Need help/advice with 5.7 swap



Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Biloxi, MS
i recently picked up a 5.7 hemi from a 13' chally and have been wanting to do a new hemi swap for a long time, i do want to go carbed and ill be hooking up to a 727, i know that i need aftermarket mounts, headers, intake, something to run the coil packs, and oil pan, but what else would i need? are there any problems i can expect to run into or avoid? and is there a nice performance cam anyone can recommend? thanks for any input!
I would'nt carb that new of Hemi that has VVT and even possibly MDS. In the end you will be money ahead to just keep the factory EFI intact and reap the benefits of it.
Cant comment on suitability of a new 5.7 with vvt for carb induction.....

...but you'll need a radiator with the inlet / outlet on your passenger side, and electric fans.

You'll also need a. conversion flex plate, Milodon or other brand pan, milodon pick up, milodon pan bolts, milodon splash tray, milodon dipstick, idler pulley, power steer delete pulley, and the main cap bolts to swap in when you change the pick up because re-using the original bolts is not advised.

Also need to think about what intake, what carb....what fuel pump/line, what alternator.
Hopefully it was a manual transmission car, unless you are going to transplant the transmission too. That takes some significant work to do. If not, from what I've been hearing, the 5.7 computers don't like not having their transmission signals missing. And, as mentioned above, you will have no power steering unless you go Alterkation or something along those lines.

You are talking about a high dollar swap either way, even if you do most of the work yourself. It gets done all the time, but there's a learning curve and some parts of it are pretty steep.

That's why I went with the 5.9 Magnum w/EFI. That was a learning experience too. A few years later, I'm stroking the motor to 408", adding an automatic overdrive, upgrading the suspension and brakes even more, adding 3.91 gears, upgrading the seats and adding even more chassis stiffening. It runs, drives and handles like a dream now, but at less than 3000 lbs with only 275 to 300 hp , 3.23's and a non-lock-up 727. It just isn't fast enough....yet. I believe it's only in the mid 13's set up like this, but not for long.

Your 5.7 should be a rocket with the factory EFI with the right ECM and a good re-flashed tune.
Well I'm definitely going the carbed route, what do I do about the vvt?
New timing chain and tensioner
Comp cams VVT lock out kit
Custom cam from Modern Muscle or other vendor
Hardened pushrods
Non mds lifters and yokes
Correct valve springs for cam and eagle heads
Locks and retainers
Milodon oil pan and related hardware if you can't make the stock wind age tray/gasket work
Milodon pick up
Ritter drag pack style intake (preferred for single 4 bbl carb) or mod man for 6.1
750 cfm carb
Tti 6.1 headers
Tti motor mounts
MPS gaskets if the stock ones are deemed not reuse able stock would work
Any o ring gaskets that are damages during tear down
FAST XMI ignition module and wiring harness

That should cover the basics and work out to 500-520 crank hp or 550+ with CnC ported heads.

If you have any questions about anything, you know how to reach me.

Oh and an ATI Flex plate for the 727. ATI because they are in stock, beefy and do not require a spacer.

I am putting a 2013 5.7 hemi in a challenger. Was told you can't use the milodon pan from Modern muscle (on the 2013 engines). Using a Charlie's pan which allows you to use the stock windage tray/gasket and stock pan bolts too.
A parts list I have to this engine is :
Pan $ 375 (Charlie's )
pickup $ 95
Milodon Dipstick 22064 $79.88
TTI mounts $ 134
TTI headers $730
You will need the factory oil filter 45 degree adapter mopar 53013680AD $ 80.22 ( stock filter hangs straight down and hits TTI mount on passenger side.
You will need a Main cap stud mopar 06506333AA . The charlies pickup uses this stud to bolt to.
This is a torque to yield bolt on main cap , specs for this engine are: step 1-10ft lb 2- 20ft lb. 3-- tighten 90 degrees more.

We are keeping the factory efi, just my opinion is the only way to go .
$2265.10 for the wiring harness, factory efi computer, and o2 sensors and drive by wire gas pedal.


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There are huge / hot debates on whether to run Fuel Injection or a Carb. There are pros and cons to both. In the case of the 2013 motor, though in my opinion fuel injection has a number of key advantages.

1. You will not have to delete the MDS.
2. You will not have to delete VVT
3. You gain Variable length intake runners.

Why are you so set on ditching the FI?


Joe Dokes
New timing chain and tensioner
Comp cams VVT lock out kit
Custom cam from Modern Muscle or other vendor
Hardened pushrods
Non mds lifters and yokes
Correct valve springs for cam and eagle heads
Locks and retainers
Milodon oil pan and related hardware if you can't make the stock wind age tray/gasket work
Milodon pick up
Ritter drag pack style intake (preferred for single 4 bbl carb) or mod man for 6.1
750 cfm carb
Tti 6.1 headers
Tti motor mounts
MPS gaskets if the stock ones are deemed not reuse able stock would work
Any o ring gaskets that are damages during tear down
FAST XMI ignition module and wiring harness

That should cover the basics and work out to 500-520 crank hp or 550+ with CnC ported heads.

If you have any questions about anything, you know how to reach me.

Oh and an ATI Flex plate for the 727. ATI because they are in stock, beefy and do not require a spacer.


So I have a factory crate 6.1 with dyno tuned dual quads on a modman and a SRTMAX Plus cam installed as per the card.

Gotta ask...Why ain't I making 520-550 HP?
Cevidicus claimed 500-520 achievable with a Modman..... Just sayin....

And are 6.1 heads any worse at making power than Eagles? Not sure about that either.....

I BELIEVE (always dangerous) that the 5.7L Eagle heads flow about the same as the 6.1L heads, they both have the same port opening, so you can more easily put a 6.1L intake manifold on a 5.7L engine.

In terms of potential, they are also about the same. Both can be ported to flow 350+ CFM. The 6.4L Heads are even better since they come with a larger intake valve and the 6.4 L motor has a slightly bigger bore which means that the intake valve has even less shrouding by the cylinder wall.

As always keep in mind that people don't race flow benches. I once read an article about a set of 351W Ford heads. They put up some huge numbers, then I read the details, they flow benched the heads with 4.250" bore which was WAY bigger than the stock 4.00" bore. Thus, the flow bench numbers were largely a work of fiction.


Joe Dokes
The MM VVT cams are like .600 lift and have pretty nasty duration too. Quite a bit nastier than an SRTMax cam.
Cevidicus claimed 500-520 achievable with a Modman..... Just sayin....

And are 6.1 heads any worse at making power than Eagles? Not sure about that either.....

1970450767]So I have a factory crate 6.1 with dyno tuned dual quads on a modman and a SRTMAX Plus cam installed as per the card.

Gotta ask...Why ain't I making 520-550 HP?[/QUOTE]

I think you may not be making those kind of numbers because of your cam. It's designed for efi and is not really all that radical. But it's probably all you can get away with on a stock 6.1 due to piston to valve contact. As you have noted it is p to v clearance is close on your engine. Plus I don't think the mod man lends it self all that well to making maximum power and torque. My preference for the OP's engine is the drag pack style intake because I believe it's a better option for a single 4 bbl carb.

If you had some custom drop in pistons with proper valve reliefs and a more aggressive custom grind cam, I believe you could be making that 520-550 number with the stock 6.1 heads and 2-4 set up on your mod man.

Plus to reach the 550 number requires ported heads on either engine.

The MM VVT cams are like .600 lift and have pretty nasty duration too. Quite a bit nastier than an SRTMax cam.

Exactly. You can run a lot more cam on an eagle engine due to more piston to valve clearance and the rocker geometry is better due to longer valves.

My logic for those numbers is this: I have seen a stock bottom end 08 Hemi with ported 08 heads, an unported 6.1 intake with stock throttle body , tti headers, crane .590 lift 236/243 duration cam make 520 hp @ 6500 rpm and 445 tq @ 5700 rpm. So, it stands to reason in my mind and in my experiences that if you add a little bit more cam, 0.90 more compression, and 30 more cfm of head flow on ported eagles and the shorter runners of the drag pack intake that one could reasonably end up with 550 hp at 68-6900 rpm on a well thought out and build stock bottom end 09+ Eagle engine. Maybe my hypothetical numbers are a little liberal. Idk. I think I'm in the ballpark if not really close.
dont know if any of yall saw my other post or not but i found out im leaving this month to go work in north dakota on and off the next few years, so this hemi is up for trade with my 69 dart, would like to do it as a package deal, but will sell/trade them separately.
Thanks!! Mopow3r