Just got the call.... My friend just passed minutes ago ... RIP



Life is an experiment
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Oklahoma
I accenditly posted this on someone elses thread. I can't even find my original thread right now because I just can't find it. If someone can add the link I would appreciate it.

Just got the call.... My friend just passed minutes ago.
Rest in Peace Bob.

There was someone always there for me.
Someone dear and someone fair.
Bob, i'll miss you
I know we all will.
But now that we must part
I wish you a calm and sweet rest.
May none, young or old, make you any less special.
Like a brother you were there.
A beacon through the night
I will always remember your name and let no-one do it shame.
so sorry for the loss of your friend, prayers sent, Joe
Sorry for your loss. My table at the beer joint has thinned in the last few years also.No replacing old friends.
Thoughts and Prayers, Okie (my dad is an Okie, not an insult)

Thank You, I couldn't find it.

He is in a better place and that is great. Him being gone is just like ripping part of my body apart. We have been very close friends since 1977.

He will be creamated and his ashes buried on top of his son's grave. There will be no funeral sevices, no grave side services and the family will not be there when the ashes are buried. They will do a memorial gathering at the grave at a later date. This was all Bob's wishes.
Sorry to hear this news. I will be praying for you and his family. Hold tight to the memories of such a fine friend.
Sorry to hear Bill. Your friend is at peace with the lord. No more pain and suffering. tmm
“For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples." Isaiah 56:7
Condolences to you and your friend. May he rest in God's loving arms. Praying for you and everyone affected by the loss of a loved one. :(
My condolences and prayers, it is very hard to bear losing such a close friend.
His pain and suffering is over Bill and you'll always remain his good friend. Celebrate his life as I'm certain he'd want you to. RIP.
...................Sorry for your loss, bill.........my prayers are sent to you and all affected..........kim............