Last one to post in this thread wins!

Morning guys.
My kids all got soaked yesterday at the airshow but they enjoyed it and going back again today because not a lot of the planes flew yesterday.
The main thing is they all got together and enjoyed the day.
Our son and oldest grandson came back to our house so took a picture of us together.
Talk about in the land of giants haha.
Have a great day

We have an airshow here too, lasting three days including today. What kind of planes flew at yours?
Beats me haha. The one I do know is the Lancaster Bomber that flies out of Hamilton Ont.
There are only three I believe left in the world. Two fly and one is being restored. The other two are in the U.K..
As my mom said that plane saved England. She was in London during the blitz.
Yes, it did, I work with an English lady that lived back there, she told me it was pretty rough during the war.
Rough isn't the word for it. Just hope there are no more major wars ever again.
Just make the generals who start them be the ones who go out and fight and see who wins.
Guarantee you that there will be a lot less agression in the world
Rough isn't the word for it. Just hope there are no more major wars ever again.
Just make the generals who start them be the ones who go out and fight and see who wins.
Guarantee you that there will be a lot less agression in the world
Black Sabbath War Pigs comes to mind...something about the generals start the wars and send the young men out to die
It was lovely having my 2 guys with us over the weekend.
My grandson was asking about joining up for the army and they guy gave him some interesting facts.
After the show yesterday my son drove the 5 hr trip home by himself. His son is staying with his mom for the summer.
Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canucks.
Have a great day
Been a lovely day. Not too hot with a bit of a breeze.
Feeling a lot better today so got the car all cleaned up and going to our Monday night show.
It's been a while since the last one.
Been a rough time believe me