My Mother Passed Away Tonight....

Ramcharger I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your mom.
My heart goes out to you.
My mom past away 4 year ago this June and my wife's mom past away from cancer 2 months later. That was a bad summer for us.

You'll always have your memories of the good times you had.
Sometimes you'll do something, see or smell something that brings back all those memories.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Tom and Mary
What a great thing to do David =D> Looking good there for an old fart :thumbrig:
Robert "ramenth" has the gift of the lords words and I am so blessed to have a man stand and give us a prayer:happy2: Thank you ramenth and amen [-o<
Joe :bball:I am sure you will be needed and will step up to the plate and do what you need to do, Don't sweet it bud :salut:it will come together when you join your family.

I hope this is ok 8) I do this with great respect :love7:
Here is to your mom brother Joe :drinkers:
I can't lie, it just something I wanted to do for your mom and I :love7:
Joe, Deepest condolences are being sent from both of us to you and your family. The stories you've shared of her accomplishments are truly a testament to her legacy! Cherish the memories, good times and lessons learned.

Great story about the quilt........ It needs a special spot that I'm sure you'll find. A dog hair or two wouldn't hurt :grommit: 8) I hope they're finally enjoying the house by the lake!! :) :angel9:
Joe I'm very sorry to hear of your mother's passing. I apologize for not responding earlier. I don't get on the general forum enough and miss alot of things. My prayers are with you.
I tried so very hard to get things done yesterday but I'd think of something that needed to be done, walk into the room, and just stare at the ground lost deep in thought. I'd shake my head and realize that I forgot what I was doing there. I must've done that 15 times yesterday. I even forgot to feed the dogs until 10:30 in the morning.

I slept 10 hours last night and I feel much better today. Getting ready to walk the monsters and clean up for Doktor_X so he doesn't have to deal with a dirty house. It's hard to keep the house clean with the mud pit outside that used to be my back yard. I made I giant pot of coffee too. :) I'll have to be up tomorrow by 5AM to get the dogs walked, fed and watered and out to the airport. I suppose I'll start writing the eulogy on the plane.

Thanks again everyone for your support and prayers. You all are the best.

Mike feel free to tip one for mom. :) I'm waiting until after the wake and funeral. I'm going to need to be in tip top shape to be there for my family.