Looking for unubtanium part ideas

I've also wondered why no one ever has reproduced the center piece for a 68 Dart grille? These things go for crazy money and should be easy to reproduce also
Want to loan me yours?

PM me if intrested
I've got a couple of those if @Dana67Dart needs?
The 67-9 cuda fastback plastic bulb holder for courtesy lights. They area sold by MH, but cost $10 each. I ordered 4 and by the time shipping etc. Damn close to $100 Cdn lol
The plugs I might have some local. I'll know in a few days.

The bulb holder, I could not make cheaper.
I wish I had one. I'd sell it for $2500 or whatever those dumb looking things are going for!
a friend has one but its attached to his car and I don't want him to take it off just for me. They would be expensive for me to have made but would be MUCH less than an original
a friend has one but its attached to his car and I don't want him to take it off just for me. They would be expensive for me to have made but would be MUCH less than an original
They could probably be 3D printed in aluminum & while a little polishing be ready to run....
How about left (and right) exhaust manifold gaskets for 67-69 340. Metal gaskets with spark plug wire protector on the left side. I don’t have any but sure could use a set.
Okay. I am openly and totally admitting that I am new to this. I don't totally, nor quite understand this technic. Can you explain it better than wapitikia (sp )? I have some hard to/ can't find / they don't reproduce parts that I'm looking for and many follow me in the same pursuit. So I can bring you more. Thanks
If I wanted to help the A body community out and wanted it to be profitable, I would reproduce the headlight trim for 63-64 Dodge Darts. They are rare and very hard to find. Should be easy to reproduce in plastic, IF you could find one to scan.

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I've also wondered why no one ever has reproduced the center piece for a 68 Dart grille? These things go for crazy money and should be easy to reproduce also.

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There was a batch of those reproduced years ago. I don't know who was doing them. I have a very nice one on my grille, but I don't really want to trust shipping two ways. The car is apart.
Someone requested this bezel. I sent the O P
A pm with pictures. I recently sold this one ,I have one left

the 68 Gts grill Center nose was being reproduced by toysnparts guy on eBay . He sold them through Laysons . He stopped several years ago . He is now selling the original one on eBay for $4000 . I have make several 3D printed one but not out of metal . A company told me they can but it would be 1% shrinkage. I have a 3D printed one to try.
I have also made the 4spd side cover and sold a few because I hated that some one else did it and wanted $200 plus shipping for it . Mine was $100 ship included
Pushbutton delete bezel on 64 Plymouths.
if this is it then I'm making a mold right now for them after I clean it up a LOT 2 chips that drive me crazy have to be repaired. they'll be on Ebay as soon as I get the shop warm enough to finish the molds and pour some test pieces... I've no heat since I figured Florida never froze *silly me, I forgot about aclimitization and now 50 degrees freezes me! plus the doc just let me off some of my restrictions.

How about inner and outer door scuff plates for early A-bodies.
they outers ARE made, stock one cost 89 on ebay plus shipping, Custom ones cost 99.00 on ebay and I make those. the inner carpet hold down ones somebody made them (saw them on laysons site a long time ago) and I'm working one the dies to form them but it'll be at least a year before I get one done due to medical things happening. but gotta consentrate on my convertible parts first since I have 2 to do that needs all my parts I'm making. molded glovebox, kickpanels, wing vent top cushion rubbers and rear side panel trim for the convertibles.


!!!!!!sill plates made.jpg




Tail light chrome bezels, 66 Dart.
working on a left outer plastic one right now so far so good, but it takes forever to fix an original and then mold it.. pain in the behind but I'm almost there and almost happy with it. gotta beef up the thin part to be completely happy and make sure my pressure pot doesn't blow out in the middle of a cast #$%$%^$
!!!LO rear bezel.jpg
So you're working on 66 Dart Conv. parts. On the outer ones cane you put anything I want on them. Something simple. I love the Barracuda ones.
So you're working on 66 Dart Conv. parts. On the outer ones cane you put anything I want on them. Something simple. I love the Barracuda ones.
yup .pretty much anything thast fits between the holes to mount it on. I make a mockup and send you the picture after we pick out the font and if you want the year on one side and emblems on the other or both sides for emblems and the year missing or added into the wording.. I'm pretty flexible on what to do, but it's got to fit around the holes and look good and NOPE, not doing another die pressed dodge dart raised letter set, that was a total pain in the behind, noice money form it but 3 hard days work getting that thing right