Need some prayers



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
Hi everyone, I just got word from my Step-dad that his sister Marj(my Aunt) has been diagnosed with kidney cancer. She is an amazing caring woman that lost her husband Terry 5 years ago to cancer. She has just started to come out of her shell and enjoy life after the loss of her husband. This is the same lady that generously extended her genorosity to me as she lives in Saskatoon about 2 hours from me. My mom and I stayed with her a few weeks ago when we came out to Unity to check out my new employment and look for accomodations. I stopped at her place on my way driving out here as well. She is fighting to get an MRI done asap, and has looked into having a private one done at a Medical facility in Edmonton. She is 68 years old and Im unsure of what her options are. I havent spoken to her as I am dreading the conversation.

Prayers sent for your Aunt Steve. And I pray for your strength for the conversation.
Sorry to hear this.

Prayers sent for a special lady. tmm
Prayers sent Steve. Our family has also been touched by cancer. Hope she beats it!
prayers for your aunt and your family.
Prayers sent Steve. There doing great work these days on this "C" shi?..stuff. I know it personally with my better half. Keeping positive thoughts for your Aunt. :thumleft: