more truth about Obama

Too all you youngsters: If there was a way I could join the US Military - I would! I would be glad and honered to take the place of any young person that is raising a family at any time. Combat has been the American birthright since day one like it or not. If you don't want to serve thats ok... Just respect and thank those that have for EVERY dam right and lifestyle that you have.

AS FOR VOTING - If you do not vote you are failing our democratic system. I do not care what your politics are - JUST VOTE.
Enough from me.
Bruce B.
Wow as some body that has served his country. I can not beleave you would say crap like that.
I hate to say this but you might as well leave now. America does not need people like you. Mopar65

Thats the beautiful thing about free speech and democracy. You can take it or leave it and make your own choices. While I respect you for doing something like defending those who cannot defend themselves,you are also by your own choice defending his rights/choices to not volunteer or to not be drafted.

Let freedom reign...

By the way my friend,Im sure Canada will welcome you.
It is just so disheartening to think that even with a new President in office no matter who it is, that We as a people may have to put up with all this BS for another 4 yrs until someone Who "really" has the American people at the top of their priority list and not appeasing every big corporation that is willing to pump money in their pockets. Corporate America just plain sucks and by the looks of the financial blunder we are in they have proved that Washington is still right there to bail their sorry asses out. Who is going to bail me out this winter when I can't afford to pay my heating bills and put food on my table? I'm sure their won't be any emergency meetings to help me out.
Just think you liberal dems, if John Kerry would have been elected, it would have been totally different. We would all be speaking arabic right now. Take your liberal homosexual have some sort of marriage rights, let the illegals stay, we need to be green, ban guns, queit the common man, tax the **** out of everyone and give it to the special needs and minority groups bullshit and get the **** out. You people are who fucked this great nation up when you first invented welfare and you don't learn. The common people do not want to listen to your bullshit views and they don't want them pressed onto them.
Politics of fear? Maybe on Obama's part. This was reported all over the media. The Obama campaign was indeed trying to intimidate and silence the opposition.

You are correct sir!

Obama campaign gets help correcting misleading TV ads
September 23rd, 2008The Barack Obama campaign is getting help from local prosecutors, both Democrats, to clarify TV ads the campaign believes are misleading.

Did you notice the words BOTH DEMOCRATS!!!
Democrats support freedom of speech as long as they are the ones talking!!
Just think you liberal dems, if John Kerry would have been elected, it would have been totally different. We would all be speaking arabic right now. Take your liberal homosexual have some sort of marriage rights, let the illegals stay, we need to be green, ban guns, queit the common man, tax the **** out of everyone and give it to the special needs and minority groups bullshit and get the **** out. You people are who fucked this great nation up when you first invented welfare and you don't learn. The common people do not want to listen to your bullshit views and they don't want them pressed onto them.

Whoa. Something's sure got your panties in a bunch today.

I'm common people myself, I just don't share your viewpoint. I definitely do not want YOUR asinine 'views' pressed on to me!

Some of this stuff is getting out of hand. Scary how people can speak like this openly. I guess it must be fun to spew angry, ignorant crap. Free speech yeah, but show a little decency!
Some of this stuff is getting out of hand. Scary how people can speak like this openly. I guess it must be fun to spew angry, ignorant crap. Free speech yeah, but show a little decency!

"Scary how peopole can speak like this openly"? And then you go on to say "free speech yeah".

If you believe in FREE SPEECH, why do you question him saying anything "openly"? That is exacly what is meant by FREE SPEECH.

Again I say, democrats are for free speech as long as they are doing the speaking.
Something else to nibble on.


This is the latest attempt of the Obama campaign to target ads that Obama, well, doesn't like. The Obama campaign is asking law enforcement in Missouri to target anyone who "lies or runs a misleading TV ad" during the campaign. Prosecutors and sheriffs, at the request of the Obama campaign, are jumping on board to "keep the truth" and remind people that Obama is a Christian who wants to cut taxes for everyone making under $250,000 a year. But they will also "respond" to any statements that violate Missouri ethics laws.

Missouri Governor Matt Blunt has responded to Barack Obama's "abusive use of Missouri law enforcement." Here's a quote from the governor:

"This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson's thinking than using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights. The only conceivable purpose of Messrs. McCulloch, Obama and the others is to frighten people away from expressing themselves, to chill free and open debate, to suppress support and donations to conservative organizations targeted by this anti-civil rights, to strangle criticism of Mr. Obama, to suppress ads about his support of higher taxes, and to choke out criticism on television, radio, the Internet, blogs, e-mail and daily conversation about the election."

Appealing to the Justice Department? Sending threatening letters to station managers who air controversial ads? And now getting law enforcement to "respond" to statements on behalf of the campaign. Just stop and think for a moment what things will be like when this menace occupies the White House.
Decency is being able to go into a bar and smoke and make your own choices. I like to be able to make my own choices, I don't want the government to make mine for me, that is why I am not a democrat, I have a brain. Pelosi wants to make the choice for me to take my 401k and give it to those less fortunate that could not work and have a 401k for their own. Their retirement is called welfare, they have been retired all their lives.
"Scary how peopole can speak like this openly"? And then you go on to say "free speech yeah".

If you believe in FREE SPEECH, why do you question him saying anything "openly"? That is exacly what is meant by FREE SPEECH.

Again I say, democrats are for free speech as long as they are doing the speaking.

Bullshit. His statement was offensive to me because of it's lack of intelligence and vitriolic language.

Asking for decency and civil discourse is different than saying you can't say what you want.
And to the babies that don't want to fight for our country, get out. I am a disabled vet that fought for this country. I remember when I went three months on two different occasions without pay, and oh by the way they were under a dem,the Wonderful and horrible Mr. Clinton.
Decency is being able to go into a bar and smoke and make your own choices. I like to be able to make my own choices, I don't want the government to make mine for me, that is why I am not a democrat, I have a brain. Pelosi wants to make the choice for me to take my 401k and give it to those less fortunate that could not work and have a 401k for there own. There retirement is called welfare, they have been retired all their lives.

How many times have you worked with someone who "couldnt afford" to be in the 401k but somehow manged to buy rims, sneakers, and every other luxury known to man. Not to mention their daily lottery tickets.

These same people who cant "afford" to plan for their retirement will be squealing for someone to take care of them and give them their prescription drugs.
It figures you would say that being from NY, NY and living in the northeast coast liberal capital. NY is a wonderful state, too bad the city screws up the whole state.
Bullshit. His statement was offensive to me because of it's lack of intelligence and vitriolic language.

Asking for decency and civil discourse is different than saying you can't say what you want.

Oh, I see "bullshit" is considered civil language now.

You have NO RIGHT to not be offended. I get offended each time I hear some idiot democrat giving my money to someone else.

I get offended when I hear someone say they support free speech and then go on to try and censor someones speech.

Read the story I posted above. You seem to fit right in with Obama.
It figures you would say that being from NY, NY and living in the east coast liberal capital.

Damn right I'm liberal! Not afraid to say it either. Not many of us here, would think I get some sort of credit for taking up the fight against the ultra-right wing conservatism that's on display here. Probably not though.8)

Funny thing about being from New York. I find that most people who live anywhere beyond the 'liberal' east coast are scared shitless of NYC. I feel sorry for them.
Damn right I'm liberal! Not afraid to say it either. Not many of us here, would think I get some sort of credit for taking up the fight against the ultra-right wing conservatism that's on display here. Probably not though.8)

Funny thing about being from New York. I find that most people who live anywhere beyond the 'liberal' east coast are scared shitless of NYC. I feel sorry for them.

Buddy, I lived upstate (Newburgh) and worked in NYC, the only thing to be afraid of in NYC is if you talk to someone, you worry if they speak english and have a green card.
Before I let someone work on my classic Mopar, I check out their "track record" with people who have had experience with them.

I want to hear that they've been in the business for a good amount of time and racked up some good reviews. I'd like to know that when the guy tears down my carburetor, he knows every part by heart and is able to rebuild it correctly and with some efficiency.

And, I'd also like him to be a car guy himself. Someone who is involved in the hobby, and who knows the in's and out's of what classic car owners want and expect from their mechanic.

I don't want some young punk with very little experience, who is not a car guy (that has no understanding of me and my feelings about my car), or one with no confirmed track record of real accomplishment AS a mechanic, to TOUCH my car, let alone try to adequately and properly repair it. Likewise, just about anybody can PAINT your car, but only those with experience, reputation and knowledge will do a good job.

If you take your classic to someone with no experience and no proven track record who cares more about your money than giving you a good price and a quality repair, then what you get is exactly what you deserve.

Rocket scientists abound.
Damn right I'm liberal! Not afraid to say it either. Not many of us here, would think I get some sort of credit for taking up the fight against the ultra-right wing conservatism that's on display here. Probably not though.8)

Funny thing about being from New York. I find that most people who live anywhere beyond the 'liberal' east coast are scared shitless of NYC. I feel sorry for them.

So you are a liberal with other peoples money? Is that correct?

I dont have a problem with someone sticking up for what they believe. But what exactly is there to be proud of in being a liberal?
And to the babies that don't want to fight for our country, get out. I am a disabled vet that fought for this country. I remember when I went three months on two different occasions without pay, and oh by the way they were under a dem,the Wonderful and horrible Mr. Clinton.

Very well said.Mopar658)8)