Loud chirping noise.

Yeah cam swap, installed a used B&M flexplate and used stall converter. I havent been able to get under it and check. Had a busy day around the house today. I'll get it jacked up after work tomorrow and see if I can see any shavings.

You are a more patient man than I am. If I had that racket going on there would be no stopping me from getting under the car and find out what is going on. There is no way I could sleep because it would keep me awake thinking about it.
Lol. The only thing keeping me is the fact that weve had real bad weather, Ive got a 2 car garage, the nice car would have to sit outside while the Valiant gets jacked up and looked at. The wife (and I) wouldnt like hail damage to the garage queen. Lol
Well gentleman. Got the problem solved. The starter gear was about ten thou from the ring gear. Threw some washers on to space it out and BAM! Noise gone! I appreciate all the insight!
Well gentleman. Got the problem solved. The starter gear was about ten thou from the ring gear. Threw some washers on to space it out and BAM! Noise gone! I appreciate all the insight!

Are you running a 904? If so, since the starter goes through the dust cover would the missing dust cover been enough to cause the problem?

Guess I was right. Post 38

Good call^^^^.
Cool, glad to hear, well NOT hear the chirping anymore! LOL But good to 'hear' you have the problem solved. LOL
Dont ya just love it when it ends well and not some weird never heard before jacked up kanuder valve or something...am happy for ya man now you can sleep better..was very interesting tho....so no more chirping 4u...
Yeah I would have had to postpone any husband duties, family gatherings, cancelled holidays, taken sick days till that was fixed..kinda like when arny from the movie Christine freaked out at his girlfriend when he first seen his fury all busted up..lol.. Glad to hear its fixed.. It sounded like a starter shim issue specially and aftermarket starter..cool.