Lost a kitty



Sep 28, 2005
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Bunker Hill,WV
I posted about my sick kitty about two weeks ago, and wanted to let all the people that responded know that we lost Commando last night. He wasn't able to eat due to a congenital defect in his esophagus. That made him get pneumonia and there wasn't anything the vets could do for him. We took him to an emergency vet center in Leesburg for one last try, but he just had the deck stacked against him. Thank you all for your prayers previously. It sucks losing a pet, but we will continue to rescue all of them we can. At least we still have his sister, Duster.
My hart goes out to you and the folks around you catsncudas.
It's never easy loosing a pet and I admire your strength to continue helping these cat's out like you do. may Duster have a good life and give you many days of smiles
As a fellow cat person, my thoughts and prayers go out to you for your loss of Commando.

Snicklefritz and Stitch send their condolences to you and Duster your loss.

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Really sucks to lose a pet, sorry for your loss. After a proper mourning period, the best thing to do, will be to get a new friend. Life's too short not to have a good cat.
Very sorry to hear that. My son just went through it too, came home last week to find his youngest cat dead, had a seizure or something, only 5 years old. It's rough, you get so attached.
Man, thats a bummer. I was hoping that they were both on the mend!!! Bless you for taking them in, and give a great big hug to Duster from cosgig and cudagirl, we're praying for both of them tonight!!! Geof and Nella
very sorry we just went with this 2 weeks ago her name was orieo have not replaced her yet but we are looking for a kitten
So sorry to hear of your loss of Commando. Please accept Cocunut Cat's sincere sympathy and condolences,


Dustermaniac, your cat looks exactly like the kitten that I just rescued who showed up on my back door. Looked up pics on the internet and she appears to be a Seal Point Himalayan. She took the spot of my other kitty who I had to put down recently, had him for 11 years, and he developed cancer out of nowhere. Really sucked to put him to sleep.
Dustermaniac, your cat looks exactly like the kitten that I just rescued who showed up on my back door. Looked up pics on the internet and she appears to be a Seal Point Himalayan. She took the spot of my other kitty who I had to put down recently, had him for 11 years, and he developed cancer out of nowhere. Really sucked to put him to sleep.

Yes she is a seal point Himalayan. She is such a good girl. My wife got her for my birthday last year and she is an awesome cat. Kudos to you for rescuing your new kitten and I hope you and kitty have lots of good years together.