Moderating Threads



Legandary Member
Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2004
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In no way, shape, or form am I trying to be disrespectful towards our men & women whom are, or have been, serving our country. I personally have a cousin whom came home in two pieces from Vietnam. But there's a time, and a PLACE, for everything.

An automobile message board is not the place... I'm not trying to purge members, just the opposite. I don't want people turning away because of the in-fighting, be it guns, money, or religion. I don't have the authority, nor do I want, to ban people. I just want people to be repectful of why we are all here in the first place. Granted, we get off-topic, be it music, pets, or even relationships, but it's never volitile topics that lead to emotions and tempers getting out of control. I try and be a good guy and help as many people as I can, when I can. In this instance I felt obligated to throw the brakes on "that' thread. What started as a good-natured joke became a run-away train.

Again, I'm not trying to be un-compassionate, or a prick, but we must have guidelines and limits. And for what it's worth, thank you for what our men & women have given for our country. People do take it for granted... but there's other ways, and mediums, for addressing those problems in our society.

Now I know some people will agree, some will disagree. That's what makes us individuals. But C`mon gang... we're here to help each other out. Not start fights. Imagine if we starting hating red cars...or 4 speeds... or your an idiot for not have multi-carbs...or there's no place for non-numbers matching restorations... or not spending a lot of money. See how personal it would get, REAL fast? Let's stay FOCUSED on HELPING each other.

And as a final statement from me, if the majority of our membership thinks my way of trying to keep order is too lope-sided, our not fair, PM Joey about having me removed as a moderator. I'm here for the love of the hobby. NOT trying to ride a "power trip".

Thank you for reading this and please, no more battles with your brothers and sisters.
ARRRRGH Captain John, sorry couldn't resist. Keep up the good work John and by the way I thought "THAT" thread had overstayed it's welcome and was turning into a pissing contest (if it hadn't allready). Surprised it last as long as it did before it was terminated with extreme prejudice. Oh yea how's it feel to be "A HALF CENTURY OLD", happy birthday John.

I posted that because of PM's I've gotten.

And as for turing 50, it feels good so far. Nothing has hurt, seized up, or stopped working.... 8)
Jeez Big J, you turn fitty and turn all cranky on us:cheers:, thanks for the reassurance that this is still an automobile board
I must of missed the so called thread. Don't care.
I think we all come here to talk MOPAR. MOPAR A BODIES.
Lets keep it that way. Keep it lite. Keep it clean.
Just keep bashing those Chevys.
Just my opinion. But they say; Opinions are like-
*** holes. Everyones got one. LOL!
moderate all you want. that is your job here. i have my own thoughts on that subject as well but this forum is for a body mopars and sometimes other bodies as well :). that kind of subject is too sensitive. let's keep it about our mopars.............
John, you did a good thing, glad the thread is finally closed. I didn't detect any hidden agenda or disrespect. I tried very hard not to post again , after my first respons but I really needed to stop. Anyway, Happy 50 th, hope you see many more.
Howdy John, Keep up the good work and glad you are here to keep people like me happy to have a great site to learn from and talk to some good folks.
Even old guys like you:toothy7: and a few more here.
I am beside you all the way. It may sound like I am brown nosing but I am sencere and feel the same as you on this subject.

Keep picking away sir, ain't it nifty to be 50.:eek:ccasion::poke:
This is the best moderated board I've ever run across on the net, by far, I didn't see that thread but it doesn't matter. I dig this place.
but either way i fill the majority of the peaple that use this site are very thankfull for any one that puts there time into somthing for the fun,love and just pure enjoyment of doing it so thankz for the help we do :happy10:
Cheers to a job well done, was starting to wonder where that was all going, this is the wrong place for politics and religion, I think most of us log on here to escape from all that junk, and to learn:read2:. thanks for your words Fastback your doing a great job:cheers:
It was reassuring to read these posts this morning. Thanks guys for the support!
At least you gave an explanation unlike other mopar sites that just lock out of personal spite.

FABO is a different site thanks to great attitudes all around.

Everyone deserves a thumbs up, although I did not read the thread in question nor do I really want to.
I havent been around much lately so I missed it but I will say that moderating a board is not as easy as people think. Its hard to make everyone happy. What offends some doesnt offend others. While there is no rule against relious or politicle disscuision on the board I dont like to see them simply because they never end on a good note and makes us look like bad guys when we edit,lock or delete them. Take it easy on the staff when they do there job, There are here to keep peace and do it for free.
Let’s see, if people post on this thread it stays alive.
If we don’t it drops off the board.
What to do, what to do?

But seriously, the problem seems pretty clear cut to me.
If a post attacks or is disrespectful the individual, that’s a wack.
Look up the word “personal”.
Just strikes me as odd people can’t get their head around that concept.

You’re the moderator.
You’re doing your job.
Well John, I think you are bang on with this one. Although other projects at the moment prevent me from posting about engine building or restoration topics, I enjoy reading all of the threads and learning stuff from those much more knowledgeable than I. Because of this, I have been known to jump in with some personal opinions on non-automotive topics in the past, although I would never take personal shots at any individual.

Unfortunately, from reading some of the posts on topics recently, I agree that some individuals cannot have a "grown-up" discussion on these matters, and instead resort to calling down individuals. It is sad that people are like this, but hey - thats what fanaticism is all about.

From WIKI:

"Fanaticism is an emotion of being filled with excessive, uncritical zeal, particularly for an extreme religious or political cause, or with an obsessive enthusiasm for a pastime or hobby."

According to definition above, we are all fanatics lol, but let's keep the posts related to the last portion only.

John, I followed that thread from start to almost finish, and I was getting really uncomfortable with the way it had gone. What started out as a post in the Jokes forum, rapidly deteriorated into a religious, quasi-military pissin' contest, and this isn't the platform for that type of animosity. One of the major reasons that I've frequented and participated in this forum since day one, is that it isn't "over-moderated", and everyone, generally speaking, gets along with one another. Yes, you occasionally get personality conflicts, and little spats, or the odd guy that has to be punted, but that human nature. Personally, I'm quite proud of you for ending that 'discussion'. Keep up the good work.

Oh, and welcome to the Old Farts Club. :)
I agree Sid, us Old Farts Club members have to stick together.

I for one was very glad that John locked the thread in question. I was very embarrassed that a thread that I had started as something funny had deteriorated into what it was.

Peeps have to remember that if something is posted in the joke forum it is meant to be funny. This doesn't mean that anything goes as there are some socalled jokes that are just plain wrong and everybody knows it.

As for the Mods, they do a great job here and don't get a plug nickel for it as far as I know. And believe me, being a mod at a busy site like this one is not a piece of cake.

Kudos to all the mods!

Well said John. This is a great site, and I feel fortunate to have found it. I'm on here almost every day, and see how diverse the people on this site are, but we all have something in common. MOPARS. It's a great venue for us to discuss car stuff, or even non car stuff in the off topic catagories. I've been out of the car scene for 25+ years. You know the old saying "Better to keep your mouth shut, and be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and prove it". This is why I do a lot more reading, than posting. I've got to relearn a lot, because things have changed so much since the 70's. The knowledge and help on this site is a great asset. It's a shame when things degrade in a thread, to the point where moderators need to step in. It takes away from the uniqueness of this site, and makes it like the others. I believe everyone has a right to their opinions, but they also have the obligation to treat each other with respect. I applaud all who keep this site running, and give us the latitude to be us. I may get some flak for this rant, but remember, it's just my .02. Tim
And as for turing 50, it feels good so far. Nothing has hurt, seized up, or stopped working.... 8)

By the way, you don't need to worry until parts start to fall off. :shock:
AdamЯ;261829 said:
I havent been around much lately so I missed it but I will say that moderating a board is not as easy as people think. Its hard to make everyone happy. What offends some doesnt offend others. While there is no rule against relious or politicle disscuision on the board I dont like to see them simply because they never end on a good note and makes us look like bad guys when we edit,lock or delete them. Take it easy on the staff when they do there job, There are here to keep peace and do it for free.

Exactly. And trust me, they dont close or delete threads / posts unless it really is necessary.

My preference is to moderate as little as possible. That means people have to be adults and mature. Mostly, our members are just that. Every once in awhile someone gets a little off the wall.

Best thing to do is not engage in a argument. If someone else is acting like an ***, just ignore that part and move on. Dont be an *** back. Know what im saying?

All I want for FABO is to be the best and most informative site around. I want you guys to all feel as though your friends, have a good time and enjoy our hobby.
Exactly. And trust me, they dont close or delete threads / posts unless it really is necessary.

My preference is to moderate as little as possible. That means people have to be adults and mature. Mostly, our members are just that. Every once in awhile someone gets a little off the wall.

Best thing to do is not engage in a argument. If someone else is acting like an ***, just ignore that part and move on. Dont be an *** back. Know what im saying?

All I want for FABO is to be the best and most informative site around. I want you guys to all feel as though your friends, have a good time and enjoy our hobby.

well said.