Mopar Dreams


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
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ok, now i know i really have issues....i am even dreaming this stuff now ....well i have been for some time now..

i have a lot of dreams of either driving....most of the time with someone unlikely in the car with me. most of the time i dream that my mom is in the car with me, which is impossible bcoz she lives in a different country and has never been to the US nor is she likely too. other times im with ppl i dont know or never seen in real, yet feels like i know them in the dream.

dreams are kinda sketchy anyway. on a few occasions i was with certain FABO members cruising and talking ....a lot of times i was driving a red 69 superbee which is odd bcoz i dont have one of those and never have.

most mopar dreams include being at salvage yards which i have never seen in dream stands out in my memory bcoz i was a slavage yard and found a 70 Satellite four door,and in the dream the car was some kind of special edition model which dont exist in real but it captivated me in the dream and i was argueing in my head with myself as to what it was.

last night i had a an odd dream......again in a salvage yard setting.....i was with a FABO member (you know who you are LOL) and we were searching through a ton of GM stuff and stumbled on a 70 charger. and it was in a typical rural salvage yard setting like the kind you find out here in the western states surrounded by miles of prarie.

dreams are so strange bcoz they dont often make sense but when you wake up it feels so real and i can go on and on for pages in detail.

Please tell me im not a Girl Interupted and not the only one who wakes up from mopar dream land. have you had any mopar dreams lately?
Dreams are just some thing your mind (dreams up). Cause it has nothing better to do. But as long as there's a MOPAR in it. It's good.
I'm not Lucy from Peanuts. But 5 cents, please.
Just have fun in them!
Uh oh, Rani was dreaming about GM parts??? LOL :D

Yes, I have several Mopar dreams, and some are like real and some are fantasy like about cars that never exisited that I made up :glasses7: I am usually driving in my dreams too :burnout:

And I have had dreams where members were in it, I had a dream that I had a big FABO party here in MN and many members were there and it was a blast! I probably had a dream like this because last year I was gonna plan a get together in the fall for members but time went too fast and never did. But next year I will have a meeting in the planning, probably later in the summer after the big Mopar show.

Funny, I have also had dreams where I am on FABO surfing the site, I am on here enough during the day and night, now in my sleep I crazy? Maybe....but I think it's just the Mopar bug that I have :glasses7:
Rani, not knowing what your reference (and still don't) to what "girl interrupted" is/was/meant - I clicked on the link! Now how the heck am I going to explain that the next time wifey gets on and goes to Amazon?!?:cheers::cheers::cheers:
Lmao rani I think your ok . I dream bout drving my cuda with a sweet SB in it . then i wake up and remeber i still have a slant 6 lmao
Rani, not knowing what your reference (and still don't) to what "girl interrupted" is/was/meant - I clicked on the link! Now how the heck am I going to explain that the next time wifey gets on and goes to Amazon?!?:cheers::cheers::cheers:

Yup, I clicked on that little linky too and got women posing in bra's lol :D
I once dreamed I was eating giant marshmallows, I woke up and couldn't find my pillows.
Rani, even though those are pleasant dreams for people like us, i really think you need a vacation :D:D:D.
I had one the other night, and posted here about it. I won't clutter your thread by retyping it all. But I will post a link to my thread. My dream also included a trip to a salvage yard.

thats a cool dream .....i have had some mopar dreams that actually make me want to go back to sleep.

i think driving and salvage yards dreams are connected to my real life in that when i want to talk to someone one on one without distractions and heart to heart i usually go for for a ride around the farms with them so that there are not other ppl interupting and cell phone are stricly prohibited in the car.....i dont have a phone myself and when someone else brings their phone i pull over and tell them to use their phone outside bcoz my car is not a phonebooth on wheels......phones are just so rude and texting or whatever they do.....****ranting like an old lady**** but quiet drives or with a friend drving while talking is something i really enjoy.

Salvage yards: most salvage yards double take when i come in and want old dodge parts .....i dont do business with one bcoz the owner dont want to take me serious......others i get an audience when im trying to pull parts....they hide behind cars and follow me around ....kinda annoying......Like they never seen someone taking a old dart apart.

but there are two salvage yards local to me that are the greatest places on earth .....their owners and me have a mutual understanding .......they know what im there for and they accept my money same as everyone else. these two yards are sooooo relaxful ......quiet....usually im the only one out there on a weekday afternoon....its a place i feel i can truely get undisturbed ME time and i love it .......i love sitting in old cars and imagine what it was like when it was new and what possibly happened to it. i usually go in there clean and come out dirty with leaves and dirt in my hair from getting under, in and all over the cars LOL

when im feeling upset about something one of "my" slavage yards sure makes everything better......the air is crisper in there......time stands still in there

so no wonder i dream about that

Mr. clhyer .....what i meant is a girl who is mentally interupted and not right. i dont know what is with the links when you write certain words.
Rani, even though those are pleasant dreams for people like us, i really think you need a vacation :D:D:D.

PPL like us!!!??? Come on now just like the next person on FABO.....same cars....same fever.....same ambitions.....same tools .....same rust LOL:lurk:
First, I confess that I got as far as the first paragraph and said to myself, I have to ask her:

LOL, and you think your the only one who dreams these dreams?!?!?!
LMAO! Yep, here as well, guilty as charged. Call me demented IDC!
I wonder if I'm going to have a mopar dream tonite? Hey man...When did I grow all this hair? This is a cool car I'm driving! Where are my parents? Hey Keith...What kind of fireworks are those? lol.....


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Well, I had a very disturbing dream 2 nights ago.... A rollback truck pulled up in front of my Grandmas old house, and on the flatbed was an old Hudson. On the old style towtruck hitch behind the truck was my wife's 66 Cuda, hoisted up by the front end. They proceeded to unload the Hudson by just releasing the cable and tipping up the bed, but didn't remove the 66 first so the Hudson rolled off the back and smashed the front of the 66. It knocked the 66 off the hook and both the Hudson and the 66 were left in the middle of the road as the truck pulled away!!! WTH???

Rani, I'd much rather be in your junkyard with the crisp air and you sitting in some old car with leaves in your hair, thats a great visual!! You are truly one of a kind!! Well, gotta go, I need to get back to sleep so I can get to work removing the front end of the 66 and get it repaired!! Good thing in my dreams 66 Cuda parts are readily available!!!

GM parts?? Sounds like a nightmare to me!!!LOL!! Geof
I dream quite often about having 2 68 Darts that I drag race. One is a Super/ Stock hemi car and the other is a stocker with a 340 in it. The two cars are painted the same and live in a stacker trailer behind my bus style motor home along with the Dart I have now as my get around car when I set up at the races. I guess you might as well dream big!! Can you tell that I am a Drag Race fan!!!!!
PPL like us!!!??? Come on now just like the next person on FABO.....same cars....same fever.....same ambitions.....same tools .....same rust LOL:lurk:

Just to clarify...i was refering to all like minded Mopar/car people.

Anyway, funny how the mind works. I read this thread and what happens? I wake up early this morning from a dream where i'm trying to order a 70' Barracuda Gran Coupe with a 383, but i'm arguing with the salesman that i want it to be a And it must also be a column auto/bench seat car.
Wtf?......At least it should have been a 1 of 1.....:D.

I knew a guy in 74'/75' that had a Orange 383, 4spd, h/t... If that's what spured this dream then it came from waaayy back in the

Update: While i knew they were available, figured they were rare as hen's teeth. My 1 of 1 comment got my curiousity up so i checked prod. figures and found, 54 - 2bbl auto's and 66 - 4bbl auto's. Well, guess if i'd have gone for a pink
You're going to have to stop buying your sleeping pills from the parts department of your local Dodge dealer.......
This is one of the side effects listed on the bottle.
Rani stop dreaming and get to work on your cars.....
I only seem to have dreams where my '67 Fastback is either stolen, sometimes recovered & I can't prove ownership for whats left of it & the cops keep it, or it gets destroyed in 1 way or another. :sad7: I guess they're nightmares more than dreams. Sometimes I've dreamt that my brother's dart won it's class in S/S. but that's about it.