time till now. You have been surrounded by Christian influences; taught to lift up your eyes to the Father in heaven as your own Father; to feel yourself in a wonderful sense a member or part of Christ, united to Him by strange invisible bonds; to know that you have as your birthright a share in the kingdom of heaven."108
I did a little poking around.
It seems to me that unless one is a Greek scholar himself we are still dependent on what other people tell us about which text to use.
And, while the majority isn't necessarily right about everything in life, I have to wonder what "most" people who know say about the text they came up with.
I'm not so interest in Westcott or Hort's personal "interpretations" of what the thing says or their beliefs.
I would be more concerned with whether they were accurate in the text.
Scholarly in their handling of the thing.
If that makes sense?

Here's a link I found.
This person doesn't seem to like them very much.
But I'm not sure what he means by this.
Maybe you can explain it.
i.e. What is this "evangelical" teaching verses the Catholic "regeneration"?

Westcott and Hort: Fathers of modern Bible versions.
Hort's "Baptism"

Dr. Hort also believed that the Roman Catholic teaching of "baptismal regeneration" was more correct than the "evangelical" teaching.

" the same time in language stating that we maintain 'Baptismal Regeneration' as the most important of doctrines ... the pure 'Romish' view seems to me nearer, and more likely to lead to, the truth than the Evangelical."106
He also states that, "Baptism assures us that we are children of God, members of Christ and His body, and heirs of the heavenly kingdom."107

In fact, Hort's heretical view of baptism probably cost his own son his eternal soul, as we find Hort assuring his eldest son, Arthur, that his infant baptism was his salvation:

"You were not only born into the world of men. You were also born of Christian parents in a Christian land. While yet an infant you were claimed for God by being made in Baptism an unconscious member of His Church, the great Divine Society which has lived on unceasingly from the Apostles' time till now. You have been surrounded by Christian influences; taught to lift up your eyes to the Father in heaven as your own Father; to feel yourself in a wonderful sense a member or part of Christ, united to Him by strange invisible bonds; to know that you have as your birthright a share in the kingdom of heaven."108

Keep digging on Wescott and Hort. They actually translated the Greek NT because they were smarter than the 70 scholars who translated the KJV.

Still, when considering results, what other version of the Bible can claim a Reformation?