What kind of dog was Kramer? A good people dog? good for just one master? tolerant of strangers? any protective traits?
I want to get a dog that will protect my wife while deployed but won't try to attack every stranger- i want a happy, obedient big dog that loves the family and is tolerant of friends coming over. The wife got bit in the face as a child and is leery of me getting a dog; i put up with her cat for so long that she will let me get one once, so i can't screw it up.
i had a german shepard (as a kid)that looked out for the family but she wanted to attack strangers all the time-with some horrible success. i am thinking a female puppy with a kitten as a pal (maybe on the kitten theory)
i have a fairly large back yard.
We have had 4 newfoundlands and all of them were/are the most loving dog you could ever ask for. I don't know about how good they are for guard duty, but they'll be good for just about everything else. The one we have will, if she wants some attention, go up to you and lean on your legs until you scratch her right hip (yes it is at least 99% of the time she wants this hip scratched) to her satisfaction, by walking away after growling then "bwoof"ing at you everytime you stop or you fall over from her putting all her weight on you.
I made a big mug of chocolate milk to go with my home made spicy tacos after a late night working and ran down to the basement to chuck a load of laundry in. What does that take, 30 seconds? I come back upstairs and Maxi's licking her chops and has white stuff all over her muzzle. I look at my glass on the coffee table and all that's left is doggie backwash. Blech! I don't think I'll ever use that mug again.
I'm suprised it didn't make her sick. I know how bad chocolate is for a dog so I kept an eye on her, but she's fine.
I had an Irish Setter eat over a half of a pan of fudge one Christmas day. It never hurt her but she was one stupid dog anyway. She could go two doors down and not be able to find her way home before she ate the fudge. Luckily she wandered off one day about a month later and I never saw her again. She was absoletely beautiful but the stupidest dog I ever had.
Last October, my dog found a new bag of M&M peanut Halloween candy and ate like half of it. I told my vet and he said that it was ok. Milk chocolate is ok, it's the dark cooking chocolate that will kill them. FYI.
My dog is still alive today.
Oh man, that is so sad. Hopefully someone might read this and it may prevent a puppy/dog death.
People can't even keep more kids from drowning in pools every year, but here's hoping they won't let the dog eat chocolate.
I suppose some people shouldn't have children or dogs.
Our newfie ate like half a pan of chocolate cookies off the kitchen counter a couple months after we got her. (was 1.5 at the time) I tried to make her get rid of it and nothing happened. I was quite worried though. Now we don't leave anything out anymore on the counter. But now she's taken to staring at herself one of our little tvs. I sometimes wish we knew what dogs thought.
Newfie's are really cool dogs and glad to hear she's OK. I wonder they think too, especially when they do whacky stuff.
Joe, our son's Jack Russell got into an entire bowl of Hershey's Kisses last Christmas and blew up like a balloon from the chocolate. They rushed him to the vet and had his stomach pumped. It all turned out OK.
The vet told them more than 10% of the dogs weight in chocolate is the danger line - doesn't matter if milk chocolate or dark chocolate.
Best bet is to keep all chocolate away from them just to be on the safe side.
Just like kids - you got to keep an eye on them all the time. Glad it turned out OK.
Thanks OC and good info. Maxi's just fine and staring at me from across the garage.... Probably wishing I'd get off the darn computer and give her more attention....like she doesn't get enough.
Pirate just chewed through his harness, perhaps he thought it was chocolate flavored?
trying to fix it so we can go for a walk now,
I use a harness on Maxi and it made a world of difference in regards to walking her. Maybe Pirate was making an eye patch? Cool looking dog!
Not to worries as some chocolate is worse than others but none of its really good for them.And i have been down that road more than once as i do dog rescue and have 9 dogs of my own.about 5 years a go my best friend Kramer and his little brother CJ ate a whole bag of Reese peanut butter cup wrapper and plastic bag just pieces left.they never even got sick or the ***** from it.
The picture is of Kramer taken the day he passed away just short of 15 years old.He was truly a dog that was special in so many ways.I'm tearing up just typing this.:angel9:
I really thought Maxi was going to turn into a 75 lb poopshooter from the milk, but all was well. Sorry to hear about Kramer. Another beautiful dog that graces this thread with his presence.
What kind of dog was Kramer? A good people dog? good for just one master? tolerant of strangers? any protective traits?
I want to get a dog that will protect my wife while deployed but won't try to attack every stranger- i want a happy, obedient big dog that loves the family and is tolerant of friends coming over. The wife got bit in the face as a child and is leery of me getting a dog; i put up with her cat for so long that she will let me get one once, so i can't screw it up.
i had a german shepard (as a kid)that looked out for the family but she wanted to attack strangers all the time-with some horrible success. i am thinking a female puppy with a kitten as a pal (maybe on the kitten theory)
i have a fairly large back yard.
Hehe, just remembered another story. Made lunch one about 3-4 months ago. Sandwich and a glass of V8 juice. Left em on the coffee table and went to the bathroom real quick like a dummy. Come back and both of my dogs are trying to drink out of the glass and the sandwich was untouched. Wasn't much left of my V8 by the time I got back.
A couple of years ago, we received a box of expensive chocolates from a friend. My wife left it on the dining room table. We went away for the evening, and upon returning, found the box, on the floor, celophane removed, opened, and just the dark chocolate candies gone. Gizmo, our Pomeranian couldn't hide the fact that he was the culprit, as he had chocolate all over his face. At least he has a distinct taste for the finer dark chocolates.
Oh . . . I love it "doggie backwash" . . . . lmao!!
What kind of dog was Kramer? A good people dog? good for just one master? tolerant of strangers? any protective traits?
I want to get a dog that will protect my wife while deployed but won't try to attack every stranger- i want a happy, obedient big dog that loves the family and is tolerant of friends coming over. The wife got bit in the face as a child and is leery of me getting a dog; i put up with her cat for so long that she will let me get one once, so i can't screw it up.
i had a german shepard (as a kid)that looked out for the family but she wanted to attack strangers all the time-with some horrible success. i am thinking a female puppy with a kitten as a pal (maybe on the kitten theory)
i have a fairly large back yard.
My advice on your question is to talk it over with your wife as to what she would be comfortable having in the house with her, then research the breeds. There are several breeds out there that meet your criteria.
My family has always owned large breed dogs. Currently we have 2 Pitbull/Greman Shepherd mix. I originally wanted a full Pitbull, but was able to rescue the 2 girls so went with them instead. They have been a great addition to the household. I wanted Pitbull because I am not home all the time and that would have left my mother home alone (Yes I currently live with my mother). Pit's are very gentle dogs and would have been great around my 8yr old nephew when he comes around. My two, the mixes, are very easy going with him when they play.
I remember visiting my Aunt and Uncle as a kid and they had a collie. They let me take him for a walk around the block. Some neighborhood teenagers decided that they were going to try and take my jacket from me. Sundown, the Collie, must have sensed that I was scared when they started coming towards me. He barked, growled, showed his teeth, all the good stuff and the 3 teenagers quickly changed their minds. Sundown wouldn't let me move til they were out of sight and then the only direction he would go was towards home.
Sorry, I tend to get a little long winded, had to stop myself from telling another story. If your wife is the high energy type (likes to run/jog, etc.) one of the more energetic working breeds would prolly do well for her. Bah, starting to ramble again. Just try to match the dog breed with her personality type. Hope this helps.
Supposedly there's a enzime in the chocolate that attacks the kidneys and shuts them down.
My old dog Sam ate at least 10 turtles after finding the box hidden under the couch, my wife was hiding them from the kids, Didn't seem to bother him not even diarhia, that mutt had a cast iron gut.
The enzyme in question is theobromine- dog's can't break it down and digest it. Onions are another thing that's bad for dogs.
They generally don't do well in the traditional role of guard dog, but will definitely defend their humans when the need arises. Very loyal and loving dog. And the size of this breed would make anybody think twice.
Rotties are famous for being chocoholics.....and they love coffee grounds in the garbage too!
What kind of dog was Kramer? A good people dog? good for just one master? tolerant of strangers? any protective traits?
I want to get a dog that will protect my wife while deployed but won't try to attack every stranger- i want a happy, obedient big dog that loves the family and is tolerant of friends coming over. The wife got bit in the face as a child and is leery of me getting a dog; i put up with her cat for so long that she will let me get one once, so i can't screw it up.
i had a german shepard (as a kid)that looked out for the family but she wanted to attack strangers all the time-with some horrible success. i am thinking a female puppy with a kitten as a pal (maybe on the kitten theory)
i have a fairly large back yard.
Iv'e gotten Mack trained well enough that hes pretty good about not stealing human food, that and hes pretty picky...he notorious for sneaking in to steal every other dogs food out of their dishes though. Haven't had him eat chocolate, mostly because I don't eat a lot of it probably. Got drunk and generous and decided to share my steak with him one night...turned into a 110lb rectum shooter for 2 days!
Look into Black Lab's.
Very protective, loves kids.
Extremly smart dogs. You can teach them anything.
The one we have is so attached to my wife, it is almost like he is her shadow.
We keep ours in the house, he does not shed much, and is trained to hold "his business" for over 9-10 hrs while we are at work.
When the grand kids come over all he does is watch over them and make sure nothing happens.
He knows the difference in how to play with 3-4 yr old kids vs the 16 month old one that have just started walking real good.
If somebody rings the front door bell his is right at it barking, teeth showing, and hair raised up on his back.
After he realizes it is somebody knows the tail starts wagging, and he wants petted.
Chocolate milk, Tacos, and next he'll be hogging the remote and farting. Kind of like a hairy Frat brother. MMG
What a beautiful dobie he is too! A friend in HS had one and he was a very intelligent dog, plus they just have that bat dog look that is just too cool! :batman: I mean really, who'd be dumb enough to muck with your stuff after seeing Mack?
Funny about the steak! Both my Bratwiellers got up on the outdoor table and snagged three bratwurst at a home BBQ when I went in the house to grab more beer. I asked why they didn't stop them, lol.
They've got a king size bark too!
Because nobody but their owner likes getting in between a wicked looking dog and his food
Love rotts too, they've got the same batdog look going on only they've got the stockiness too!
Love the look of a dobie, its the only dog i've ever had or been around that everyone asks if they can pet first :snakeman: Gives Mack a chance to decide what he think of em too. Only had a couple people i have ever brought him around that he was "umm nope dad not happening" .one of em was when I sold "bio-hazard" the kid and his mom rubbed Mack the wrong way, couldnt calm him down, had to put him outside. funny thing is, the kid a week later nearly killed a woman and her kid in that car when he careened into em full tilt. Tell me that's not a great judge of character.
Yep, there are times when it's echoed around our cul de sac when she's outside. The head goes sideways and you see her thinking. "huh? is there another dog barking at me?"
that mutt had a cast iron gut.
Chocolate milk, Tacos, and next he'll be hogging the remote and farting. Kind of like a hairy Frat brother. MMG
My best friend Mack is a doberman(granted a huge one). Most of yall ahve already heard about him because I cant stop talking about him, its like having a kid lol. Extremely brilliant, loving and protective. He immediately goes on guard duty with someone new and as soon as hes given the OK by anyone in the house he completely switches and just wants to be petted by them lol. I can take him anywhere and have him get along with everyone, and their dogs. Took him all the way back to WI and by day 2 he had already integrated himself into my parents pack of hunting Labs.
Here are the downsides to the breed, they HAVE to be socialized regularly from an early age, protection is genetic in them not trained. As they get older the more it comes out and the more your previous socialization pays off.
They HAVE to be a part of the family, they are happy when they are around their masters all the time, they do NOT do well as tie-em-up-in-the-back-yard dogs, they have to be an extension of the family.
They tend to be stubborn dogs, they are the epitome of "too smart for their own good" It takes patience and knowing how dogs think, and making sure they always know who's pack leader even as a young puppy because they will challenge you for it as they grow.
Dobies are one of the most unique personality'd breeds iv'e ever been around, and my all time favorite. All the time put into them pays off in huge dividends as they get older, they aren't for everyone but for those who can they are absolutely incredible. Its like getting the loving from a lab, the desire to please of a collie, and the brains and protection of a german sheppard. All wrapped up in a short haired gorgeous dog.
Mack 27" to the shoulders 27" shoulder to hind 110lbs 2.5yrs