Joplin MO got hit hard...

My prayers out to all affected. I just saw pics on the news and man, that was one seriously devasting tornado.
Did I read right there might be a another wave coming their way? I pray that it doesn't happen.
I just saw on the news that there is a high probablility tornado area centered on OK but it also covers Joplin. Not good.
well pray for us guys we done got one mile wide tornado on the ground here in ok. and one more little one god i hope it dont get here or Joplin i will be going off line in bout two hours that when it will be here i mite have to run from this thing
122 confirmed dead,750 injured so far. Hard to say how many people are still missing. Now we have more tornadoes in the Oklahoma City area. Dart Dr,how far are you from there? Be safe pal.
man i had to leave but one ht 13 miles away man we are all ok over here alittle shouk up tho how are u and ur famliy 73 red duster
Thoughts and prayers go out to y'all. My cousin's son lives in Joplin. He lost everything material, and is now helping with his dad in the recovery. I wish I was closer so I could help...

Thoughts and prayers go out to y'all. My cousin's son lives in Joplin. He lost everything material, and is now helping with his dad in the recovery. I wish I was closer so I could help...

thanks bud we didnt get hit it miss us and are home god was looking out of us i hope ur cuz gets the help he needs im going to go to the catoosa cops and give some food for them up there and may be okc idk how bad they or any of ok got hit i just know parts of okc got hit and wagoner and grove and haskill and some towns i cant spell i was at my uncles in cow town we could here and see the one the that hit wagoner and i cant spell the other
Everything is good in Fair Grove,(just north of Springfield)but I do have friends and co-workers in Joplin. Good to hear it missed you dart_doctor.
I got caught in it at 32nd&main in car took refuge at bank drive thru,thought it was the end, I made it but car is trashed,media is downplaying it bigtime, major devastation like you cannot imagine,seen many dead and cars/trks that were unrecognizable,upside down with people still in/partilly out,scattered like broken toys everywhere...hit where I was at twice in 9 mins...more like a mile plus wide and 7 plus miles long not counting all the surrounding areas that got wiped out, hundreds dead if not more and thousands missing although not reporting real statistics..75% of joplin destroyed..gone..even if u seen it its hard to believe...killed this town,if it survives will literally take years to just clean up and rebuild, thousands homeless no where to go no belongings no car/trk and many searching for loved ones and friends,no food water shelter for many 1st 36hrs..cold wet and in need of medical attention and many in total shock and bewilderment..Lots of prayers needed and donations and help also, although the outreach from surrounding communities is staggering and FEMA has came and taken over there is still a huge need for everything...I am so very fortunate to be here and my family and all our things intact I was the only one of my family out in it and I'm fine but the trek back home that normally takes 6-7 mins took 2 1/2 hrs thru a war like scenario to find out they were all ok, was a great relief and blessing that I just fell down and thanked GOD and I shook for 2hrs, we live about 3 miles north of all the devastation but at the time I had no way of knowing for there was no cell phones working,took both towers out,power was out,gas line bursts were common as were fires,total chaos that instantly put me in survival mode and on a mission to find my family and loved ones,we were lucky,fortunate and blessed by other explanation...but thousands were not and need so much and have nothing...but there is many many volunteers doing all they can nite and day and risking life and limb to help the less fortunate...has made me look at life totally different after what I've witnessed and experienced...I hope to never ever see anything remotely like this again...And I thank God Almighty for the chance to be here today and to have all my loved ones and home,life and possessions car is fixable but it dont matter...its a small price to pay for all I've been given...just pray for all the people that are homeless and victums of this terrible tragedy....thank you all for your comments and support....I am good..Ken in Joplin
I got caught in it at 32nd&main in car took refuge at bank drive thru,thought it was the end, I made it but car is trashed,media is downplaying it bigtime, major devastation like you cannot imagine,seen many dead and cars/trks that were unrecognizable,upside down with people still in/partilly out,scattered like broken toys everywhere...hit where I was at twice in 9 mins...more like a mile plus wide and 7 plus miles long not counting all the surrounding areas that got wiped out, hundreds dead if not more and thousands missing although not reporting real statistics..75% of joplin destroyed..gone..even if u seen it its hard to believe...killed this town,if it survives will literally take years to just clean up and rebuild, thousands homeless no where to go no belongings no car/trk and many searching for loved ones and friends,no food water shelter for many 1st 36hrs..cold wet and in need of medical attention and many in total shock and bewilderment..Lots of prayers needed and donations and help also, although the outreach from surrounding communities is staggering and FEMA has came and taken over there is still a huge need for everything...I am so very fortunate to be here and my family and all our things intact I was the only one of my family out in it and I'm fine but the trek back home that normally takes 6-7 mins took 2 1/2 hrs thru a war like scenario to find out they were all ok, was a great relief and blessing that I just fell down and thanked GOD and I shook for 2hrs, we live about 3 miles north of all the devastation but at the time I had no way of knowing for there was no cell phones working,took both towers out,power was out,gas line bursts were common as were fires,total chaos that instantly put me in survival mode and on a mission to find my family and loved ones,we were lucky,fortunate and blessed by other explanation...but thousands were not and need so much and have nothing...but there is many many volunteers doing all they can nite and day and risking life and limb to help the less fortunate...has made me look at life totally different after what I've witnessed and experienced...I hope to never ever see anything remotely like this again...And I thank God Almighty for the chance to be here today and to have all my loved ones and home,life and possessions car is fixable but it dont matter...its a small price to pay for all I've been given...just pray for all the people that are homeless and victums of this terrible tragedy....thank you all for your comments and support....I am good..Ken in Joplin

I am now speechless....
They have found a baby roughly 14-16 mths alive and well in the wal-mart bldg rubble,and a 17 yr old boy and I believe 2 children under 1 1/2 yrs alive and ok in the whats left of Home Depot....good news
Glad to hear you are ok,Ken. I work for Food4Less in Springfield,and therefore have several friends in Joplin. They tell me just like you,that it is much worse in person,than it appears on tv. My heart just goes out to you,and the whole community.
I was watching this on TV last night. I usually don't get too emotional about stuff I see on TV,events on the news etc. BUT this, holy f$%&^. I could not believe what I was seeing. I kept calling my wife into the room to see and hear this. I can't believe how strong willed these people are after literally loosing everything and having the **** kicked out of them. I tried to imagine my neighborhood turned upside down and ripped apart. MY HEART GOES OUT TO EVERYONE TOUCHED BY THIS. Stay strong. I will be donating somthing , somewhere to help out..........unbelievable.
Below is a link to approved organizations for donations. This city has major destruction,and can use any and all help.

Joplin, MO Tornado Recovery
If you're interested in donating money to Joplin, make sure it's an organization you can trust. Here's a site FEMA runs with a collection of Missouri-approved charities: Track legit charities in Missouri:
Glad to see your light on Memike! I heard Jonesboro was getting slammed a little while ago. Supposed to be hitting really hard here between 6 and 6:30 so I shut the shop down a little early today ... you hang in there and stay safe my friend, as well as the rest of ya'll in the path of this latest string of storms. Personally, I can do without any more of this crap or trees on my shop.
I got caught in it at 32nd&main in car took refuge at bank drive thru,thought it was the end, I made it but car is trashed,media is downplaying it bigtime, major devastation like you cannot imagine,seen many dead and cars/trks that were unrecognizable,upside down with people still in/partilly out,scattered like broken toys everywhere...hit where I was at twice in 9 mins...more like a mile plus wide and 7 plus miles long not counting all the surrounding areas that got wiped out, hundreds dead if not more and thousands missing although not reporting real statistics..75% of joplin destroyed..gone..even if u seen it its hard to believe...killed this town,if it survives will literally take years to just clean up and rebuild, thousands homeless no where to go no belongings no car/trk and many searching for loved ones and friends,no food water shelter for many 1st 36hrs..cold wet and in need of medical attention and many in total shock and bewilderment..Lots of prayers needed and donations and help also, although the outreach from surrounding communities is staggering and FEMA has came and taken over there is still a huge need for everything...I am so very fortunate to be here and my family and all our things intact I was the only one of my family out in it and I'm fine but the trek back home that normally takes 6-7 mins took 2 1/2 hrs thru a war like scenario to find out they were all ok, was a great relief and blessing that I just fell down and thanked GOD and I shook for 2hrs, we live about 3 miles north of all the devastation but at the time I had no way of knowing for there was no cell phones working,took both towers out,power was out,gas line bursts were common as were fires,total chaos that instantly put me in survival mode and on a mission to find my family and loved ones,we were lucky,fortunate and blessed by other explanation...but thousands were not and need so much and have nothing...but there is many many volunteers doing all they can nite and day and risking life and limb to help the less fortunate...has made me look at life totally different after what I've witnessed and experienced...I hope to never ever see anything remotely like this again...And I thank God Almighty for the chance to be here today and to have all my loved ones and home,life and possessions car is fixable but it dont matter...its a small price to pay for all I've been given...just pray for all the people that are homeless and victums of this terrible tragedy....thank you all for your comments and support....I am good..Ken in Joplin

I am glad to hear that you and your family are ok.. and I cant even begin to imagine the horrors you experienced.. after reading this I am also speechless..

They have found a baby roughly 14-16 mths alive and well in the wal-mart bldg rubble,and a 17 yr old boy and I believe 2 children under 1 1/2 yrs alive and ok in the whats left of Home Depot....good news

miracles.. good ones..

I was watching this on TV last night. I usually don't get too emotional about stuff I see on TV,events on the news etc. BUT this, holy f$%&^. I could not believe what I was seeing. I kept calling my wife into the room to see and hear this. I can't believe how strong willed these people are after literally loosing everything and having the **** kicked out of them. I tried to imagine my neighborhood turned upside down and ripped apart. MY HEART GOES OUT TO EVERYONE TOUCHED BY THIS. Stay strong. I will be donating somthing , somewhere to help out..........unbelievable.

my wife and I got pretty emotional tonight, on news world tonight, they had a young woman on there, whos husband jumped on top of her in their bathtub to protect her.. like so many others their house was pretty much erased from the map.. she survived.. he didnt.. it was just numbing and devastating to hear her story.. and there are so many more like it.. this was truly one major disaster..