Need help on 340 motor mounts



Technically Challenged!
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado
My new project, "68 formula S Barracuda, has a problem with drivers side motor mount lining up. I took pictures to show you what's happening. It looks like the drivers side needs to move forward about 1/2". Please advise. The passenger side lines up fine! Thanks in advance.


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Does the trans mount line up?

It looks like you have the motor mount properly positioned from the rear of the ears on the block.

It's not the way it was designed, but you may try putting the left motor mount on the front side of the mounting ears on the block to get it in the right position if you can't find any other fix....
Thanks for your reply. Trans mount lines up. And as far as I can tell, this is an original 340 car and engine.
Is it the correct mount? Meaning I had an E-body mount on my motor when I first tried to put the motor in my car. I played hell with it trying to get it to work. I did some research and found out I was using the wrong mount. I got the correct A-body mount and everything fell into place.
Just a thought.
maybe you have 318 mounts? they are about a half inch different than 340/36o mounts.
I have the same problem in my 73 duster which has a 68 Barracuda K frame. I ended up leaving the rubber mount loose because it's off set til the motor was in and then tighten. Then wrapped a chain threw the motor mount and around the k frame. It's a go car not a show car.
I'm converting to a 360 block now and I'm curious as I'm hearing something about the drivers side being a little different? I'll be following this thread closely as again I've this same exact problem.View attachment 20140701_180404.jpg
maybe you have 318 mounts? they are about a half inch different than 340/36o mounts.

No, I originally thought that, but if you look at the first picture, the ears of the block line up with the ears on the motor mount. He's off where the stud goes into the slot in the K-frame.
maybe you have 318 mounts? they are about a half inch different than 340/36o mounts.

I have the same problem in my 73 duster which has a 68 Barracuda K frame. I ended up leaving the rubber mount loose because it's off set til the motor was in and then tighten. Then wrapped a chain threw the motor mount and around the k frame. It's a go car not a show car.
I'm converting to a 360 block now and I'm curious as I'm hearing something about the drivers side being a little different? I'll be following this thread closely as again I've this same exact problem.View attachment 1714771354

The difference on the engineblock betwen the 318 and the 340/360 is that the rearward mounting ear on the block sits about ½" further forward on 340and360 blocks compared to a 318.

the 318 mounts will fit on the 340/360blocks with just a few washers or a nut used as a spacer to fit the rearward ear on the driverside. 340 or 360 driversidemount on a 318 probably wont work.

I believe the car in the originalpost either has a missmatch of some kind of brackets and or insulators, or the car is just that far of from the factory, these cars are all over the map in the precisiondepartment.
Thanks for all the information, I was thinking that there was a difference on motor mount brackets between 318 and 340. At least on the drivers side. The biscuit mounts are listed the same for 273, 318 and 340. does anyone have a picture of your drivers side 340 mount brackets?
i don't think a 318 mount has the rear ear for the 340 drivers' side rear boss. have to weld it on.
No, I originally thought that, but if you look at the first picture, the ears of the block line up with the ears on the motor mount. He's off where the stud goes into the slot in the K-frame.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This is my problem!^^^^^^^^^
I had to use a large pry-bar to force mount towards front of car to seat stud in k-frame.
Thanks for all the information, I was thinking that there was a difference on motor mount brackets between 318 and 340. At least on the drivers side. The biscuit mounts are listed the same for 273, 318 and 340. does anyone have a picture of your drivers side 340 mount brackets?

There is a difference betwen the 318 and 340 driver side bracket but its one that you can fix by adding a few washers as spacers betwen the rear ear on the block and the breacket on a 340 block since e the 318 bracket is wider compared to the 340 bracket. the 340 bracket however will probably NOT fit on a 318 block
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This is my problem!^^^^^^^^^
I had to use a large pry-bar to force mount towards front of car to seat stud in k-frame.

Probably the car being of from the factory or something else being of.
Will the 318 bracket fit on a 340 block? I think that may be the problem!

Yes it will fit,but you will have to use some kind of spacer betwen the rear ear on the block and the bracket,judging from the pictures this is not your isue since the bracket fits the block without using any spacer.
Thanks to everyone, I have it figured my problem out. I have a 340 block that the PO put 318 mount brackets on. Another example on how well this site works on technical issues! (1Fast340, krazykuda you guys rock)
the mounts in your picture are not 318 mounts unless they have been modified.
318 mounts are 3/8" wider than 340 mounts and do not have the high ear for the 340 / 360 rear boss. your fan square to your radiator?
Great! We got it...

Thanks for the feedback. That's how we learn more around here is to post what you found when you fixed it.
yes your engine will sit an inch or so to the passenger side,but is it square to the rad?
..a 318 motor mount (metal bracket between the block and rubber biscuit) is 3/8" wider than a 340 motor mount and does not have the top ear.
here are the 318 mounts i modified.
I welded the top ear on that bolts to rear 340/360 boss and rather than cut a section out and re-weld it to fit i added 2 thick washers.Hard to see but the mount is black and the grey area is actually 2 washers.
Mine is offset back somewhat like yours as well

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