Need Prayers

I just responded to the prayer request from Oldschoolcuda and It reminded me to update and thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my Dad who is still in the hospital after 15 or so days. Long story short, (not really) he has Emphysema (COPD) pretty bad. Fluid started building up in his lungs from his sinus's draining but that's not why we took him to the hospital. A few weeks ago he started talking like his tongue was swollen. Along with that his throat muscles wouldn't work right and he couldn't swallow. He kept saying he was ok but we knew better. After too many days of not eating he was very weak. That's why we sent him. He was in the Intensive Care Unit for a few days with a chest tube, forcing oxygen and suctioning out the fluid. Even after a few days, his blood o2 levels were in the upper 70's to low 80's. (it should be 100) A neurologist studied his symptoms and came up with a test. If the serum he injected in Dad's i v line would make him talk normal without a thick tongue there was a good chance he had Myasthenia Gravis a relatively rare nuro-muscular disease that attacks the nurons that make your muscles work. Within 20 seconds of the injection he was talking normal as you or me. They put him on some meds for it for a couple days but it wasn't helping. He was giving up. He was tired of fighting and asked us to "pull the plug". That was a tough thing to hear!!!! He has a living will and we had to honor his request.
We were so lucky to have a nurse named Taylor that came in with an idea the neurologist wanted to try. Double the dose and double the frequency of the meds for 12 hours and put him on b-pap. Taylor talked Dad into not giving up and giving it a try. She told him that she wanted to come in tomorrow and see him alive. Well she did! She is an angel! He started getting better the very next day. We were all making funeral plans because that's what Dad wanted but Taylor changed his mind. God bless her and the Dr. that came up with the test. Mom cried when I told her about all you kind folks that sent prayers and well wishes. From all over the world we received strength from you kind folks. We are all so grateful. He is in Rehab now after laying in a hospital bed for 14 days hooked up to machines to keep his lungs working and nourishment in his blood. He is still pretty week but he can walk down the hall and back with a walker and do some exercises twice a day. He is on semi solid foods and was so excited to have a pancake with butter and lots of syrup this morning for breakfast. Don't take anything for granted. The little things mean the most sometimes. That's almost the end of the story. Hopefully he can go home next week and get back to life. I feel confident he will celebrate his 80th. birthday on April 21st. Thanks again and God bless you all. Mike
Here's a couple shots. I didn't have the heart to take a photo of him at his worst. so what you see is in ICU and in Rehab.


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Your dad's looking pretty good! Hope he has many happy years left
Wow, that's fantastic! I hope he continues to improve and you have many more happy memories together. Prayers sent.
As I wake this morning and read this thread and the nurse stepping up to the plate and making a good call made my morning .
My prayers are sent out to all the folks around your dad Mike, and for continued strength for your father, God bless
Wow, the nurse named Taylor definately did not miss her calling in life, what she did for your Dad and your family is awesome. Prayers still coming!
Wow, the nurse named Taylor definately did not miss her calling in life, what she did for your Dad and your family is awesome. Prayers still coming!

No doubt,...Sometime all a patient needs is a "mental" boost,....Now get yer Dad outa there and make a few more memories....
Thanks for the updates, Still Praying, Bless nurse Taylor.
Very happy to wake up to this good news.

Just an update, Dad is in the hospital again. He is unresponsive and has a chest tube in again (which he didn't want) His blood pressure was very low and they gave him drugs to raise it but it's not working. He has a Do Not Resuscitate order so we may have to take him off the vent today then it's in God's hands when he leaves us. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers to keep us strong.
Praying for you and your family, God Bless.

Sad to hear this, Prayers sent for your dad, also for you and your family
Hang in there Mike ... I know this is a very hard time right now. < hug > If you need an ear or a shoulder, I always have one available for you.
Thoughts and prayers on the way, Mike, for your Dad, you and your family. I know these are hard times as I've gone through them with both of my parents, but always keep the good memories close to your heart and your Dad will always be with you. I found it helped during this time to discuss favorite family memories and fun times.
Stay strong.
Prayers sent Mike. Although we often don't understand God's plan, he is in control of everything all the time.

I wish you and your family God's peace during this trying time.

God Bless!
So happy to read about his turn around.More prayers from us.