My first employee!



Fusing with fire
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose, Ca.
Big day today!

Blackheart Racing is growing and i need help. I put out an add and got a guy who really knows his stuff. In fact he is just about perfect.

Last night I texted him at 5pm. No response. This morning at 8am i get a reply.

Now keep in mind this is an adult (45) not a child or teenager, 20 something but a full blown adult, two years older than my self.

Hi, i forgot my phone charger yesterday.
I cant make it in today. Gotta fix the breaks on my truck.

Now I WORK ON CARS FOR A LIVING, this man is applying for a job working on cars and has years of experience working on cars.

We all know the breaks just dont fail like an electrical problem, they wear out over time.

I did not reply beacuse my reply is gonna say.

Its ok don't worry about coming in today or ever for that matter...

What is wrong with people these days?
You would think people want to work in these times?

It reminds me of college where if you miss the first class you dont get to be at the second class.

Who calls in ON THE FIRST DAY?

my faith in humanity is slipping away....

So thats my rant for the day.

Ad a man i was raised that, you stick to your word.

If you say i can come in at 8am thrusday; you SHOW UP AT 8AM THURSDAY..

but maybe thats just me.....

Maybe thats why I own and operate my semi successful small busines and he is reading the want adds....
Especially now-a-days with uber etc. I'd tell him, never mind I found someone who wants to work.
He probably makes more being un-employed anyway.
I did not even think about uber- lyft.

I thought it was an interesting excuse tho.

He has to know i understand how cars work? It would be one thing if hebwas calling into a company that makes nail polish for dogs or some such BS BUT WE WORK ON CARS.....

Yeah I wouldn’t hire that fellow, already flaked out first day. I like the name of your business, wish you best of luck. Dustin
He probably pulled up to the bar last night celebrating his new job, and stayed too long (as usual).

Then hung over calls in with 2 excuses, not just one.

Would think people that need money would show up for work, especially mid week.
i feel for you. let him come in and ask to see the work he did
In the add i stated o e of the percs was being able to use shop tools, IE THE LIFT, hand tools to work on your own vehicles.

He could have fixed the truck at the shop.

But we all know his truck aint broke.....

I think Mr. Jets may have hit the nail on the head. In fact i think Mr. Jets drove that nail out the back side of the board he hit it so hard and square.

We have a really big generational culture problem with reliable employees. I work in a factory we have around 300 employees and the turnover is ridiculous. The attitude I see and get is ridiculous. I am the team lead in my department and the just the negativity and attitude I see in people makes me seriously worry about our future. I have always been thankful and felt blessed to have a good job these people act entitled to it. I have had new hires tell me no to my face when i ask them to do something. I have had to send employees home for insubordination. Its insane how people act and simply just dont care. I wish i was closer id come work for you lol
My wife is a Dept. Director at a big Hospital. You wouldn't believe all the stories that she tells me that these people come up with. And it's a daily basis. And these people make really good money. There just Lazy. Bottom line.
Today, there are hoards of people that are NOT hungry, never has been hungry a day in their lives. I see it every day. More so here in Tx than back in Mo.
You work harder, appreciate the work, show up IF you have ever been without. These people, slackrs, when times got tough they always had someone to pay their way (mom, the govn't, girl friend). These people have always been under worked and overpaid.
I was raised to respect the job, the boss, and fellow workers that earned my respect. You ride for the brand or leave. If you can't respect the brand, go work elsewhere. You showed up for work, on time, and give the boss his $ worth and more .
But me, I am an old soul, raised by older parents that went thru the Great Depression (the real one) as young adults. Raised country. You did not piss away a dollar, or a dime. You had food, clothes, shelter. There was no shame in wearing hand me down clothes. Shame was in being lazy. I shunned and thought poorly of those spoiled over priviledged.
The best thing my parents did for me the day I turned 16, was GIVE me a 49 Chevy that ran, barely, and told me I had a job at the A & P Supermarket, 12 1/2 hrs every sat. and 4 hrs after school every day except Mon. More hrs in the summer. Never missed a day and never late once. I paid my way. I asked for nothing.
And Church on Sunday. OK, so sometimes I dosed off sitting in the balcony.
You are lucky he showed his true colors before he came to work. We had some people that worked for us that I really wish they hadn't showed up the first day. It would have been sooooo much easier. I have some stories...

Want to figure out who the good employees are? Pass out paychecks sometime. The good ones say "Thank You" when you hand them the check. The crappy ones don't.
I see a lot of people that have no pride in what they are doing. I was a union officer and had a poster in my office that stated "there is pride in all work". I truly believed it and made sure my people understood it. I won't put it on a generational basis because there have been slugs out there in all age groups, maybe the exception is the greatest generation (my dads). You blow off the first day with a lame excuse, it kind of tells you to keep looking for your first employee. :)
You dodged a bullet, and that's a good thing. Far better to have him flake out before he punches in for the first time. Once he's on the payroll, it can be a real chore to get rid of him. Call him back, tell him not to bother coming in. You're better off dealing with an excessive workload than a screwball employee.
Good workers are hard to find. They all have jobs. I may have a job offered to me shortly, union, benefits and 3 weeks vacation after first year. My knees,hips are really slowing me down now, im concerned i may not be able to meet their expectations.
Basically i would be mentoring a mechanic apprentice in a local government shop. Once he completes his schooling i would be done.

i have seen photos of your work, you need to find someone with almost as high standards as you have.

I agree he is done.

I already reached out to a fellow member here and he is gonna i introduce me to someone he knows.

So it probably for the best.
Cope my question is where can I find pictures of your shop truck?

Im not sure right now.

Photobucket is holding my pics hostage untill i buy their services so i haven't been able to post any pictures for almost 6 months or more. Give me a bit. I will try and post some pics of it but dont hild your breath. Freaking photo bucket sucks...

We may be selling the shop truck.....

Pops knows where a good deal on a 94 Diesel 4x4 is so He wants to do it all over.


The worst part is im not saying no.....

We have a sickness.
And Thank you everyone for the kind words. It means a lot.

I feal like everyone who told me i would never amount to squat or said I was dumb or I should get a real job, all those thing.


It was a profound moment. I was laying in bed thinking what the hell am i gonna do.

I have made promises i cant keep. I cant get all this work done on time.... Then it hit me. I need to hire someone and that is crazy. Its no longer just me and pops screwing around with cars.
God dam. I wish Jim could see me now.
My wife is a OP or basically a GM at a major chain restaurant. And she has employees offering her bribes to not schedule them for work because they make more money staying home! She laughs and tells them my job is not worth your laziness. It's unbelievable and scary what the future holds for the work force. I work for a local law enforcement aviation department and throughout the country aviation companies can not find employees that can pass a background or drug test. And if you do find one, there is generally a reason he/she isn't working somewhere else!

Good luck finding someone, there are a few hard working young adults out there.

I would never hire you.

I can't hire someone with a better beard than mine.

I would hire you but your soul would die in California.

Stay well bud!
And Thank you everyone for the kind words. It means a lot.

I feal like everyone who told me i would never amount to squat or said I was dumb or I should get a real job, all those thing.


It was a profound moment. I was laying in bed thinking what the hell am i gonna do.

I have made promises i cant keep. I cant get all this work done on time.... Then it hit me. I need to hire someone and that is crazy. Its no longer just me and pops screwing around with cars.
God dam. I wish Jim could see me now.

Why do I remember some young kid you had at the shop it was coming along really well?...
Rust Valley Restorer's have three season's now on Netflix. I think it was season two they hired a teen-age girl. They soon found out "Cassidy" had no driver's license after having failed the practical exam twice already. The third time she passed. She was hired to do body work. I did not see any future for her there. However, now she is sanding, grinding, and welding.
@j par

Yes.... sigh...

Drugs are a terrible thing. He was and is a great guy and we tryed to help him but it didn't work.

He lost his house so we let him live in the upstairs room. Its not totally ****. It has AC, insulation its a legit room.

He "got sick" one day and ended up in the ER. He almost died. My dad does not take kindly to drugs or lies. Our shop is a drug free zone.

Not only was he getting high. Our room upstairs was full of drugs. About 1 pound of marijuana went in the garbage, half a pound of mushrooms and more black tar ****** than you want to know.

So needless to say he no longer works for me. The said part is he was more of a brother than an employee.
I will continue as will pops to get him back but it will not be easy.