Jerked around....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Anyone else getting the royal chain jerking in regards to getting their prescriptions particular Opioid scripts?
Been on the same dose of Oxycontin for over 5 years now. Past few years every January doc needs to fill out a form or two and it gets approved.
Not this year. Chain jerking has been going on for over 2 weeks now. Doctors office has submitted the forms at least half a dozen times....and was on the phone with them for over 2 hours yesterday. At one point GEHA approved it....but by the time the pharmacy/docs office got notified it was denied...again.
My wife called them. The woman she spoke with, who is not one of the decision makers, told her that the script was denied due to my condition not meeting the criteria of Oxycontin. Ernie then asked her if that were the case then why have you been paying for it for over 5 years now. The GEHA rep got a bit defensive....go figure.
I logged on to my insurance. Found the page that explained what it was going to take...medication wise...for them to put me on Oxycontin....Irony here...I was on one of them for years. And every one of these meds also requires a "Prior Authorization".
The thing that is making me extremely nervous is I am down to my last 8 days of pills...while back I asked my doc about getting put on a different pain med...he told me that was not going to happen without me getting weaned off of the Oxy...which thanks to how bad my back is simply is not going to happen....he said the only way for me to safely go from the Oxy to another med would be under medical I am very likely to start having seizures etc. Did I mention that I am scheduled to have the Spinal Cord Stimulator put in on the 24th? If we can't get this medication crap squared away by then I may have a serious problem. In talking with the docs office they told me that depending on the pharmacy they MAY have a policy that would allow me to get a 7 day supply while this gets squared away. That...or I foot the entire bill for the pills, believe it is about $800 for the 30 day supply while the docs office fights it out with the insurance company. He said that in the few cases he has seen this happen the insurance company refused to reimburse the patient for the meds...
Apologies for the length.
Get on the medical marijuana. I have a few friends that were on the opioids and they all been going to the medical marijuana. Some on just the hemp plant and some with the THC working wonders
The government trying to save us from ourselves because some others have abused the drugs in the past...

Now the people that really need them and will take them properly can't get the relief that they need...
Im going to agree with the med canibus / CBD oil.
Ive not done it personally (cant due to emplyr drugscreens) but have several family members and close friends who use it for pain, ptsd, etc and all have shown from very good to "OMG thsi stuff is incredible" results.
best of luck OP, with all the lawsuits & nationwide opiod crisis going on, its no wonder they are now making life difficult for everyone & anyone that legitmately needs it.
Anyone else getting the royal chain jerking in regards to getting their prescriptions particular Opioid scripts?
Been on the same dose of Oxycontin for over 5 years now. Past few years every January doc needs to fill out a form or two and it gets approved.
Not this year. Chain jerking has been going on for over 2 weeks now. Doctors office has submitted the forms at least half a dozen times....and was on the phone with them for over 2 hours yesterday. At one point GEHA approved it....but by the time the pharmacy/docs office got notified it was denied...again.
My wife called them. The woman she spoke with, who is not one of the decision makers, told her that the script was denied due to my condition not meeting the criteria of Oxycontin. Ernie then asked her if that were the case then why have you been paying for it for over 5 years now. The GEHA rep got a bit defensive....go figure.
I logged on to my insurance. Found the page that explained what it was going to take...medication wise...for them to put me on Oxycontin....Irony here...I was on one of them for years. And every one of these meds also requires a "Prior Authorization".
The thing that is making me extremely nervous is I am down to my last 8 days of pills...while back I asked my doc about getting put on a different pain med...he told me that was not going to happen without me getting weaned off of the Oxy...which thanks to how bad my back is simply is not going to happen....he said the only way for me to safely go from the Oxy to another med would be under medical I am very likely to start having seizures etc. Did I mention that I am scheduled to have the Spinal Cord Stimulator put in on the 24th? If we can't get this medication crap squared away by then I may have a serious problem. In talking with the docs office they told me that depending on the pharmacy they MAY have a policy that would allow me to get a 7 day supply while this gets squared away. That...or I foot the entire bill for the pills, believe it is about $800 for the 30 day supply while the docs office fights it out with the insurance company. He said that in the few cases he has seen this happen the insurance company refused to reimburse the patient for the meds...
Apologies for the length.
Get in contact with @halifaxhops They, him and his wife, just went thru this....
The government trying to save us from ourselves because some others have abused the drugs in the past...

Now the people that really need them and will take them properly can't get the relief that they need...
There is no way to take Oxycontin properly without becoming dependent.
If you ever tried to ween someone off Oxycontin without medical help, you would know it's a drug that should be used short term.
But hey, the cheaper alternative is ******.
I agree with tighter regulation for opioids. Sorry
The rules have changed. What a mess. Everybody is scared of getting sued.
Weed was legalized up here a few years back coast to coast. LOTS of adults are seeing/reaping the benefits from this.
I just watched the Netflix documentary "The Pharmacist" GREAT show that opened my eyes. Oxy Contin is bad stuff. I hope you find something else Doug.
Greedy Docs and Pharmaceutical companies are also to blame for this very real opioid crisis.
I went to MM and a heavy CBD to keep off of Tramidol and Gabapinton <sp?> a few years back. I was amazed at the difference in how I felt and kept in the CBD for about 2 years with a lot of relief! I also know the feeling of nerve pain so intense that almost nothing makes it go away aside from wanting to rip my arm out of my torso! MM was way easier to ween off than the tramidol was and I was nowhere near as big of an A hole (Or so I thought lol....)

Wish you the best in finding relief and staying safe!
There is a VERY wide selection of weed oil(and other weeds). From next to no thc(the high component), but high on CBD(pain control) to the exact opposite. Basically can get it customized to your needs.
Weed was legalized up here a few years back coast to coast. LOTS of adults are seeing/reaping the benefits from this.
I just watched the Netflix documentary "The Pharmacist" GREAT show that opened my eyes. Oxy Contin is bad stuff. I hope you find something else Doug.
Greedy Docs and Pharmaceutical companies are also to blame for this very real opioid crisis.
This is what I'm saying. I don't want Ink to take my post the wrong way.
I went through some tough stuff with one of my boy's.
I agree, that **** is as addictive as ******. Only long term ones benefitting are doctors and pharm companies. That show was 4 episodes I think....watched all 4 in a row. Great documentary.
I'm not surprised that people are getting denied, its unfortunate that people get hooked on that stuff.
Best of luck Doug.
This is what I'm saying. I don't want Ink to take my post the wrong way.
I went through some tough stuff with one of my boy's.
There's a very tiny percentage of "bad apple" docs who profit from inappropriate prescribing, most of them in Florida. Quite a few are in jail.
The rest are being harassed for trying to help their patients.
There is no way to take Oxycontin properly without becoming dependent.
If you ever tried to ween someone off Oxycontin without medical help, you would know it's a drug that should be used short term.
But hey, the cheaper alternative is ******.
I agree with tighter regulation for opioids. Sorry

I have a bottle of Vicatin stashed... I saved it from when I had a tooth pulled 6 years ago...

I save it for when I get a bad kink in my back from sleeping crooked and it hurts real bad...
CBD has no THC so employer wiz quiz wont pop you for THC. Its from the no (~very low) THC Hemp (rope fibers) plant.
CBD has no THC so employer wiz quiz wont pop you for THC. Its from the no (~very low) THC Hemp (rope fibers) plant.
I have some serious pain that high potency CBD does not touch. It does help my tendentious.
Message and meditation are my huckleberry.
Anyone else getting the royal chain jerking in regards to getting their prescriptions particular Opioid scripts?
Been on the same dose of Oxycontin for over 5 years now. Past few years every January doc needs to fill out a form or two and it gets approved.
Not this year. Chain jerking has been going on for over 2 weeks now. Doctors office has submitted the forms at least half a dozen times....and was on the phone with them for over 2 hours yesterday. At one point GEHA approved it....but by the time the pharmacy/docs office got notified it was denied...again.
My wife called them. The woman she spoke with, who is not one of the decision makers, told her that the script was denied due to my condition not meeting the criteria of Oxycontin. Ernie then asked her if that were the case then why have you been paying for it for over 5 years now. The GEHA rep got a bit defensive....go figure.
I logged on to my insurance. Found the page that explained what it was going to take...medication wise...for them to put me on Oxycontin....Irony here...I was on one of them for years. And every one of these meds also requires a "Prior Authorization".
The thing that is making me extremely nervous is I am down to my last 8 days of pills...while back I asked my doc about getting put on a different pain med...he told me that was not going to happen without me getting weaned off of the Oxy...which thanks to how bad my back is simply is not going to happen....he said the only way for me to safely go from the Oxy to another med would be under medical I am very likely to start having seizures etc. Did I mention that I am scheduled to have the Spinal Cord Stimulator put in on the 24th? If we can't get this medication crap squared away by then I may have a serious problem. In talking with the docs office they told me that depending on the pharmacy they MAY have a policy that would allow me to get a 7 day supply while this gets squared away. That...or I foot the entire bill for the pills, believe it is about $800 for the 30 day supply while the docs office fights it out with the insurance company. He said that in the few cases he has seen this happen the insurance company refused to reimburse the patient for the meds...
Apologies for the length.
Shoot me a e mail I can explain the goat rope to you. It is hell on the ones that need them. But Narcan is free right!:mad::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:
Hey also have a stimulator get in touch with me they do not tell you everything about them and the issues the wife has. @inkjunkie
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Weed was legalized up here a few years back coast to coast. LOTS of adults are seeing/reaping the benefits from this.
I just watched the Netflix documentary "The Pharmacist" GREAT show that opened my eyes. Oxy Contin is bad stuff. I hope you find something else Doug.
Greedy Docs and Pharmaceutical companies are also to blame for this very real opioid crisis.

Watched that one too.
Tendonitis, arthritis , back.

I just deal with it. I don't take anything for it.
Rest, watching my posture, water.
Wife rubs my back, and front. Lol
Going thru that same deal with my Tramadol...was a 90 day script. They took it down to 21 pills for 28 days and the suggested use is two pills twice per day. I try not to use that much but some days I have too.

Now I get it renewed for three 30 day supply's but it takes a week to process the script because it has to be approved by some drug czar.

Guys need to stop calling it "medical"...pot is pot...plain and simple. And it is not an option for me....I am not in occasional pain....this is 24/7/365. I simply can not be "stoned" 24/7. Beyond that...I am mixed bipolar severe with psychotic tendencies...riding on this wonderful diseases coat tails is "persacutory ideation" English...I am paranoid. Besides that my pockets are no where deep enough for weed...least not in this state where it is "legal" is "legal" as long as you pay the 37% tax on it. Be willing to bet that "medical" pot will cost me more @month than my prescription....more on this shortly.
I just went thru a Spinal Cord Stimulator trial. Pain went from a solid 8 to nada. No side worries about getting pulled over and ticketed for driving under the influence. The permanent implant is being put in on the 24th. Was told that it will be powered up on the 4th.
Worse case scenario is I get off the Oxycontin a lot faster then I planned. I have enough to get me to the 2nd. A 7 day script of Oxycontin 20Mg ER will be $108. By the time I run out of them the Stimulator will have been running for 5 or so days, which will be enough time for it to be working its magic. Go see my doc, have him give me a script for a weeks worth of Oxycontin 15Mg ER will be $87. Go back and get a script for a weeks worth of Oxycontin 10MG ER, $57....and then I am done....just have to deal with the stuff I use for break thru pain....which the insurance company is paying least until October.
I just spoke with the Pain Clinic that is going to be putting the Stimulator in. They told me that if I were to try and switch from Oxycontin to one of the other meds that the insurance company mentioned, without weening off of the Oxy first...well...will at the very least put me at risk of seizures. She told me that if they were the docs that were writing the script for the pain meds and ran into this type of problem that they WOULD put me into a hospital....she said the chance of respiratory arrest is extremely high.
This gets a bit entertaining at this point. The Oxycontin needs a Prior Authorization. In speaking with the insurance company about this the other day they told me that there is a list of Formulary Options that I need to have been on prior to them authorizing the Oxycontin. All of them...well....require a Prior Authorization as well. Which...well...will result in the same chain jerking. All of the meds that are listed as Formulary doc and I have discussed using them in the past...he told me that the problem with all of those particular meds is that they are not as pure as Oxycontin is. One of the options, according to the insurance company is Fentanyl patches. I can remember when my wife first got injured on the job this is what she was given. We would put a fresh "patch" on...and within hours she was so loopy she could not drive....and of course the USPS fought us on changing one of our schedules so we could car pool. Fresh patch, decent pain relief. Her patches were good for 3 days. By the morning of day 3....0 pain relief. A now deceased friend (thanks to the pain he was in he picked up his script of Oxy and a bottle of Jack, downed them both, lights out) he was on the patches. He was cutting them open and licking them...much quicker "relief". My PC is fighting back shortly...
I think the point that some folks just don't grasp....I have been on this crap for over a decade. Pot, CBD, Opioids...dependency is dependency. Does not matter what it is. I have had enough of these little bastards controlling my life. I have 0 drive. Very little interest in doing much of anything. Have gotten to the point that I need more. Standing hurts. Walking hurts. Sitting hurts. To the point that I have very little enjoyment.
Is the stimulator perfect? Of course not. Will it "fix" me? Of course not. Neither will pot....neither will opioids....neither will CBD. What all these do is pain management...nothing more...nothing less.
Last year one of my "friends" at the track gave me a bottle of the CBD oil he swears by. Did not do a damn thing.
Back when pot was only legal here medicinally...I had a neighbor who owned the biggest "indoor gardening" store in the area. He was heavily tied into most of the large "farms" on the west coast. I smoked damn near every strain known to man. Ate more "brownies" then I care to admit to. Tried some sort of vaporizer. All with 0 effect on my pain.
Sure this is going to offend some folks. But I view the "herbal" methods the very same way I view believe in what you believe in because it is YOUR belief...
I worked with a guy who was anti Western Medicine. He believed that plants and vitamins etc were going to cure his 3 kids asthma. He came up to me one night, on the verge of tears. All 3 kids in the ER. Few months later he was asking me who I used to file my BK papers as he ran up $60K in debt buying these "natural" miracle cures.
There is something with this site that my PC is having an issue with...gotta go...