Last one to post in this thread wins!

Well **** another cold day but not real cold yet just cold enough to to freeze my small parts off walking 12 feet from the house to the garage. Garbage can is on the road empty after the garbage man came buy today and I need to fetch it and put it back by the house but screw that I might try to retrieve it tomorrow with a few pocket warmers stuffed up my undies and a thick wool hat and gloves.
Love winter it's the only time a year I can complain and no one gives me a bad time. :thumbsup:
Well **** another cold day but not real cold yet just cold enough to to freeze my small parts off walking 12 feet from the house to the garage. Garbage can is on the road empty after the garbage man came buy today and I need to fetch it and put it back by the house but screw that I might try to retrieve it tomorrow with a few pocket warmers stuffed up my undies and a thick wool hat and gloves.
Love winter it's the only time a year I can complain and no one gives me a bad time. :thumbsup:
Geez Fred you need a heated snowmobile suit. But my question is and you know it’s coming, what are you going to do when it actually gets cold outside LOL
Geez Fred you need a heated snowmobile suit. But my question is and you know it’s coming, what are you going to do when it actually gets cold outside LOL
Just deal with it as always every winter just getting older and complain
Fire practice was a lot of fun ! Nope didn’t burn anything or put out anything but there was a smoke machine involved and no disco music but the voices in my head .
What’s -30 :poke: oh wait it’s a dry cold ,so like-5 here then ?
Oh that’s the daytime high for about 3 weeks every winter. Like you forget to plug your car in, you get in it hit the key and it starts laughing at you and tells you to f… off LOL
Morning guys and Happy Hump Day.
We have maybe 1" of white crap on the ground.
On the 401 hwy going through Toronto it's a cluster with accidents. The dump bastards still drive like it's summer.
3 or 4 accidents on that strip so far so of course all 16 lanes east and west is now a parking lot. Gotta love driving in T O NOT!!!
So, I went to the shoulder surgeon yesterday and she looked at the x-rays and said "WOW". I have bone on bone in the left shoulder. At least the right one still has a gap so not as bad.
She doesn't want to do a replacement as she says it will limit you.
So her plan is to get another Ultra sound and then inject a dye during the procedure and then inject Cortisone right into the joint. Probably with-in the next two weeks.
She had a good sense of humour so she made it fun kinda sorta.
Anyway... have a great day
Morning guys and Happy Hump Day.
We have maybe 1" of white crap on the ground.
On the 401 hwy going through Toronto it's a cluster with accidents. The dump bastards still drive like it's summer.
3 or 4 accidents on that strip so far so of course all 16 lanes east and west is now a parking lot. Gotta love driving in T O NOT!!!
So, I went to the shoulder surgeon yesterday and she looked at the x-rays and said "WOW". I have bone on bone in the left shoulder. At least the right one still has a gap so not as bad.
She doesn't want to do a replacement as she says it will limit you.
So her plan is to get another Ultra sound and then inject a dye during the procedure and then inject Cortisone right into the joint. Probably with-in the next two weeks.
She had a good sense of humour so she made it fun kinda sorta.
Anyway... have a great day
I was under the impression that they could put a nylon or ? Disc in between the bones. I’m sure you’ve done research on it. Hope things turn out well you. -12 C here 6” snow on ground more coming into next week. Heating shop full time now. Got my heated snowmobile suit ready for my 200’ walk to my toy box ( :poke: Fred). Remember guy’s it’s winter driving keep the greasy side down
Morning guys and Happy Hump Day.
We have maybe 1" of white crap on the ground.
On the 401 hwy going through Toronto it's a cluster with accidents. The dump bastards still drive like it's summer.
3 or 4 accidents on that strip so far so of course all 16 lanes east and west is now a parking lot. Gotta love driving in T O NOT!!!

we've had snow for almost a week now (and two days before that it was 71 degrees) but nothing that stuck yet
now a problem for me, once it all starts to stick is when i'll have to start stacking it somewhere

it is crazy how quickly people forget how to drive in the winter
we get about 4 months of snow and yet, the first snowfall of the season its like everyone just moved in from florida

I was under the impression that they could put a nylon or ? Disc in between the bones. I’m sure you’ve done research on it. Hope things turn out well you. -12 C here 6” snow on ground more coming into next week. Heating shop full time now. Got my heated snowmobile suit ready for my 200’ walk to my toy box ( :poke: Fred). Remember guy’s it’s winter driving keep the greasy side down
LMAO for sure buddy.
2 inches of snow in our area, school gets canceled, and everyone calls in sick. Roads deserted except for 4wd's and those that need to go to Wal-Mart
2 inches of snow in our area, school gets canceled, and everyone calls in sick. Roads deserted except for 4wd's and those that need to go to Wal-Mart
gets a bit slippery down your way so hope it doesn't last long.
6" here and snowing pretty good right now at 10*F .
Oh that’s the daytime high for about 3 weeks every winter. Like you forget to plug your car in, you get in it hit the key and it starts laughing at you and tells you to f… off LOL
Lol. :lol:
Good morning thick marine fog this morning grass is still greenish still hasnt quite recovered from the lack of rain but it’s dormant now almost half the leaves are off the trees . A lot different than back east where you guys are . Happy hump day!
Morning guys and Happy Hump Day.
We have maybe 1" of white crap on the ground.
On the 401 hwy going through Toronto it's a cluster with accidents. The dump bastards still drive like it's summer.
3 or 4 accidents on that strip so far so of course all 16 lanes east and west is now a parking lot. Gotta love driving in T O NOT!!!
So, I went to the shoulder surgeon yesterday and she looked at the x-rays and said "WOW". I have bone on bone in the left shoulder. At least the right one still has a gap so not as bad.
She doesn't want to do a replacement as she says it will limit you.
So her plan is to get another Ultra sound and then inject a dye during the procedure and then inject Cortisone right into the joint. Probably with-in the next two weeks.
She had a good sense of humour so she made it fun kinda sorta.
Anyway... have a great day
That all sounds rather painful. Best of luck Mark.
Can't be any worse I hope but thanks
Hope it can't Mark or were gonna have to come over and whip ya in shape.
Got a welder and some angle iron so should be enough to fix a few joints with a few nuts and bolts, we should have ya fixed in a few days.
Might have to put some axle grease on the joints though.:poke:
Hope it can't Mark or were gonna have to come over and whip ya in shape.
Got a welder and some angle iron so should be enough to fix a few joints with a few nuts and bolts, we should have ya fixed in a few days.
Might have to put some axle grease on the joints though.:poke:
Maybe a universal joint is required they make ‘em sealed so no greasing required. Take it easy mark get the kid on the block to shovel snow, cut grass, etc. he needs beer money too. You need both arms to drive the cuda
Maybe a universal joint is required they make ‘em sealed so no greasing required. Take it easy mark get the kid on the block to shovel snow, cut grass, etc. he needs beer money too. You need both arms to drive the cuda
Can’t get kids to do **** around here. Takes me 45 minutes to mow my grass. A landscape company quoted me 95 bucks to do it. Bet he would do a real nice job though.:rolleyes:
Can’t get kids to do **** around here. Takes me 45 minutes to mow my grass. A landscape company quoted me 95 bucks to do it. Bet he would do a real nice job though.:rolleyes:
400 a month for grass cutting WOW, think I’d get a farmer to bale it at the end of the season and make a buck. Screw up somebody’s EI post a job notice at the local EI office. You’ll go through 3 or 4 but you’ll get one.
400 a month for grass cutting WOW, think I’d get a farmer to bale it at the end of the season and make a buck. Screw up somebody’s EI post a job notice at the local EI office. You’ll go through 3 or 4 but you’ll get one.
Too much money in my little home town. We make Aspen look like a **** hole. Lol
Too much money in my little home town. We make Aspen look like a **** hole. Lol
Well you can’t keep doing that **** just like I had to give up laying block my body just wouldn’t take it anymore. Money was great but when your body says f…you it’s time.
Well you can’t keep doing that **** just like I had to give up laying block my body just wouldn’t take it anymore. Money was great but when your body says f…you it’s time.
I’m good to go for a while but I understand what you are saying. My neighbor is selling and put Money on a townhouse. I dislike that idea.