more truth about Obama

I like that, So the towers were just a minor blip on the radar screen? How quickly people forget.
So we got the guy responsible for that? We drive the Taliban out of official power, but they are still there blending in with the civilians and regrouping. We attack Iraq and still haven't finished the job. Osama's in Pakistan, and they shoot at our forces whenever we get close to their border, even though we've give them over $5billions. Who won the big wars last century? Wilson, FDR, and Truman. All Democrats. What wars did the Republicans win? Granada?

So Obama wants to raise taxes? Who's spent all the money? Who want's to spend $700,000,000,000 more, but doesn't want to punish the one's who made so much money by creating this economic disaster in the banking industry in the first place, and doesn't want any Democratically led legislative oversite? The biggest deficits were run up by the Republicans. Who's going to pay for it? I know. Lets just print more money. Wonder why the dollar's in the toilet and gas costs so much? We're at $9,849,249,966,383.92 and still climbing. How would you solve it? Spend less? That's not what a Republican would do.
Wow, had no idea there were so many hardcore conservatives on this forum.

Alas, forums are usually dominated by them, the hardcore conservatives, and by that I mean those who cannot see things any way but their own.

I cannot stand when someone comes around with a "ITS THIS PARTY AND NO OTHER" attitude.
Grow up.
You have to be willing to accept opinions from all sides in order to have a successful government.

Guess I'll stick to my A-Body discussions here and keep away from these politically minded threads...

Enjoy the "liberal" slamfest that I'm sure will continue.
What an excellent description of liberal democrats. Your lecture should be directed at them. It is not conservatives that try to silence all opposition, tell people what they can or can not say, or that try to destroy anyone that disagrees with them. Joe Lieberman stepped out of liberal lock-step only once and the liberal democrats tried to destroy him. McCain broke with his party over and over and now he is the freaking nominee. Before you tell anyone to grow up, maybe you should make sure you have a clue what you are talking about.
This is what pisses me off the most.this is not towards you in general. The president is not only in charge of the nation but is allso comander in cheif of the armed forces.I mean he is at the top of the food chain and cometed adultry. Which in the armed forces is a article 15 and you can goto jail or get kicked out of the milatary with a dishonarable dishcharge.which men and woman have been kicked out for it. So every time somebody says he had sex in the oval office and its no big deal. I get very pissed off about it. I think they ought to make it a law that to be president you have to have served 3 or more years in the armed forces or you can not run for office. thanks Mopar658)
The president is not in the military, and it's a good thing he isn't. They need not to micromanage wars, though, like Vietnam. Wilson and FDR were never in the military, and they won both World Wars. You wish they weren't ever president? What about John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. They weren't either. Jimmy Carter was in the military. So was George Bush, when they could find him, protecting us from Poncho Villa.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Contact: Jessica Robinson, 573-751-0290
Gov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaign’s Abusive Use of Missouri Law Enforcement

JEFFERSON CITY - Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics.

“St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of his Missouri campaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.

“What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment.

“This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson’s thinking than using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights. The only conceivable purpose of Messrs. McCulloch, Obama and the others is to frighten people away from expressing themselves, to chill free and open debate, to suppress support and donations to conservative organizations targeted by this anti-civil rights, to strangle criticism of Mr. Obama, to suppress ads about his support of higher taxes, and to choke out criticism on television, radio, the Internet, blogs, e-mail and daily conversation about the election.

“Barack Obama needs to grow up. Leftist blogs and others in the press constantly say false things about me and my family. Usually, we ignore false and scurrilous accusations because the purveyors have no credibility. When necessary, we refute them. Enlisting Missouri law enforcement to intimidate people and kill free debate is reminiscent of the Sedition Acts - not a free society.”

Actually, if you remember your history, similar tactics have been employed in the past. The person who used this approach was sucessful at gaining power in his respective country. He also spoke of 'change' and after instituting 'change', he blazed a path in history that will be remembered for centuries. This man's name was Adolf Hitler.

If does not opens people eyes up to what he is all about i dont know what will. Mopar658)
More BS and politics of fear. Only about 40 more days of this drivvle. Sure would like to see some car related discussions
I know Naziism was called "national socialism", but it was actually fascism. 180* from socialism/communism.
The Nazis were indeed socialist, that is why they included the term in their official party name.

Yes we have come closer and closer to our former enemies. Spying on our own people, suppressing any form of dissent, Eliminating or severely curtailing due process, waging "pre-emptive" wars. They had a "fatherland" and now we've got a "homeland".
Spying that has been going on for over 50 years no matter who is in office, liberal or conservative. The only difference now being that conservatives never wanted power bad enough to expose secret operations and try to fool people into thinking it was something new in order to gain political advantage. Curtailing due process for who? The terrorists we've captured? Again, only the liberals try to supress dissent. Lately, conservatives have not even had the balls to defend themselves much less go on the offensive. Right, wait until a few thousand (or potentially far more) Americans are killed before doing anything.

"History doesn't repeat itself, but sometimes it rhymes." -Winston Churchill. Hmm, Churchill is kind of a lefty for this forum.
Churchill a lefty? In what way?

How about Hermann Goering? He's only slightly to the left of Hannity.
Now you are just being ridiculous.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and DENOUCE THE PEACEMAKERS FOR LACK OF PATRIOTISM and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."
And if the "peacemakers" in the late 30s had been allowed to continue to fail much longer most of the western world would be speaking German now.
Somehow speaking anything negative about McCain makes you anti-american!
Having any other opinion other than the republican one makes you a communist/antisocial/nazi w/murderous intent! Same tactics that worked the last election, I say let McCain win and you will all be turning your back on him in four years like your favorite son George W.( who was going to "Give us a better life") because everything will be so messed up (like now) you won't want to admit he's in your party like you are now with George W. Then you'll be running againest your own party like McCain is now and everything will be hunky-dorey! With this I will no longer make any political comments on this site.
Hilarious. The only people that have been called names like Nazi or murderer are our troops, called that by democrats. I am constantly amazed that anyone can accuse conservatives of trying to silence opposition. Conservatives did not invent political correctness. Conservatives do not attack their allies for stepping out of line. It really is baffling.
Yeah well I didn't vote for the guy that owned half the oil in Texas, but he still made it into office. I will agree that we did not need to pull out of Iraq as for the safety of our own country, but when does enough become enough?? The problem with the US and the reason that half or more of the rest of the world hates us is because we try to impose what we are about on everyone. And, in most cases it is not any of our business to get involved. the other problem with the US is that in the grand scheme of things it is a very YOUNG nation to have so much power, and we walk in and try to tell nations that have run successfully for much longer than we have how they need to change the way that they do things.

My biggest question here is when is AMERICA going to start taking care of itself again and quit worrying so much about everyone else??

You know a lot of people so far have down-graded the democrats, but who was the last president to get America out of the RED, so what if he got a blowie in the oval office?? And who was the last president that put America in more of a financial bind than it has ever been?? Either way I'm not replying to argue which is the better party here. I just think that this thread has started to get out of proportion. I don't like Obama!! And I don't like McCain!! I don't think either of them will be a worthy president and I may not go to the polls for either of them at all.
Geez, read more than the MSM and site. The notion that the world hates us is amazing bullshit. Hell, two of the most liberal countries in Europe, Germany and France, elected openly pro-America, pro-Bush leaders.

The last President to get us out of the red? You have been fooled. First, we were never out of the red, that was democrat bullshit. Just check out the Treasury Department's tracking of the deficit. And when you do, if you look hard, you will see that the deficit was not reduced until the Republicans got control of Congress and started cutting spending.
yeah, i have a huge problem with catching the top terrorists in the world?!?!?!? liberal know why you join the army? to defend the country. (im sure guys that have been in the army and served for our country can say this) you dont join the army to fight what ever war you think is justifiable. and you think obama doesnt have money?! you cant become president without money you jokesters. and one thing i like about mccain, is that he isnt a muslim terrorist.
I have been fortunate enough to have lived in our great country for since the 1940's. Eisenhower shipped 6mil. illegals out, Bush says "It is an undaunting task". Johnson wants to give us the Great American Society of socialsit ideas( how's that working for you so far?),Carter wanted more socialism (he's stll trying to figure that out)put he SS money in the general fund we'll pay it form new taxes, Reagan gave us a great economic plan- turn the thieves loose, no more regulation, Clinton showed us how to screw the help and the voter at the same time. The days of our political leaders doing what is best for our country and their constituients is long gone.They are concerned only abut their self interest and what they can gain personally. If you want to hear what a real political leader sounds like listen to Sen. Jim DeMint from my state of South Carolina. He is concerned about his voters and the constitution, no one else. .
The president is not in the military, and it's a good thing he isn't. They need not to micromanage wars, though, like Vietnam. Wilson and FDR were never in the military, and they won both World Wars. You wish they weren't ever president? What about John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. They weren't either. Jimmy Carter was in the military. So was George Bush, when they could find him, protecting us from Poncho Villa.
true but they are incharge of it. Have you ever served?? Also i said i wish it was a requirement to be president. So what is your problem with that.mopar65
So we got the guy responsible for that? We drive the Taliban out of official power, but they are still there blending in with the civilians and regrouping. We attack Iraq and still haven't finished the job.
We probably would have finished the job by now if the democrats had not been fighting for the other side.

Who won the big wars last century? Wilson, FDR, and Truman. All Democrats. What wars did the Republicans win? Granada?
HAHAHA. Presidents do not win wars. They can get us into wars, they can take us out of them, but the armed forces win wars. The best thing a President can do to win a war, beyond ensuring that the military has what they need, is stay out of the way until they need to make a decision like whether or not to drop an atomic bomb. FDR? Study your history. He got us into WWII when neither the Congress nor the people wanted to get involved by allowing the Pearl Harbor attack to happen but he died before the war was over.

So Obama wants to raise taxes? Who's spent all the money? Who want's to spend $700,000,000,000 more, but doesn't want to punish the one's who made so much money by creating this economic disaster in the banking industry in the first place, and doesn't want any Democratically led legislative oversite?
OMG that is hilarious!!! Congress spends money. BOTH parties together. Who wants to spend $700 billion more? BOTH parties. Who tried to add in $200 billion dollars in pork spending? The DEMOCRATS. Who doesn't want to punish the democrat adminstration and Congress who pressured lenders into relaxing their loan qualifications, causing the problem in the first place? The democrats. Who doesn't want to punish the democrats who stood in the way of every attempt to increase oversight? The democrats, and many republicans (for some reason). Who doesn't want any oversight? The democrats who fought it every step of the way. Who wants to just give away that $700 billion? The democrats. Who wants it to be in the form of loans that will have to be paid back with interest like the chrysler bailout? The republicans.

The biggest deficits were run up by the Republicans. Who's going to pay for it? I know. Lets just print more money. Wonder why the dollar's in the toilet and gas costs so much? We're at $9,849,249,966,383.92 and still climbing. How would you solve it? Spend less? That's not what a Republican would do.
Wrong again. The biggest deficits were under Truman because of the war. The biggest recent increase was in the 80s thanks to the democrat Congress and their record-setting spending. Democrats like to say te deficit is higher now than at any time in history but it is a lie because they speak only in terms of total dollars, not in terms of as a percentage of the economy, which is how economists look at it because it is just not that simple. In those terms, we are right where we were after two years of Clinton and a democrat Congress. These days cutting spending is not what many republicans would do. It is not what any democrat would ever do. But it is what true conservatives would do.
The president is not in the military, and it's a good thing he isn't. They need not to micromanage wars, though, like Vietnam. Wilson and FDR were never in the military, and they won both World Wars. You wish they weren't ever president? What about John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. They weren't either. Jimmy Carter was in the military. So was George Bush, when they could find him, protecting us from Poncho Villa.
FDR got us into WWII but he didn't win it by any stretch of the imagination.
More BS and politics of fear. Only about 40 more days of this drivvle. Sure would like to see some car related discussions
Politics of fear? Maybe on Obama's part. This was reported all over the media. The Obama campaign was indeed trying to intimidate and silence the opposition.
I have been fortunate enough to have lived in our great country for since the 1940's. Eisenhower shipped 6mil. illegals out, Bush says "It is an undaunting task". Johnson wants to give us the Great American Society of socialsit ideas( how's that working for you so far?),Carter wanted more socialism (he's stll trying to figure that out)put he SS money in the general fund we'll pay it form new taxes, Reagan gave us a great economic plan- turn the thieves loose, no more regulation, Clinton showed us how to screw the help and the voter at the same time. The days of our political leaders doing what is best for our country and their constituients is long gone.They are concerned only abut their self interest and what they can gain personally. If you want to hear what a real political leader sounds like listen to Sen. Jim DeMint from my state of South Carolina. He is concerned about his voters and the constitution, no one else. .
You only missed a couple of things. Neither party gives a crap about the Constitution. FDR did more damage to the american way of life than any other President. Not only because of the massive costs of widespread socialism which everyone knows about, but for taking the hugely un-Constitutional step of turning our judicial system into a money-making machine in 1937.
If you don't feel like this country is worth dieing for, then you need to gtF OUT.

We don't want you here.

And turn your MOPARS in at the door as your chicken *** is leaving
That's true. But in order to "win" you have to be willing to give up everything.

And we have a couple of pussies here that seem to think they should be allowed to have what they have, and live where they live, without paying a price for it.

They just want to suck on the teet of prosperity without the need to defend it. They are no better than the illegal aliens sneaking across the border and taking advantage of the "system"