need opinions...



Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
eastern CT
I need opinions on a value. It's a 65 Barracuda. Billed as a Formula S car (has a sway bar), 4sp, needs some body work, one floor pan, full paint job, has 360V8 junkyard swap in it, cheap duals, steel wheels, wrong seats, dash work like cut in aftermarket tach, radio, etc. No certicard, no fender tag (might be around, but not on car). I've owned a 66 a long time ago and never really got into it. So I'm curious what you guys think a market value would be.
Thanks, any and all opinions are valued.
IMO, if the 360 is good, if it drives well, $4000. On the plus side, it's a four-speed. The majority came with auto trans. On the negative side, nicer cudas are out there for not much more money.
Nope, I wont post pics. Looks mean little other than to pinpoint who owns it. It looks like a quickly done car and needs repainting. It's currently in primer. Has had some patches in the lower 1/4s and should have gotten (but didnt) the trunk extensions fixed. There's some filler cracking under the current exterior finish. Chrome is driver quality or worse, lenses are pretty faded and UV cracked. Front window was recently out, prob why the floor needs replacement. Trunk needs some patches too. Fuel tank is seaping... It looks to me like a quickly done and made-to-drive car. But I'd like a few opinions on the market for these cars.
One more question... How does one tell if it's a formula S option car? I'm guessing the fender tag with no Cert-a-Card? Can omeone tell me the codes I'm looking for?

Thanks, I am a bit of a rookie on these
It is worth what you will pay for it and what the seller will sell it for. If the $$$$ match you have a value.
There is no way to appraise a diamond without seeing it. I totally understand you not wanting to show your hand.
It's not worth much. Maybe $700 bucks. There is no market for early A-bodies. The only cars that hold value are '66 cars. D/Darts, HiPo cars, and survivors...LOW mile survivors.
I got into my 66 273(Brandnew)/4spd/83/4 fish with nice wheels and new tires with bad floors eveerything else nice for around $3500. I am happy with what I have in it but then I was wanting one for a road car.
I'd like to see the car if it is for sale. I guess I understand why someone wont post pictures, but how can you help out if you cant see it. I dont know, mine is in better condition, I got it for free. But it is not a 4speed car. Unless it has documentation of actually being a formula s than it isn't. At least not to anyone who will pay for the option. They are not worth crap. My favorite car, but not worth crap.
If you do buy the car you will enjoy it. The best thing about the early A-bodies, is the people who own them. I owned muscle cars in the late '70s when they could be bought cheap. I paid $2000 for my rust free, 4-speed, ram air, cameo white '69 GTO Judge. (that Judge was a pooch by the way) The people that owned these cars were diverse, and the fun we had in them was usually illegal, and certainly dangerous. I knew people who could speed shift a big block Chevelle, and roll a joint while doing it. The collector, the investment, the market, THE HOBBY, and everything else that crept into this scene have ruined it as far as I am concerned. These cars used to be about fun...sometimes inappropriate fun.
I like my '71 Demon, and it is pretty high on the cool-meter, but I prefer to hang with the early A-body crowd because they love their cars, and have fun with them, sans the constant $$$ harangue. Parts are still pretty cheap, and I haven't heard of anyone hanging bogus a VIN on a 273 car even if they made less of them than AAR 'cudas. Granted my idea of "fun" has changed somewhat over the years, but I still get a kick out of flippin' the bird to the establishment and burning some gas without worrying about stated value insurance.
Sorry gentlemen...end of sermon.
I have owned over 40 mopars in 22 years of driving. Mostly E bodies, a few Bs, probably 8 or 9 Abodies, and a few Cs. But only the one early A that I sat on and then sold when I needed cash. So they are my weak point. As far as looking... the car is as described. If you are familiar with old cars, the body is as described and that's enough for a rough idea of the value. I would never post a vin, and I dont want to bother the seller by posting it, or get sniped by someone else. As I said, not my first time around the I know thye are the forgotten years. I like the look myself, but IMO the car isnt worth the asking price. I'll let you know if I get it. It is close to a "jump in and drive" car from what I can tell. Just not done really well.
From the list of parts and the condition of the vehicle as you described it, I would offer an assessment of $1200.00 to maybe $1500.00. And that's only if it is actually a Formula S car. I have had many of these cars over the past 10 years and I am fairly confident about my estimate, but without actually seeing it, it is difficult to acurately assess it. If it is not a Formula S car, I would pay no more than $750.00. No paint job or dual exhaust, 360 junkyard dog or other items will change the fact that it will all need to be done again to do the body work and fix the floors, not to mention replacing all of the items that would need to be replaced to make it worth what a good example would fetch, which in these times would be no more than $8500.00. Believe me, I wish these cars were worth more, but that's the facts!! I have about $15,000.00 into the car pictured in my avatar, and that's spread out over 12 years and some VERY good deals along the way!!! Just my opinion, but an informed opinion!!! Good luck, Geof
Thanks to all. Geof, I appreciate the opinion. I have a figure in my head. I couldnt call tonight, but I'll get him on the phone and see whats' what.
Well you could buy my car, and drive it home.

$9995.00 asking price.


Cave, nice looking car but the early Valiants don't do much for me... Plus with a divorce pending Thursday this week, and a couple other projects in the wings, I can't spend anywhere near that on anything.
Ah well. Spoke to the fellow. He sounds like a decent guy. But.. the car has an out of state title, not legal here, has no fender tag, no build sheet. No major repairs or replacements in terms of restoration. Brakes have issues, windshield is cracked (I didnt see that one). He's firm on $6K. So, I'm passing on it. It's a neat little car, but not $6Kneat.
Ah well. Spoke to the fellow. He sounds like a decent guy. But.. the car has an out of state title, not legal here, has no fender tag, no build sheet. No major repairs or replacements in terms of restoration. Brakes have issues, windshield is cracked (I didnt see that one). He's firm on $6K. So, I'm passing on it. It's a neat little car, but not $6Kneat.

You are wise Grasshopper, to pass on that 6K deal. There are a couple of early A's around me right now, one a 66 convertible, priced at less than 2K. Your fellow must be related to the guy near me with this 71 Dart, 6 cyl. auto, $3500.00, OUCH!!! Have fun ya'll!! Geof

Cave, nice looking car but the early Valiants don't do much for me... Plus with a divorce pending Thursday this week, and a couple other projects in the wings, I can't spend anywhere near that on anything.

Ok, just an idea. Good luck with the divorce.Been there done that. :( :pain10: