My GIANT MESS of a garage

Nice work.

I had my own situation, in a way. Back in 1990, I found a 1965 Newport convertible listed in the local paper. I went to look at it, they wanted $200. It wouldn't start, and the quarter panels were shot a long time ago. Anyhow, it followed me home. I could never find body parts for it. So it sat in my garage, and then I moved, and it cost me money to move it, and it sat in my garage some more. To get to the other side of the garage, I had to walk across the hood. Large cars are like that. Finally, I decided that either I am going to do something with it, or else I am going to send it to the junk yard.

Late in 2005, I asked a bodyman friend of mine if he would let me move that car into his shop and if he would teach me how to do body work. He said "Sure". Damned fool! Anyhow, I bought a parts car on eBay, and I dragged a trailer from Dayton, Ohio to just south of Fresno and picked up the most beautiful rolling chassis 1965 New Yorker coupe you have ever seen. Any rate, cut the quarter panels and trunk floor out of that one, welded it into the other one, and today I have a CC1 Ice Blue Newport convertible that I am really proud of.

So good things do come out of cluttered garages!
WOW! Man, that's no mere clean-out job, that's a career!
Congrats on trying to clean out. It must be a great feeling to get that mess straight. Keep us posted. I cant wait till the finished pix! Good luck.
ah but the big money question is.....whats going to happen when you help another friend move lol.
moved to washington late last year. i am out in the garage trying to put everything in its place and am having to cut boxes open. wish i could remember buying some of this stuff....but i am glad mine did not look like the pictures.........
I've been working on this garage as much as possible when I have time. It's been hit and miss lately. Grandma in the hospital and now back out, my daughter had a food allergy reaction this weekend and the weather. I'm ready to tackle the shelves right inside the door. They were set up like a mini parts store when I first set up the garage. They aren't that bad but there is a mountain of stuff still packed on the floor between them. I've got some extra shelves to install in those frames that I got when a buddy moved so I can pack more stuff on them. At one point I had about every spare part for a Dart or Duster that one would need to build a car from a bare unibody. If you can imagine that all in the garage, you can understand that I've made progress.
What's funny is I've seen many a garage much worse than mine with just JUNK and GARBAGE in them. At least I can have solice knowing that I have Mopar parts.
if you are ever in eastern washington, drive down 231 or 291 and you will see peoples yards that make your garage when you started look neat. have a neighbor that has piles of clothes in his yard. has an old fifth wheel parked and under the front of it is just piles of junk. they were living in a school bus that had a wood burning stove outside of it for heat. i am hoping to get pictures of it some time soon. looks kind of like he is starting his own transfer station it is so bad. but at least they no longer crap in a home depot bucket under the tree no more....
ah but the big money question is.....whats going to happen when you help another friend move lol.

Uh, well, if it's a good Mopar part that is going to be orphaned, then it will go into this garage.
You have stayed busy :cheers: If I ever get up that way to see family I will give you a call and do some supervising before anything hits the trash can :-D
That's a MoPar garage for sure !! =P~
It's a few minutes from being the 18th of September. I officially started this project a month ago. I've been working feverishly this week since my grandmothers passing to get the stuff I had laying outside picked up. I sure don't want my mom's house to look like a **** hole with my stuff all over if she has company this weekend after the services. Well, after all this time... I'm still not done. I've made HUGE improvements, cleaned parts, organized as much stuff as I can, but I'm still a loooong ways off. I had to stuff a bunch of crap back in tonight just to get it out of the driveway. To me, it looked as bad as it did in the beginning. After looking at the pictures I posted a month ago, I feel better. I'll try to take an updated picture tomorrow and post it for your amusement.
Two words GARAGE SALE!!!! just let me know if you decide to have one so I can be first in line.
You cleaning out that garage reminds me of that old Saying from the Navy, It's not just a job it's an adventure! I bet cleaning out some of that stuff was hard work but at the same time like an early Christmas. I do that sometimes going through boxs that have sat on the shelves for a few years, you forget about stuff you buy and then bamm! its like seeing an old friend again that you havent seen in years.
Wow! I'm still trying to visualize how you got the door open without triggering a deadly crapalanche. Given my own tendencies, my future garage will probably reach critical mess within three years. In my mind's eye, there'll be a family of Sasquatch holed-up in there. It's cool though - they'll keep the venomous spiders away. 8)
Wow! I'm still trying to visualize how you got the door open without triggering a deadly crapalanche. Given my own tendencies, my future garage will probably reach critical mess within three years. In my mind's eye, there'll be a family of Sasquatch holed-up in there. It's cool though - they'll keep the venomous spiders away. 8)

That's funny!

Whatever you do....don't go messin' with him :naka: