Late 60's/early 70's look

Old Dc

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I was at Englishtown one day when the Mudd Bros. showed up with a primered Camaro. Rumor was it was one of Jenkins cars witha HUGE rat motor in it. The car lined up against a new (for the day) local P/S car & pulled away fromit like it was standing still. I heard there was a 5-figure bet on that race & from everyone's reactionit was probably true---- don't think you'd see that sort of thing today........
I was at Englishtown one day when the Mudd Bros. showed up with a primered Camaro. Rumor was it was one of Jenkins cars witha HUGE rat motor in it. The car lined up against a new (for the day) local P/S car & pulled away fromit like it was standing still. I heard there was a 5-figure bet on that race & from everyone's reactionit was probably true---- don't think you'd see that sort of thing today........

There's still gambling at E-Town, that never goes away. it's just not on such a huge scale. It's actually hilarious to watch, people are so open about it, no one cares. Pit side, about half-track underneath the shade tree. Lots of yelling and screaming and money changing hands... the no-time cars always bring their own crowds.
There's still gambling at E-Town, that never goes away. it's just not on such a huge scale. It's actually hilarious to watch, people are so open about it, no one cares. Pit side, about half-track underneath the shade tree. Lots of yelling and screaming and money changing hands... the no-time cars always bring their own crowds.

Glad to see some things never change:thumbup:! But where do you go for cruising nowadays or some real street action? I heare there's some LIRR trainstation on LI that's pretty good, but there's GOT to be other places where one can go for some fun?
Glad to see some things never change:thumbup:! But where do you go for cruising nowadays or some real street action? I heare there's some LIRR trainstation on LI that's pretty good, but there's GOT to be other places where one can go for some fun?

Sounds like you're referring to Bellmore. There's a big cruise-night at the train station parking lot which is right on Sunrise Hwy. During the warm months it can get pretty crazy, several hundred cars show up if the weather is good. The town shut it down a few years ago but it's been back for a year or two. I went a few times last year, always fun.

I'm not up on the street race scene though, it's not my bag anymore and never really was. Too many loudmouths and kids in Hondas. Unfortunately, I really couldn't tell you where the action is except for at the track.
Sounds like you're referring to Bellmore. There's a big cruise-night at the train station parking lot which is right on Sunrise Hwy.

I lived down that way about 5 years ago and it was always a good time. Some very interesting cars, but I was too broke to even buy a camera so zero pics.
It's been awhile since I visited this thread. I'm glad to see there's still guys interested in this stuff and I find it kinda hard to believe recently Hot Rod Magizine has been touting the "in" thing to do is emulate these 60s street freaks & old Gassers. I love 'em too but I find it hard to imagine a young guy getting off on those old styles.
I plum forgot about this thread but was telling my friend about the Mudd Bros vs. "Big John" race just the other day. He found it real hard to believe, but I found a website where Ronnie Lyles (he drove for them in his early years) wife admits the story is true which only lends validity to the story. Now that this thread is re-opened I can copy the story & show it to my friend--it's waaaay better than how I explained it. Anyone else have a story like it?
That explains why my rearend appears to have been painted white at some point, and it has now almost all come off. My car seems to have been modified at that time and then set aside, which is kool because I would have done the same things if I had the means back then.
Page 44 of the January issue of Hemmings Muscle Machines has a reader's letter who did a 68 this way.
There is also a 'Hang 10' Dart.
I want to get a set of Thrush but I am afraid they will leak bad.
Thanks for the info, I need to get some white paint!

Dont forget to paint the brake drums also. They must be bright and show through the rims.
It's been awhile since I visited this thread. I'm glad to see there's still guys interested in this stuff and I find it kinda hard to believe recently Hot Rod Magizine has been touting the "in" thing to do is emulate these 60s street freaks & old Gassers. I love 'em too but I find it hard to imagine a young guy getting off on those old styles.
I plum forgot about this thread but was telling my friend about the Mudd Bros vs. "Big John" race just the other day. He found it real hard to believe, but I found a website where Ronnie Lyles (he drove for them in his early years) wife admits the story is true which only lends validity to the story. Now that this thread is re-opened I can copy the story & show it to my friend--it's waaaay better than how I explained it. Anyone else have a story like it?

I'm 17 and the coolest cars that i have seen in my life are old gassers and superstockers. Course it helps that I grew up around people that owned/raced them. I'd love to build a 41 willys gasser, coupe or sedan... doesn't matter, but they are WAYYYY to expensive to build now. Oh well, I will build my super stock tribute car instead.
"BIG BOSS" bias plys!!

I had a set of "WIDE TRACK - SUPER SPORT"

Square as a Rubik's Cube.

That gives me an idea.
I'm 17 and the coolest cars that i have seen in my life are old gassers and superstockers. Course it helps that I grew up around people that owned/raced them. I'd love to build a 41 willys gasser, coupe or sedan... doesn't matter, but they are WAYYYY to expensive to build now. Oh well, I will build my super stock tribute car instead.

Zach, keep up your enthusiam. Those of us that were around back then won't be around much longer & those cars ARE a part of American history---besides being cool we need guys like you to keep 'em going. At 17 I had a '55 ChevyGasser--straight axle, 'glass nose, etc. The only that WAS straight on it WAS the axle. It had been someone's clapped out old racecar I managed to piece together & it was fun. Even on a small budget you could probably build yourself a gasser & work your way up to a '41 willy's. There's no rules what a "gasser" body has to be. Remember these were cars that were in fact pieced together by guys that thought they could actually build a faster car than what the factory did, so there really were no rules except whatthe racing organizations stipulated. How about a straight-axled Fox-body Mustang? The cars are plentuful, cheap, light, already have a V-8 and most importantly are easy to find! You could do the gasser "thing" with almost any car, use any motor and play with suspension ideas all you want. That was essentially the formula for one of these things!
That's what I'm talkin about, 67 Barracuda!


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From another thread...


I'll have to dig around, I know I have quite a few..

Click that pic for a larger view and have a gander at the red super bee

Was looking at a lot of my old pictures and one thing in common was the fact they all were jacked up, had big rear tires and MAG WHEELS.

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My 440 auto Roadrunner drove this my senior yr HS
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71 Cuda Convertible bought in 79 for $850
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72 Barracuda bought in 76 after being without a car for 5 WHOLE DAYS, my 70 Duster in the background
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77 Aspen ordered new with most every option
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Loved this truck
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Bought this in 78 it was sky high when I got it, 3" air shock extentions and torsion bars cranked all the way up
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Bought this in 77 for $125 motor was bad and it had been run into sitting in the street that winter
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My 1st car, yes I painted the white on the back
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74 Camaro, traded a 70 383 Grand Coupe Barracuda (what a dumbass)
Street racing ......ain't that illegal?

This is what I used and made a lot of money with.

i bought my 67 cuda and it had been sitting for 15 years, It had air shocks on it that still work and i use them as high as they will go haha
Ah, I love old school looking cars!
Here is some of the popular trends from back in the 60's, 70's and early 80's in Northern California
The Diamond pattern interior was called Diamond tuck interior. like was said the chain wheels were for the Low Riders, the High Riders (muscle cars) had the grant type steering wheels with the three holes.
Fiberglass racing seats in the front with 3" wide Racing seat belts.
White headers and blown out glass packs or side pipes.
Candy color paint jobs, spider web engine compartments and trunks
Foot gas peddle and high beam switch.

Sun tach with a garder around it.
One of those cop spotter rear view mirrors that goes all the way across the windshield. ( It made it really hard for the cops to try to sneak up behind ya in your blind spot heh)
The brand or model of your car across the top half of your windshield.
Brand stickers on your rear windows like B&M, Hi Jacker, Holley, STP etc

Traction bars until you realized mopars don't use them and you get an adjustable snubber. And it works better when your trying to talk the guy with the Camaro into racing you by saying hey I don't even have traction bars, and you have a 350 and I only have a little 340 LOL
A tunnel ram with velocity stacks sticking through the hood or at least a 5"- 7" hood scoop
Pin striping on the car or a Mural on the trunk, on the hood scoop, just somewhere.

Moroso gold valve covers or M/T valve covers with T handles.
Fire extinguisher preferably chrome mounted somewhere inside. Between the seats was popular if you didn't have a console. Some even mounted it on the door of the console, under the dash on the passenger side, or tucked up under the front of the drivers seat.
Accel super coil because it's huge, plastic and yellow! Great coil
Hi Jacker air shocks, but you could probably get the same look from some SS springs now.

The Fattest tires you can cram in the back,15x10's with N-50-15's and 14x10's with N-50-14's were popular with white letters showing. Small chrome mud flaps because your tires were too damn wide and they keep throwing up rocks and chipping your paint. heh
Rims- Cragars, slots, Keystones, flower mags, Centerlines.
Fog lights behind the grill or below the bumper.
ny sucks longisland blows , for a 20yr old kidd like me theres no racing around here besides getting chaed by the cops at DPA or at belmont or shutting down the belt parkway , i ahte thi place i wanna move down south