I bought this car in 1981 from a guy in my platoon at Ft Hood Tx that was being transferred to Germany. Prior to that the only Chrysler product (or vehicle for that matter) I had ever driven was an M60A1 main battle tank. I learned to drive automobiles in this car when I was seventeen. It has a 318 engine with a three speed manual transmission and floor mounted shifter. It also has front bucket seats and a very handy fold down rear seat. I drove this car until the early nineties when the timing chain jumped a few teeth and the pistons whacked all the valves and bent all the push rods. At that point I disassembled the engine just far enough to confirm what had gone wrong, then being young and not understanding how easily this could have been repaired at the time, the car was pushed to the end of my parents driveway in Los Angeles where it would sit for the next three decades. This photo was taken in August of this year when I was visiting family. At this point it had already undergone a substantial amount of cleaning as I tried to get a feel for its condition.