Last one to post in this thread wins!

Well guys sold the motor home 2 days after the kid had it at prom and the guy picked it up today and dove it home first time in a long time I made money on a vehicle.
Gonna miss it for sure but that much closer in getting my car done.
That sounds great Fred, glad you are happy .
Nope cold and rain all day. Someone my brother knows went and he said not even half of the venders showed up.
Yea I was up at 6:30 and it was raining and I looked out every hour and it was raining so I didn't even bother, and like you said it was cold . I hate cold and !
Yea I was up at 6:30 and it was raining and I looked out every hour and it was raining so I didn't even bother, and like you said it was cold . I hate cold and !
SOO puppy didn't get to go for a walk today?
Morning all you sleepy heads. Been awake since 4:20 and up at 5:15. Going to be a really nice day looks like and even better tomorrow.
Don't want to waste a minute of it.
Morning all you sleepy heads. Been awake since 4:20 and up at 5:15. Going to be a really nice day looks like and even better tomorrow.
Don't want to waste a minute of it.
OK I'm up. Got my 1st cup of coffee down and was going to take a walk but maybe later.
Good Morning , yes British Columbia is the biggest carbon foot print :realcrazy:
Yes fellas I do live in gods country,I mean if you believe in god ok if you don’t no judgement here. Now I better go fire up my coal burning furnace .:rolleyes: