Just got the wind knocked out of me.



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
Reaction score
Lakeview, OR
The job that I've been counting on, the job that I thought I had in the bag, the job that would have gotten me off swing shift and on days, the job that I've been waiting for 3-1/2 year's for it to open up.

It opened, I applied, and I don't even get to interview for it.

All I get from HR is the standard answer.
" We had many qualified applicants, blah blah blah".

So pissed, so depressed, shot down without a chance. Hard to face fact that I have to stay where I'm at.
I know it's difficult, but if you didn't get it, it wasn't the best move for you! There is something better out there waiting for you.

Take a break, then get back into the hunt!
No, you don't "have to stay where you're at". You always have choices. Not everything always turns out like we want and sometimes it sucks. But you always have choices. YOU are always in control of YOU. Don't forget that. Prayin for you man.
Middle 70s I took 3 employment exams, almost identical they were. Mostly mechanical aptitude content. I scored so badly on one of them I asked to see my answer sheet, the test and the scoring sheet after I took it. The tester provided 2 scoring sheets. One of them showed I aced the test the other showed I failed miserably. Another possible employer ran the same game on me. Third attempt they were actually looking for good people for their work force and I was in the top 2%. I was the first apprentice on the job out of that test group before I even started school. Not blowing my own horn, but fairness has nothing to do with employment. Something better will come along @MileHighDart.
Been through this a few times thru different careers. Stay positive, new hire could be a falldown" and another opportunity pops up.
Been through this a few times thru different careers. Stay positive, new hire could be a falldown" and another opportunity pops up.
I don't wish anything bad on them, some good people at that school. But it would be sweet justice if their new hire turns out to be a total disappointment.
I know it's kinda my own fault for putting all my eggs in one basket so to speak. Waiting for so long for this guy to retire and hoping for
a shot at this particular job. But I had so many people encouraging me and telling me this was the job for me. And I actually covered this guy's job for 4 months while he was out on medical leave a couple years ago. By all accounts I was doing a better job than him. Vice principal told me to keep in touch, cause this guy was retiring soon.
And then to not even get to interview for it, kinda felt like a slap in the face.
2-10:30pm! Ooo,that stinks. You have no real time for anything unless you get up around Butt crack-30 am and get in the saddle ASAP. Dang!
2-10:30pm! Ooo,that stinks. You have no real time for anything unless you get up around Butt crack-30 am and get in the saddle ASAP. Dang!
I can sometimes get an hour or two in the garage in the mornings, but only if I actually get up and get moving.
I'm a custodian at a high school. What really sucks is summer time. We do 4 10hr shifts. 8am to 6:30pm , half hour ride home. Make dinner maybe an hour of TV then bed. You have no time to do anything till the weekend. Fridays off, but by then your too tired to do anything. 10 hour days of moving furniture, stripping and waxing floors, etc is hard in an old man. I used to like summer, now I just try to survive it.
Don’t get hostile and make a bad situation for yourself or anyone else, but you really need to find out why you did not even get the opportunity to interview.
Who knows, maybe your record in HR is incomplete or wrong and they did not know that you met the qualifications and did the job previously. Not knowing your exact situation it is hard to advise, but maybe get your current or a former supervisor to go to bat for you and meet with someone at the HR department head level on your behalf to find out why you did not get an interview.
If they are worth working for at all and you present a case that you are just needing to understand what you need to do to get ready for the next opportunity they should sit with you and explain why.
Again, don’t burn any bridges, be cool, calm and honest.
Be a baller. Go back and demand that they give you the job and a 50% raise and 26 weeks a year paid vacation.

(No, don't do this at all)
2-10:30..that's B shift for us. Never worked that shift but is it that bad? Married, yes, take your kids to school every morning? For a single guy: get off work, hit the bar and sleep in till noon. Or wake up at 7am and get 'er done before noon. Damn, surfing every morning then going to work. And getting to bed by 11? Yeah, Im just trying to make you feel better.....best time to look for a job is when your employed...Make the best of it. I worked later shift 10-7pm for 2 years and it sucked. No overtime, no jobs after 5 and when it got dark at 5, you were still in Downtown Long Beach working in some back alley...sketchy.
No the 2-10:30 itself is not that bad.
But I've worked a lot of goofy shifts over the years, and being 59 and my wife in her 60's I would much prefer to have a regular day job so I could be home in the evening with her. She's always telling me to get a day job. In the custodial world the only day jobs are head custodian jobs. They don't come available very often, and as I'm finding out, their not so easy to get.