Keith, You OK?



Staff member
FABO Gold Member
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Has anybody heard from our friend Keith (66340sedan) lately? I haven't seen any posts from him in a while. I commented a few months ago about people selling parts here. I hope I didn't offend him. He is a great guy and FABO doesn't seem the same without him. I see he checked in yesterday but no posts. I also PM'd him but no answer. tmm
I doubt you offended him TMM....Hopefully, he's just taking a break!!
you just didn't look in the right place.

first place I would check is the blue room or sources of **** LOL

he is online right now LMAO


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you just didn't look in the right place.

first place I would check is the blue room or sources of **** LOL

he is online right now LMAO

Bahaha. Awesome


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LOL ...all joking aside I for one hope he starts posting again and comes back .....we just razz in fun but even I been wondering what he is up to and hope and wish the best of health to him.
I texted him the other day. He's takin' a break and will be back soon. This place wouldn't be what it is without him. tmm
I was going to text him, and get back to you but I keep misplacing his number LOL Sorry I tried, kinda..

Although Breaks are a good thing...
I've only been a member here for a year now but can clearly see that Keith is a pretty big part of what makes this place a more enjoyable experience (for me at least). Have also been privileged to meet him and several other members in person and looking forward to more fun times in the future.
Just hoping all is good and no bad news to report. Got enough of that stuff going around already!

That said, I understand about breaks from things very well, especially internet forums with the wide variety of personalities.

Hoping all is good!

Rusty's been MIA as well.

That's a lot of combined color missing from the FABO palette, in my opinion.
I've tried to limit my time here too :D. But I still can't help but hit this place at least once in the am and before I hit the bed...

I usually don't worry about guys for a little period of time as life effects all of us in different ways. There are a few members that haven't posted for a time that I keep a eye on.....Rusty, Keith, and his Dad Pete, are a few of them.

I'd like to be closer to a lot of members here, but my financial position keeps me unable to be "all in" for a site like this, for now. And I'm sure many others are in the same boat.
I agree. Sometime we all need a break from the site once in a while.

When? You guys (and the 3 gals) rule! :happy1:
I dont eat with the wife and kids anymore due to work schedule and school, so I dont get to talk with anyone outside work...:wack:
Karl a/k/a Krazykuda has been scarce lately too. He popped in on his birthday.

It could be that a lot of these members are taking the fall weather to get some things done instead of being on the internet, I know I am.
I have to admit, I was gone for a short period of time as well.....I had some things around the house needing tending too, hope fully the other few are doing the same....... it is that time of year, PLUS all those nice cars needing tended too as well! Could be getting them ready for the cold *** winter ahead depending their location!
First of all, I'm ok, just been busy dealing with life and it's changes. Haven't been on as much but hope to be back posting more soon, miss the site and all it's members, FABO is still the best site on the interweb! Thanks for the concerns and nice comments :glasses7:
First of all, I'm ok, just been busy dealing with life and it's changes. Haven't been on as much but hope to be back posting more soon, miss the site and all it's members, FABO is still the best site on the interweb! Thanks for the concerns and nice comments :glasses7:

Keith, hopefully life and those changes are treating you well and going smoothly.