Last one to post in this thread wins!

-17*F here and I wonder why I put up with it.
I guess because it's not a high crime area that keeps me here.
Did you know that 80% of Chinese people have cataracts. Ya the rest drive rincons and cheveras
nice to see you here mike. it's been a while. hope all is well
Thank you and yes, all is well.
Been driving Victoria quite a bit, feels good to feel this sweet little early A body again after 7 years of updates, Herb Mc Candless took a ride with me and he loved this Plymouth he said , known as Mr. 4 speed , an energetic 80 year old fellow





Cold and wet today. Cleaned gutters. Had the ladder on a porch, and it slid out from under me, slowly, from 7-8ft. Scraped arm, and ended up punching myself in the gut with the hit. Not fun.

Meat processing done for another year. 15 cubic ft freezer full to top. 3 nice bucks 3 halves of pork meat for another year A lot of work but good family time 70 rings garlic sausage, smoke them tomorrow, and clean the lab. Looks like a bomb went off in here. Make it a good one guys. I did today
Cold and wet today. Cleaned gutters. Had the ladder on a porch, and it slid out from under me, slowly, from 7-8ft. Scraped arm, and ended up punching myself in the gut with the hit. Not fun.
December 10 2013 I was working for an overhead door repair company and was up about 16 feet on a ladder. It was about -5*f and I was in an unheated warehouse with a polished concrete floor. It was very slick due to the cold weather, and I was very uncomfortable with being up on the ladder, but was trying to be careful, and was almost done the repair when I felt the ladder slip out. My first thought was "****, this is gonna hurt", and I was absolutely correct. I broke both my wrists, 3 teeth, and my nose, plus I had a gash above my right eye that took 7 stitches, and one on my left leg that took 4 stitches. 11 years later, and I still have pain daily in my wrists and hands. You were lucky to have only a scraped arm my friend. I was not able to return to that job, and was off work for 50 weeks in total recovering.