It’s sad how it started out with good intentions but all the other groups with an agenda joined in . Did I want to get the vaccine hell no but I put on my big boy pants and got it , just like I did when I was 16 so I could drive ,just like I did in school to wright tests to graduate, those are government mandates too , so wtf is the end game here ? Oh ya good morningMorning guys and Happy Saturday
-17c and -27 with the windchill.
Will be a balmy -8 but sunny today.
They have a big trucker convoy in Toronto this weekend. The police were way ahead of them though and have shut down the entire area around Queen's Park or Provincial Capital. There are big hospitals and also Toronto Sick Kids in this area but each car will be screened before letting them in.
Hospital workers have been asked to go in with regular clothes on so there won't be harrased by the anti vaxxers and anti maskers. There is apparently a 9.8 million dollar class action law suit against the anti vaxxers that caused all the trouble in Ottawa. Can you imagine one of them pissing on the grave of The Unknown Soldier. That is just plain disgusting. The truckers themselves blew their airhorns almost all weekend. Cost 800,000 a day for security.