Last one to post in this thread wins!

I do know one thing though. I'll be glad when it's over. Tired of hearing all the mud slinging on our news and CNN and we probably only get 25% of it being Canadian but a lot of things can change in our country because of what happens in America
I do know one thing though. I'll be glad when it's over. Tired of hearing all the mud slinging on our news and CNN and we probably only get 25% of it being Canadian but a lot of things can change in our country because of what happens in America
It makes you realize how crooked politics are when someone spends 300 million for a 100 Thousand dollar a year job.
Is that good or bad? Who is the best for the country? I'm asking because I don't follow American politics. Maybe I should?
That is bad for our country. Our country was built on Capitalism therefore the harder you work the better your reward. If you take from the hard working man or woman and give that to the one that does not want to work it kills the incentive to take risk and work hard if you can achieve the same as the non worker. Best answer is the mouse does not know why the cheese was free until the trap breaks his neck.
I'm SURE president Trump will get the most votes
But I am also sure the demoncrats will lie cheat and steal so...
I see damn few Biden signs or open supporters. I see lots of Trump signs, but the supporters are keeping a low profile. I know lots of folks that have been polled, but they (including me) will not respond to pollsters.

My fear is Trump will win at the ballot box and lose at the mail box. Blanket ballot mail out without first purging the voter roles is a recipe for disaster. Requested ballots is much more logical.

Finally, an old joke here in Texas is “Not only do our dead vote, they are so smart they vote in alphabetical order.”
By the time it’s over, the two campaigns and outside groups that span the political spectrum — from the NRA Victory Fund to Planned Parenthood — are expected to spend a combined $184 on advertising for each of Montana state’s 729,000 registered voters. The barrage of campaign adds are relentless. My landline the TV every %$$##$%% youtube video. My mail box is just stuffed with the the hatred from both sides. And after the election we will get to hear about how everyone is wrong like the birthers and them wanting to see the taxes of Trump. My choice is for people who want a strong economy. Government cant fix race equality with taxing and spending.
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Yes or no ,trump or Biden easy one or the other
There is another party. Libertarian. Not many Libertarians win races. Good way to throw away your vote. Of coarse there is the option of not voting for that race at all. Just leave it un-marked. I refuse to throw my vote away. I'm not a hard nosed Party line voter. Hell, I'll even vote for a Woman as long as she's the right Man for the job. :lol:
There is another party. Libertarian. Not many Libertarians win races. Good way to throw away your vote. Of coarse there is the option of not voting for that race at all. Just leave it un-marked. I refuse to throw my vote away. I'm not a hard nosed Party line voter. Hell, I'll even vote for a Woman as long as she's the right Man for the job. :lol:
I liked Ross Perot because he was honest about our jobs.