Jr Dragsters. Is this what our sport is becoming

My friend would whack his kids (not hard) when they acted up. They said they were going to call DSS. He printed out DSS and phone number and stuck it on the frig door. He told them go ahead. You will sleep in a strange bed, never eat your mothers cooking, and would have to watch TV with a bunch of bratty kids that were taken from their parents, and they can't find a home for them because they're not babies. And you can never come home. Well that took care of that problem.
Not sure if there is merit to a viable lawsuit, but suspending/banning the kid is a viable alternative. Maybe list a code of conduct.

If someone can explain to me the "hilarity" of giving the finger to a camera? Why is it funny and why do onlookers laugh like they heard the funniest joke of their life?????? Its classless, low life, ghetto and future employers could find the picture and say, "Do I want this person representing me and my company?"
Not sure if there is merit to a viable lawsuit, but suspending/banning the kid is a viable alternative. Maybe list a code of conduct.

If someone can explain to me the "hilarity" of giving the finger to a camera? Why is it funny and why do onlookers laugh like they heard the funniest joke of their life?????? Its classless, low life, ghetto and future employers could find the picture and say, "Do I want this person representing me and my company?"

Why??? Why did people laugh at this dirtball

Not sure if there is merit to a viable lawsuit, but suspending/banning the kid is a viable alternative. Maybe list a code of conduct.

If someone can explain to me the "hilarity" of giving the finger to a camera? Why is it funny and why do onlookers laugh like they heard the funniest joke of their life?????? Its classless, low life, ghetto and future employers could find the picture and say, "Do I want this person representing me and my company?"
Threads like these are the punchline
Track should ban them. Lifetime or maybe the season? IDK but that sucks!
Loose points.
Forfeit prize money.
Suspension from competition for a number of races.
That goes for drivers AND crew.
If you want to turn professional one day, you have to act professional from day one.
Loose points.
Forfeit prize money.
Suspension from competition for a number of races.
That goes for drivers AND crew.
If you want to turn professional one day, you have to act professional from day one.
The pros are fighting in the pits let's not act like the pros for dicking around with an expensive hobby
At my job we sponsor a kid racing karts. If he wins a fight we're doubling the money
The pros are fighting in the pits let's not act like the pros for dicking around with an expensive hobby
I would say that if they are fighting in the pits, they aren't really pros.
If they have sponsors, eventually their sponsors will get tired of their driver making enemies and pissing people off.
Being an A HOLE around children gives them the impression that it's okay to act that way. The old saying of "Monkey see, monkey do" comes to mind. At two of the tracks close to me there was one adult who did whatever he could to be an A HOLE, finally the track owners became fed up with his antics and had a closed door meeting with him. Rumour has it that he was told to either chill out or he would be banned from both tracks for a least a year. That meant him, his wife and his two kids. He screamed and hollered that it wasn't fair to ban his kids and was told to either get his stuff together or suffer the consequences. He straightened up and as of late, he is doing everything he can to not only help his kids, but also other families at the tracks. Maybe tough love like that is warranted.
This whole Junior Dragster flipping the bird in the winners circle got started by a blog called Double 00 S*** Show. Courtney Enders is involved with it I believe, but I could be wrong about that. Normally they post stuff that I mostly find funny, but starting this trend with the juniors is crossing the line in my book. Posting content aimed at adult racers is one thing but influencing kids to act like thugs is no bueno in my book.
We had a female photographer (racer) at keystone probably 7 plus years ago. It was “the thing” to flip her the bird and get your picture taken. I had a couple close friends that tried their hardest to get me to join the group. I never gave in thankfully but the members were high, real high. These were posted week to week mostly on her Facebook page as members joined. I’m not a saint and can’t say I never flipped someone the finger in fun at the track or going down the road but it’s not documented.
Right and it's not something you'd WANT documented or to show off. There is a difference.
Lost all respect fir Steve Torrence when he did this.

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Steve should have also been stripped of some points and that would have opened the door for Brittany Force to win the championship. It NHRA didn’t want to lose 2 top fuel cars so they basically did nothing. I lost respect for the NHRA and Steve Torrence. Kim
Steve should have also been stripped of some points and that would have opened the door for Brittany Force to win the championship. It NHRA didn’t want to lose 2 top fuel cars so they basically did nothing. I lost respect for the NHRA and Steve Torrence. Kim
And he should've had his whistle knocked loose.
And he should've had his whistle knocked loose.

Yup. I forget that kids name that he was screwing with but I don’t think he’s racing a Fuel car anymore for whatever reasons.

I would have went full Ron Capps on his and caught him between the trailers where I could reintroduce myself to him in a more proper manner.
I don't follow NHRA much anymore, but how was Torrence's actions any different than what used to be common place in the heydays of NASCAR, ala Cale Yarborough - Bobby Allison? We seem to pick and choose when it's acceptable and when it's not.
I don't follow NHRA much anymore, but how was Torrence's actions any different than what used to be common place in the heydays of NASCAR, ala Cale Yarborough - Bobby Allison? We seem to pick and choose when it's acceptable and when it's not.

It’s acceptable IF he did it off camera.

Why would anyone want to emulate asscar?
I don't follow NHRA much anymore, but how was Torrence's actions any different than what used to be common place in the heydays of NASCAR, ala Cale Yarborough - Bobby Allison? We seem to pick and choose when it's acceptable and when it's not.
Because that kid didn't put him in the wall or bump him out of the way. Torrence was being his entitled self that day.