Well-Known Member
Old Dc
I was at Englishtown one day when the Mudd Bros. showed up with a primered Camaro. Rumor was it was one of Jenkins cars witha HUGE rat motor in it. The car lined up against a new (for the day) local P/S car & pulled away fromit like it was standing still. I heard there was a 5-figure bet on that race & from everyone's reactionit was probably true---- don't think you'd see that sort of thing today........
There's still gambling at E-Town, that never goes away. it's just not on such a huge scale. It's actually hilarious to watch, people are so open about it, no one cares. Pit side, about half-track underneath the shade tree. Lots of yelling and screaming and money changing hands... the no-time cars always bring their own crowds.
Glad to see some things never change:thumbup:! But where do you go for cruising nowadays or some real street action? I heare there's some LIRR trainstation on LI that's pretty good, but there's GOT to be other places where one can go for some fun?
Sounds like you're referring to Bellmore. There's a big cruise-night at the train station parking lot which is right on Sunrise Hwy.
I lived down that way about 5 years ago and it was always a good time. Some very interesting cars, but I was too broke to even buy a camera so zero pics.
No ones running these old wheels they were real popular in the 70,s.Going for early 70,s vintage look.
That explains why my rearend appears to have been painted white at some point, and it has now almost all come off. My car seems to have been modified at that time and then set aside, which is kool because I would have done the same things if I had the means back then.
Page 44 of the January issue of Hemmings Muscle Machines has a reader's letter who did a 68 this way.
There is also a 'Hang 10' Dart.
I want to get a set of Thrush but I am afraid they will leak bad.
Thanks for the info, I need to get some white paint!
It's been awhile since I visited this thread. I'm glad to see there's still guys interested in this stuff and I find it kinda hard to believe recently Hot Rod Magizine has been touting the "in" thing to do is emulate these 60s street freaks & old Gassers. I love 'em too but I find it hard to imagine a young guy getting off on those old styles.
I plum forgot about this thread but was telling my friend about the Mudd Bros vs. "Big John" race just the other day. He found it real hard to believe, but I found a website where Ronnie Lyles (he drove for them in his early years) wife admits the story is true which only lends validity to the story. Now that this thread is re-opened I can copy the story & show it to my friend--it's waaaay better than how I explained it. Anyone else have a story like it?
I'm 17 and the coolest cars that i have seen in my life are old gassers and superstockers. Course it helps that I grew up around people that owned/raced them. I'd love to build a 41 willys gasser, coupe or sedan... doesn't matter, but they are WAYYYY to expensive to build now. Oh well, I will build my super stock tribute car instead.
From another thread...
I'll have to dig around, I know I have quite a few..
Click that pic for a larger view and have a gander at the red super bee